path: root/Postman/PostmanViewController.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Postman/PostmanViewController.php')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Postman/PostmanViewController.php b/Postman/PostmanViewController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d7f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Postman/PostmanViewController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+if (! class_exists ( 'PostmanViewController' )) {
+ class PostmanViewController {
+ private $logger;
+ private $rootPluginFilenameAndPath;
+ private $options;
+ private $authorizationToken;
+ private $oauthScribe;
+ private $importableConfiguration;
+ private $adminController;
+ const POSTMAN_MENU_SLUG = 'postman';
+ // style sheets and scripts
+ const POSTMAN_STYLE = 'postman_style';
+ const JQUERY_SCRIPT = 'jquery';
+ const POSTMAN_SCRIPT = 'postman_script';
+ //
+ const BACK_ARROW_SYMBOL = '&#11013;';
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param PostmanOptions $options
+ * @param PostmanOAuthToken $authorizationToken
+ * @param PostmanConfigTextHelper $oauthScribe
+ */
+ function __construct($rootPluginFilenameAndPath, PostmanOptions $options, PostmanOAuthToken $authorizationToken, PostmanConfigTextHelper $oauthScribe, PostmanAdminController $adminController) {
+ $this->options = $options;
+ $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath = $rootPluginFilenameAndPath;
+ $this->authorizationToken = $authorizationToken;
+ $this->oauthScribe = $oauthScribe;
+ $this->adminController = $adminController;
+ $this->logger = new PostmanLogger ( get_class ( $this ) );
+ PostmanUtils::registerAdminMenu ( $this, 'generateDefaultContent' );
+ PostmanUtils::registerAdminMenu ( $this, 'addPurgeDataSubmenu' );
+ // initialize the scripts, stylesheets and form fields
+ add_action ( 'admin_init', array (
+ $this,
+ 'registerStylesAndScripts'
+ ), 0 );
+ }
+ public static function getPageUrl($slug) {
+ return PostmanUtils::getPageUrl ( $slug );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add options page
+ */
+ public function generateDefaultContent() {
+ // This page will be under "Settings"
+ $pageTitle = sprintf ( __ ( '%s Setup', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), __ ( 'Postman SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ $pluginName = __ ( 'Postman SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $uniqueId = self::POSTMAN_MENU_SLUG;
+ $pageOptions = array (
+ $this,
+ 'outputDefaultContent'
+ );
+ $mainPostmanSettingsPage = add_options_page ( $pageTitle, $pluginName, Postman::MANAGE_POSTMAN_CAPABILITY_NAME, $uniqueId, $pageOptions );
+ // When the plugin options page is loaded, also load the stylesheet
+ add_action ( 'admin_print_styles-' . $mainPostmanSettingsPage, array (
+ $this,
+ 'enqueueHomeScreenStylesheet'
+ ) );
+ }
+ function enqueueHomeScreenStylesheet() {
+ wp_enqueue_style ( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_STYLE );
+ wp_enqueue_script ( 'postman_script' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register the Email Test screen
+ */
+ public function addPurgeDataSubmenu() {
+ $page = add_submenu_page ( null, sprintf ( __ ( '%s Setup', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), __ ( 'Postman SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ), __ ( 'Postman SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), Postman::MANAGE_POSTMAN_CAPABILITY_NAME, PostmanAdminController::MANAGE_OPTIONS_PAGE_SLUG, array (
+ $this,
+ 'outputPurgeDataContent'
+ ) );
+ // When the plugin options page is loaded, also load the stylesheet
+ add_action ( 'admin_print_styles-' . $page, array (
+ $this,
+ 'enqueueHomeScreenStylesheet'
+ ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register and add settings
+ */
+ public function registerStylesAndScripts() {
+ if ($this->logger->isTrace ()) {
+ $this->logger->trace ( 'registerStylesAndScripts()' );
+ }
+ // register the stylesheet and javascript external resources
+ $pluginData = apply_filters ( 'postman_get_plugin_metadata', null );
+ wp_register_style ( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_STYLE, plugins_url ( 'style/postman.css', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), null, $pluginData ['version'] );
+ wp_register_style ( 'jquery_ui_style', plugins_url ( 'style/jquery-steps/jquery-ui.css', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_STYLE, '1.1.0' );
+ wp_register_style ( 'jquery_steps_style', plugins_url ( 'style/jquery-steps/jquery.steps.css', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_STYLE, '1.1.0' );
+ wp_register_script ( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_SCRIPT, plugins_url ( 'script/postman.js', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), array (
+ PostmanViewController::JQUERY_SCRIPT
+ ), $pluginData ['version'] );
+ wp_register_script ( 'sprintf', plugins_url ( 'script/sprintf/sprintf.min.js', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), null, '1.0.2' );
+ wp_register_script ( 'jquery_steps_script', plugins_url ( 'script/jquery-steps/jquery.steps.min.js', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), array (
+ PostmanViewController::JQUERY_SCRIPT
+ ), '1.1.0' );
+ wp_register_script ( 'jquery_validation', plugins_url ( 'script/jquery-validate/jquery.validate.min.js', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), array (
+ PostmanViewController::JQUERY_SCRIPT
+ ), '1.13.1' );
+ wp_localize_script ( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_SCRIPT, 'postman_ajax_msg', array (
+ 'bad_response' => __ ( 'An unexpected error occurred', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ),
+ 'corrupt_response' => __ ( 'Unexpected PHP messages corrupted the Ajax response', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN )
+ ) );
+ wp_localize_script ( 'jquery_steps_script', 'steps_current_step', 'steps_current_step' );
+ wp_localize_script ( 'jquery_steps_script', 'steps_pagination', 'steps_pagination' );
+ wp_localize_script ( 'jquery_steps_script', 'steps_finish', _x ( 'Finish', 'Press this button to Finish this task', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ wp_localize_script ( 'jquery_steps_script', 'steps_next', _x ( 'Next', 'Press this button to go to the next step', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ wp_localize_script ( 'jquery_steps_script', 'steps_previous', _x ( 'Previous', 'Press this button to go to the previous step', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ wp_localize_script ( 'jquery_steps_script', 'steps_loading', 'steps_loading' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Options page callback
+ */
+ public function outputDefaultContent() {
+ // Set class property
+ print '<div class="wrap">';
+ $this->displayTopNavigation ();
+ if (! PostmanPreRequisitesCheck::isReady ()) {
+ printf ( '<p><span style="color:red; padding:2px 0; font-size:1.1em">%s</span></p>', __ ( 'Postman is unable to run. Email delivery is being handled by WordPress (or another plugin).', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ } else {
+ $statusMessage = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance ()->getReadyMessage ();
+ if (PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance ()->getActiveTransport ()->isConfiguredAndReady ()) {
+ if ($this->options->getRunMode () != PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_PRODUCTION) {
+ printf ( '<p><span style="background-color:yellow">%s</span></p>', $statusMessage );
+ } else {
+ printf ( '<p><span style="color:green;padding:2px 0; font-size:1.1em">%s</span></p>', $statusMessage );
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf ( '<p><span style="color:red; padding:2px 0; font-size:1.1em">%s</span></p>', $statusMessage );
+ }
+ $this->printDeliveryDetails ();
+ /* translators: where %d is the number of emails delivered */
+ print '<p style="margin:10px 10px"><span>';
+ printf ( _n ( 'Postman has delivered <span style="color:green">%d</span> email.', 'Postman has delivered <span style="color:green">%d</span> emails.', PostmanState::getInstance ()->getSuccessfulDeliveries (), Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), PostmanState::getInstance ()->getSuccessfulDeliveries () );
+ if ($this->options->isMailLoggingEnabled ()) {
+ print ' ';
+ printf ( __ ( 'The last %d email attempts are recorded <a href="%s">in the log</a>.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), PostmanOptions::getInstance ()->getMailLoggingMaxEntries (), PostmanUtils::getEmailLogPageUrl () );
+ }
+ print '</span></p>';
+ }
+ if ($this->options->isNew ()) {
+ printf ( '<h3 style="padding-top:10px">%s</h3>', __ ( 'Thank-you for choosing Postman!', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ /* translators: where %s is the URL of the Setup Wizard */
+ printf ( '<p><span>%s</span></p>', sprintf ( __ ( 'Let\'s get started! All users are strongly encouraged to <a href="%s">run the Setup Wizard</a>.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanConfigurationController::CONFIGURATION_WIZARD_SLUG ) ) );
+ printf ( '<p><span>%s</span></p>', sprintf ( __ ( 'Alternately, <a href="%s">manually configure</a> your own settings and/or modify advanced options.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanConfigurationController::CONFIGURATION_SLUG ) ) );
+ } else {
+ if (PostmanState::getInstance ()->isTimeToReviewPostman () && ! PostmanOptions::getInstance ()->isNew ()) {
+ print '</br><hr width="70%"></br>';
+ /* translators: where %s is the URL to the review and ratings page */
+ printf ( '%s</span></p>', sprintf ( __ ( 'Please consider <a href="%s">leaving a review</a> to help spread the word! :D', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), '' ) );
+ }
+ printf ( '<p><span>%s :-)</span></p>', sprintf ( __ ( 'Postman needs translators! Please take a moment to <a href="%s">translate a few sentences on-line</a>', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), '' ) );
+ }
+ printf ( '<p><span>%s</span></p>', __ ( '<b style="background-color:yellow">New for v1.7!</style></b> Send mail with the Mandrill or SendGrid APIs.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ private function printDeliveryDetails() {
+ $currentTransport = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance ()->getActiveTransport ();
+ $deliveryDetails = $currentTransport->getDeliveryDetails ( $this->options );
+ printf ( '<p style="margin:0 10px"><span>%s</span></p>', $deliveryDetails );
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param unknown $title
+ * @param string $slug
+ */
+ public static function outputChildPageHeader($title, $slug = '') {
+ printf ( '<h2>%s</h2>', sprintf ( __ ( '%s Setup', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), __ ( 'Postman SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ) );
+ printf ( '<div id="postman-main-menu" class="welcome-panel %s">', $slug );
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-content">';
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-column-container">';
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-column welcome-panel-last">';
+ printf ( '<h4>%s</h4>', $title );
+ print '</div>';
+ printf ( '<p id="back_to_main_menu">%s <a id="back_to_menu_link" href="%s">%s</a></p>', self::BACK_ARROW_SYMBOL, PostmanUtils::getSettingsPageUrl (), _x ( 'Back To Main Menu', 'Return to main menu link', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ print '</div></div></div>';
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ public function outputPurgeDataContent() {
+ $importTitle = __ ( 'Import', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $exportTile = __ ( 'Export', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $resetTitle = __ ( 'Reset Plugin', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $options = $this->options;
+ print '<div class="wrap">';
+ PostmanViewController::outputChildPageHeader ( sprintf ( '%s/%s/%s', $importTitle, $exportTile, $resetTitle ) );
+ print '<section id="export_settings">';
+ printf ( '<h3><span>%s<span></h3>', $exportTile );
+ printf ( '<p><span>%s</span></p>', __ ( 'Copy this data into another instance of Postman to duplicate the configuration.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ $data = '';
+ if (! PostmanPreRequisitesCheck::checkZlibEncode ()) {
+ $extraDeleteButtonAttributes = sprintf ( 'disabled="true"' );
+ $data = '';
+ } else {
+ $extraDeleteButtonAttributes = '';
+ if (! $options->isNew ()) {
+ $data = $options->export ();
+ }
+ }
+ printf ( '<textarea cols="80" rows="5" readonly="true" name="settings" %s>%s</textarea>', $extraDeleteButtonAttributes, $data );
+ print '</section>';
+ print '<section id="import_settings">';
+ printf ( '<h3><span>%s<span></h3>', $importTitle );
+ print '<form method="POST" action="' . get_admin_url () . 'admin-post.php">';
+ wp_nonce_field ( PostmanAdminController::IMPORT_SETTINGS_SLUG );
+ printf ( '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%s" />', PostmanAdminController::IMPORT_SETTINGS_SLUG );
+ print '<p>';
+ printf ( '<span>%s</span>', __ ( 'Paste data from another instance of Postman here to duplicate the configuration.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ if (PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance ()->getSelectedTransport ()->isOAuthUsed ( PostmanOptions::getInstance ()->getAuthenticationType () )) {
+ $warning = __ ( 'Warning', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $errorMessage = __ ( 'Using the same OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Client Secret from this site at the same time as another site will cause failures.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ printf ( ' <span><b>%s</b>: %s</span>', $warning, $errorMessage );
+ }
+ print '</p>';
+ printf ( '<textarea cols="80" rows="5" name="settings" %s></textarea>', $extraDeleteButtonAttributes );
+ submit_button ( __ ( 'Import', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), 'primary', 'import', true, $extraDeleteButtonAttributes );
+ print '</form>';
+ print '</section>';
+ print '<section id="delete_settings">';
+ printf ( '<h3><span>%s<span></h3>', $resetTitle );
+ print '<form method="POST" action="' . get_admin_url () . 'admin-post.php">';
+ wp_nonce_field ( PostmanAdminController::PURGE_DATA_SLUG );
+ printf ( '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%s" />', PostmanAdminController::PURGE_DATA_SLUG );
+ printf ( '<p><span>%s</span></p><p><span>%s</span></p>', __ ( 'This will purge all of Postman\'s settings, including account credentials and the email log.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), __ ( 'Are you sure?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ $extraDeleteButtonAttributes = 'style="background-color:red;color:white"';
+ if ($this->options->isNew ()) {
+ $extraDeleteButtonAttributes .= ' disabled="true"';
+ }
+ submit_button ( $resetTitle, 'delete', 'submit', true, $extraDeleteButtonAttributes );
+ print '</form>';
+ print '</section>';
+ print '</div>';
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ private function displayTopNavigation() {
+ screen_icon ();
+ printf ( '<h2>%s</h2>', sprintf ( __ ( '%s Setup', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), __ ( 'Postman SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ) );
+ print '<div id="postman-main-menu" class="welcome-panel">';
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-content">';
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-column-container">';
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-column">';
+ printf ( '<h4>%s</h4>', __ ( 'Configuration', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ printf ( '<a class="button button-primary button-hero" href="%s">%s</a>', $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanConfigurationController::CONFIGURATION_WIZARD_SLUG ), __ ( 'Start the Wizard', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ printf ( '<p class="">or <a href="%s" class="configure_manually">%s</a></p>', $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanConfigurationController::CONFIGURATION_SLUG ), __ ( 'Show All Settings', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ print '</div>';
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-column">';
+ printf ( '<h4>%s</h4>', _x ( 'Actions', 'Main Menu', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ print '<ul>';
+ // Grant permission with Google
+ PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance ()->getSelectedTransport ()->printActionMenuItem ();
+ if (PostmanWpMailBinder::getInstance ()->isBound ()) {
+ printf ( '<li><a href="%s" class="welcome-icon send_test_email">%s</a></li>', $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanSendTestEmailController::EMAIL_TEST_SLUG ), __ ( 'Send a Test Email', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ } else {
+ printf ( '<li><div class="welcome-icon send_test_email">%s</div></li>', __ ( 'Send a Test Email', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ }
+ // import-export-reset menu item
+ if (! $this->options->isNew () || true) {
+ $purgeLinkPattern = '<li><a href="%1$s" class="welcome-icon oauth-authorize">%2$s</a></li>';
+ } else {
+ $purgeLinkPattern = '<li>%2$s</li>';
+ }
+ $importTitle = __ ( 'Import', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $exportTile = __ ( 'Export', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $resetTitle = __ ( 'Reset Plugin', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
+ $importExportReset = sprintf ( '%s/%s/%s', $importTitle, $exportTile, $resetTitle );
+ printf ( $purgeLinkPattern, $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanAdminController::MANAGE_OPTIONS_PAGE_SLUG ), sprintf ( '%s', $importExportReset ) );
+ print '</ul>';
+ print '</div>';
+ print '<div class="welcome-panel-column welcome-panel-last">';
+ printf ( '<h4>%s</h4>', _x ( 'Troubleshooting', 'Main Menu', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ print '<ul>';
+ printf ( '<li><a href="%s" class="welcome-icon run-port-test">%s</a></li>', $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanConnectivityTestController::PORT_TEST_SLUG ), __ ( 'Connectivity Test', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ printf ( '<li><a href="%s" class="welcome-icon run-port-test">%s</a></li>', $this->getPageUrl ( PostmanDiagnosticTestController::DIAGNOSTICS_SLUG ), __ ( 'Diagnostic Test', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ printf ( '<li><a href="" class="welcome-icon postman_support">%s</a></li>', __ ( 'Online Support', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) );
+ print '</ul></div></div></div></div>';
+ }
+ }
+ \ No newline at end of file