path: root/Postman/Postman-Send-Test-Email/postman_send_test_email.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Postman/Postman-Send-Test-Email/postman_send_test_email.js')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Postman/Postman-Send-Test-Email/postman_send_test_email.js b/Postman/Postman-Send-Test-Email/postman_send_test_email.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e9f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Postman/Postman-Send-Test-Email/postman_send_test_email.js
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+transcript = false;
+ function() {
+ ready = 0;
+ jQuery(postman_email_test.recipient).focus();
+ jQuery("#postman_test_email_wizard")
+ .steps(
+ {
+ forceMoveForward : true,
+ showFinishButtonAlways : true,
+ bodyTag : "fieldset",
+ headerTag : "h5",
+ transitionEffect : "slideLeft",
+ stepsOrientation : "vertical",
+ autoFocus : true,
+ labels : {
+ current : steps_current_step,
+ pagination : steps_pagination,
+ finish : steps_finish,
+ next : steps_next,
+ previous : steps_previous,
+ loading : steps_loading
+ },
+ onStepChanging : function(event, currentIndex,
+ newIndex) {
+ return handleStepChange(event,
+ currentIndex, newIndex,
+ jQuery(this));
+ },
+ onInit : function() {
+ jQuery(postman_email_test.recipient)
+ .focus();
+ jQuery('li + li').addClass('disabled');
+ },
+ onStepChanged : function(event, currentIndex,
+ priorIndex) {
+ return postHandleStepChange(event,
+ currentIndex, priorIndex,
+ jQuery(this));
+ },
+ onFinishing : function(event, currentIndex) {
+ return true;
+ },
+ onFinished : function(event, currentIndex) {
+ if (ready == 0) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ var form = jQuery(this);
+ form.submit();
+ }
+ }
+ }).validate({
+ errorPlacement : function(error, element) {
+ element.before(error);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function handleStepChange(event, currentIndex, newIndex, form) {
+ // Always allow going backward even if
+ // the current step contains invalid fields!
+ if (currentIndex > newIndex) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Clean up if user went backward
+ // before
+ if (currentIndex < newIndex) {
+ // To remove error styles
+ jQuery(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") label.error", form).remove();
+ jQuery(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") .error", form).removeClass("error");
+ }
+ // Disable validation on fields that
+ // are disabled or hidden.
+ form.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden";
+ // Start validation; Prevent going
+ // forward if false
+ valid = form.valid();
+ if (!valid) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (currentIndex === 0) {
+ ready = 0;
+ // this disables the finish button during the screen slide
+ jQuery('li').addClass('disabled');
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').html(
+ postman_email_test.not_started);
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').css('color', '');
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_error_message').val('');
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_transcript').val('');
+ hide(jQuery('#test-success'));
+ hide(jQuery('#test-fail'));
+ } else if (currentIndex === 1) {
+ return transcript;
+ }
+ return true;
+function postHandleStepChange(event, currentIndex, priorIndex, myself) {
+ if (currentIndex === 0) {
+ } else if (currentIndex === 1) {
+ // this is the second place I disable the finish button but Steps
+ // re-enables it after the screen slides
+ jQuery('li').addClass('disabled');
+ var data = {
+ 'action' : 'postman_send_test_email',
+ 'email' : jQuery(postman_email_test.recipient).val()
+ };
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').html(postman_email_test.sending);
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').css('color', 'blue');
+ //
+ jQuery
+ .ajax(
+ {
+ statusCode : {
+ 502 : function() {
+ alert('The server returned "HTTP Error 502 Bad gateway". Contact your hosting provider to resolve the error.');
+ }
+ },
+ method : "POST",
+ url : ajaxurl,
+ data : data
+ }).done(function(response) {
+ handleResponse(response);
+ }).fail(
+ function(response) {
+ // handle ajax failure
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').html(
+ postman_email_test.ajax_error);
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').css('color',
+ 'red');
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_error_message').val(
+ postman_ajax_msg.bad_response + ":\n\n"
+ + response.responseText);
+ jQuery('li + li').removeClass('disabled');
+ });
+ }
+ function handleResponse(response) {
+ if (postmanValidateAjaxResponse(response)) {
+ if (
+ && != 0) {
+ // only enable the next button if there is a transcript
+ transcript = true;
+ jQuery('li').removeClass('disabled');
+ } else {
+ jQuery('li + li').removeClass('disabled');
+ }
+ if (response.success) {
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').html(
+ postman_email_test.success);
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').css('color', 'green');
+ } else {
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').html(
+ postman_email_test.failed);
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_status').css('color', 'red');
+ }
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_error_message').val(
+ jQuery('#postman_test_message_transcript').val(
+ }
+ ready = 1;
+ }