path: root/Postman/Postman-Configuration/postman_wizard.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Postman/Postman-Configuration/postman_wizard.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 599 deletions
diff --git a/Postman/Postman-Configuration/postman_wizard.js b/Postman/Postman-Configuration/postman_wizard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cbd2031..0000000
--- a/Postman/Postman-Configuration/postman_wizard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
-var transports = [];
-connectivtyTestResults = {};
-portTestInProgress = false;
- * Functions to run on document load
- */
-jQuery(document).ready(function() {
- jQuery(postman_input_sender_email).focus();
- initializeJQuerySteps();
- // add an event on the plugin selection
- jQuery('input[name="input_plugin"]').click(function() {
- getConfiguration();
- });
- // add an event on the transport input field
- // when the user changes the transport, determine whether
- // to show or hide the SMTP Settings
- jQuery('select#input_transport_type').change(function() {
- hide('#wizard_oauth2_help');
- reloadOauthSection();
- switchBetweenPasswordAndOAuth();
- });
-function checkGoDaddyAndCheckEmail(email) {
- hide('#godaddy_block');
- hide('#godaddy_spf_required');
- // are we hosted on GoDaddy? check.
- var data = {
- 'action' : 'postman_wizard_port_test',
- 'hostname' : '',
- 'port' : 25,
- 'timeout' : 3,
- 'security' : jQuery('#security').val(),
- };
- goDaddy = 'unknown';
- checkedEmail = false;
-, data, function(response) {
- if (postmanValidateAjaxResponseWithPopup(response)) {
- checkEmail(response.success, email);
- }
- }).fail(function(response) {
- ajaxFailed(response);
- });
-function checkEmail(goDaddyHostDetected, email) {
- var data = {
- 'action' : 'postman_check_email',
- 'go_daddy' : goDaddyHostDetected,
- 'email' : email,
- 'security' : jQuery('#security').val()
- };
- ajaxurl,
- data,
- function(response) {
- if (postmanValidateAjaxResponseWithPopup(response)) {
- checkedEmail = true;
- smtpDiscovery =;
- if ( != null
- && {
- jQuery(postman_hostname_element_name).val(
- }
- enableSmtpHostnameInput(goDaddyHostDetected);
- }
- }).fail(function(response) {
- ajaxFailed(response);
- });
-function enableSmtpHostnameInput(goDaddyHostDetected) {
- if (goDaddyHostDetected && !smtpDiscovery.is_google) {
- // this is a godaddy server and we are using a godaddy smtp server
- // (gmail excepted)
- if (smtpDiscovery.is_go_daddy) {
- // we detected GoDaddy, and the user has entered a GoDaddy hosted
- // email
- } else if (smtpDiscovery.is_well_known) {
- // this is a godaddy server but the SMTP must be the email
- // service
- show('#godaddy_block');
- } else {
- // this is a godaddy server and we're using a (possibly) custom
- // domain
- show('#godaddy_spf_required');
- }
- }
- enable('#input_hostname');
- jQuery('li').removeClass('disabled');
- hideLoaderIcon();
- * Initialize the Steps wizard
- */
-function initializeJQuerySteps() {
- jQuery("#postman_wizard").steps(
- {
- bodyTag : "fieldset",
- headerTag : "h5",
- transitionEffect : "slideLeft",
- stepsOrientation : "vertical",
- autoFocus : true,
- startIndex : parseInt(postman_setup_wizard.start_page),
- labels : {
- current : steps_current_step,
- pagination : steps_pagination,
- finish : steps_finish,
- next : steps_next,
- previous : steps_previous,
- loading : steps_loading
- },
- onStepChanging : function(event, currentIndex, newIndex) {
- return handleStepChange(event, currentIndex, newIndex,
- jQuery(this));
- },
- onInit : function() {
- jQuery(postman_input_sender_email).focus();
- },
- onStepChanged : function(event, currentIndex, priorIndex) {
- return postHandleStepChange(event, currentIndex,
- priorIndex, jQuery(this));
- },
- onFinishing : function(event, currentIndex) {
- var form = jQuery(this);
- // Disable validation on fields that
- // are disabled.
- // At this point it's recommended to
- // do an overall check (mean
- // ignoring
- // only disabled fields)
- // form.validate().settings.ignore =
- // ":disabled";
- // Start validation; Prevent form
- // submission if false
- return form.valid();
- },
- onFinished : function(event, currentIndex) {
- var form = jQuery(this);
- // Submit form input
- form.submit();
- }
- }).validate({
- errorPlacement : function(error, element) {
- element.before(error);
- }
- });
-function handleStepChange(event, currentIndex, newIndex, form) {
- // Always allow going backward even if
- // the current step contains invalid fields!
- if (currentIndex > newIndex) {
- if (currentIndex === 2 && !(checkedEmail)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (currentIndex === 3 && portTestInProgress) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Clean up if user went backward
- // before
- if (currentIndex < newIndex) {
- // To remove error styles
- jQuery(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") label.error", form).remove();
- jQuery(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") .error", form).removeClass("error");
- }
- // Disable validation on fields that
- // are disabled or hidden.
- form.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden";
- // Start validation; Prevent going
- // forward if false
- valid = form.valid();
- if (!valid) {
- return false;
- }
- if (currentIndex === 1) {
- // page 1 : look-up the email
- // address for the smtp server
- checkGoDaddyAndCheckEmail(jQuery(postman_input_sender_email).val());
- } else if (currentIndex === 2) {
- if (!(checkedEmail)) {
- return false;
- }
- // page 2 : check the port
- portsChecked = 0;
- portsToCheck = 0;
- totalAvail = 0;
- getHostsToCheck(jQuery(postman_hostname_element_name).val());
- } else if (currentIndex === 3) {
- // user has clicked next but we haven't finished the check
- if (portTestInProgress) {
- return false;
- }
- // or all ports are unavailable
- if (portCheckBlocksUi) {
- return false;
- }
- valid = form.valid();
- if (!valid) {
- return false;
- }
- var chosenPort = jQuery(postman_port_element_name).val();
- var hostname = jQuery(postman_hostname_element_name).val();
- var authType = jQuery(postman_input_auth_type).val()
- }
- return true;
-function postHandleStepChange(event, currentIndex, priorIndex, myself) {
- var chosenPort = jQuery('#input_auth_type').val();
- // Suppress (skip) "Warning" step if
- // the user is old enough and wants
- // to the previous step.
- if (currentIndex === 2) {
- jQuery(postman_hostname_element_name).focus();
- // this is the second place i disable the next button but Steps
- // re-enables it after the screen slides
- if (priorIndex === 1) {
- disable('#input_hostname');
- jQuery('li').addClass('disabled');
- showLoaderIcon();
- }
- }
- if (currentIndex === 3) {
- if (priorIndex === 2) {
- // this is the second place i disable the next button but Steps
- // re-enables it after the screen slides
- jQuery('li').addClass('disabled');
- showLoaderIcon();
- }
- }
- if (currentIndex === 4) {
- if (redirectUrlWarning) {
- alert(postman_wizard_bad_redirect_url);
- }
- if (chosenPort == 'none') {
- if (priorIndex === 5) {
- myself.steps("previous");
- return;
- }
- myself.steps("next");
- }
- }
- * Asks the server for a List of sockets to perform port checks upon.
- *
- * @param hostname
- */
-function getHostsToCheck(hostname) {
- jQuery('table#wizard_port_test').html('');
- jQuery('#wizard_recommendation').html('');
- hide('.user_override');
- hide('#smtp_not_secure');
- hide('#smtp_mitm');
- connectivtyTestResults = {};
- portCheckBlocksUi = true;
- portTestInProgress = true;
- var data = {
- 'action' : 'postman_get_hosts_to_test',
- 'hostname' : hostname,
- 'original_smtp_server' : smtpDiscovery.hostname,
- 'security' : jQuery('#security').val(),
- };
-, data, function(response) {
- if (postmanValidateAjaxResponseWithPopup(response)) {
- handleHostsToCheckResponse(;
- }
- }).fail(function(response) {
- ajaxFailed(response);
- });
- * Handles the response from the server of the list of sockets to check.
- *
- * @param hostname
- * @param response
- */
-function handleHostsToCheckResponse(response) {
- for ( var x in response.hosts) {
- var hostname = response.hosts[x].host;
- var port = response.hosts[x].port;
- var transport = response.hosts[x].transport_id;
- portsToCheck++;
- show('#connectivity_test_status');
- updateStatus(postman_port_test.in_progress + " " + portsToCheck);
- var data = {
- 'action' : 'postman_wizard_port_test',
- 'hostname' : hostname,
- 'port' : port,
- 'transport' : transport,
- 'security' : jQuery('#security').val(),
- };
- postThePortTest(hostname, port, data);
- }
- * Asks the server to run a connectivity test on the given port
- *
- * @param hostname
- * @param port
- * @param data
- */
-function postThePortTest(hostname, port, data) {
-, data, function(response) {
- if (postmanValidateAjaxResponseWithPopup(response)) {
- handlePortTestResponse(hostname, port, data, response);
- }
- }).fail(function(response) {
- ajaxFailed(response);
- portsChecked++;
- afterPortsChecked();
- });
- * Handles the result of the port test
- *
- * @param hostname
- * @param port
- * @param data
- * @param response
- */
-function handlePortTestResponse(hostname, port, data, response) {
- if (! {
- portsChecked++;
- updateStatus(postman_port_test.in_progress + " "
- + (portsToCheck - portsChecked));
- connectivtyTestResults[hostname + '_' + port] =;
- if (response.success) {
- // a totalAvail > 0 is our signal to go to the next step
- totalAvail++;
- }
- afterPortsChecked();
- } else {
- // SMTP failed, try again on the SMTPS port
- data['action'] = 'postman_wizard_port_test_smtps';
- data['security'] = jQuery('#security').val();
- postThePortTest(hostname, port, data);
- }
- *
- * @param message
- */
-function updateStatus(message) {
- jQuery('#port_test_status').html(
- '<span style="color:blue">' + message + '</span>');
- * This functions runs after ALL the ports have been checked. It's chief
- * function is to push the results of the port test back to the server to get a
- * suggested configuration.
- */
-function afterPortsChecked() {
- if (portsChecked >= portsToCheck) {
- hideLoaderIcon();
- if (totalAvail != 0) {
- jQuery('li').removeClass('disabled');
- portCheckBlocksUi = false;
- }
- var data = {
- 'action' : 'get_wizard_configuration_options',
- 'original_smtp_server' : smtpDiscovery.hostname,
- 'host_data' : connectivtyTestResults,
- 'security': jQuery('#security').val()
- };
- postTheConfigurationRequest(data);
- hide('#connectivity_test_status');
- }
-function userOverrideMenu() {
- disable('input.user_socket_override');
- disable('input.user_auth_override');
- var data = {
- 'action' : 'get_wizard_configuration_options',
- 'original_smtp_server' : smtpDiscovery.hostname,
- 'user_port_override' : jQuery(
- "input:radio[name='user_socket_override']:checked").val(),
- 'user_auth_override' : jQuery(
- "input:radio[name='user_auth_override']:checked").val(),
- 'host_data' : connectivtyTestResults,
- 'security' : jQuery('#security').val()
- };
- postTheConfigurationRequest(data);
-function postTheConfigurationRequest(data) {
- ajaxurl,
- data,
- function(response) {
- if (postmanValidateAjaxResponseWithPopup(response)) {
- portTestInProgress = false;
- var $message = '';
- if (response.success) {
- $message = '<span style="color:green">'
- +
- + '</span>';
- handleConfigurationResponse(;
- enable('input.user_socket_override');
- enable('input.user_auth_override');
- // enable both next/back buttons
- jQuery('li').removeClass('disabled');
- } else {
- $message = '<span style="color:red">'
- +
- + '</span>';
- // enable the back button only
- jQuery('li').removeClass('disabled');
- jQuery('li + li').addClass('disabled');
- }
- if (! {
- jQuery('#wizard_recommendation').append($message);
- }
- }
- }).fail(function(response) {
- ajaxFailed(response);
- });
-function handleConfigurationResponse(response) {
- jQuery('#input_transport_type').val(response.configuration.transport_type);
- transports.forEach(function(item) {
- item.handleConfigurationResponse(response);
- })
- // this stuff builds the options and is common to all transports
- // populate user Port Override menu
- show('.user_override');
- var el1 = jQuery('#user_socket_override');
- el1.html('');
- for (i = 0; i < response.override_menu.length; i++) {
- buildRadioButtonGroup(el1, 'user_socket_override',
- response.override_menu[i].selected,
- response.override_menu[i].value,
- response.override_menu[i].description,
- response.override_menu[i].secure);
- // populate user Auth Override menu
- if (response.override_menu[i].selected) {
- if (response.override_menu[i].mitm) {
- show('#smtp_mitm');
- jQuery('#smtp_mitm')
- .html(
- sprintf(
- postman_port_test.mitm,
- response.override_menu[i].reported_hostname_domain_only,
- response.override_menu[i].hostname_domain_only));
- } else {
- hide('#smtp_mitm');
- }
- var el2 = jQuery('#user_auth_override');
- el2.html('');
- hide('#smtp_not_secure');
- for (j = 0; j < response.override_menu[i].auth_items.length; j++) {
- buildRadioButtonGroup(el2, 'user_auth_override',
- response.override_menu[i].auth_items[j].selected,
- response.override_menu[i].auth_items[j].value,
- response.override_menu[i].auth_items[j].name, false);
- if (response.override_menu[i].auth_items[j].selected
- && !response.override_menu[i].secure
- && response.override_menu[i].auth_items[j].value != 'none') {
- show('#smtp_not_secure');
- }
- }
- // add an event on the user port override field
- jQuery('input.user_auth_override').change(function() {
- userOverrideMenu();
- });
- }
- }
- jQuery('select#input_notification_service').change(function() {
- var selected = jQuery( this ).val();
- if ( selected == 'default' ) {
- jQuery('#slack_cred').fadeOut('fast');
- jQuery('#pushover_cred').fadeOut('fast');
- }
- if ( selected == 'pushover' ) {
- jQuery('#slack_cred').fadeOut('fast');
- jQuery('#pushover_cred').fadeIn();
- }
- if ( selected == 'slack' ) {
- jQuery('#pushover_cred').fadeOut('fast');
- jQuery('#slack_cred').fadeIn();
- }
- 'post_smtp_notification_change', selected );
- });
- // add an event on the user port override field
- jQuery('input.user_socket_override').change(function() {
- userOverrideMenu();
- });
-function buildRadioButtonGroup(tableElement, radioGroupName, isSelected, value,
- label, isSecure) {
- var radioInputValue = ' value="' + value + '"';
- var radioInputChecked = '';
- if (isSelected) {
- radioInputChecked = ' checked = "checked"';
- }
- var secureIcon = '';
- if (isSecure) {
- secureIcon = '&#x1f512; ';
- }
- tableElement.append('<tr><td><input class="' + radioGroupName
- + '" type="radio" name="' + radioGroupName + '"'
- + radioInputChecked + radioInputValue + '/></td><td>' + secureIcon
- + label + '</td></tr>');
- * Handles population of the configuration based on the options set in a
- * 3rd-party SMTP plugin
- */
-function getConfiguration() {
- var plugin = jQuery('input[name="input_plugin"]' + ':checked').val();
- if (plugin != '') {
- var data = {
- 'action' : 'import_configuration',
- 'plugin' : plugin,
- '_wpnonce' : jQuery('#_wpnonce').val(),
- };
- jQuery
- .post(
- ajaxurl,
- data,
- function(response) {
- if (response.success) {
- jQuery('select#input_transport_type').val(
- 'smtp');
- jQuery(postman_input_sender_email).val(
- response.sender_email);
- jQuery(postman_input_sender_name).val(
- response.sender_name);
- jQuery(postman_hostname_element_name).val(
- response.hostname);
- jQuery(postman_port_element_name).val(
- response.port);
- jQuery(postman_input_auth_type).val(
- response.auth_type);
- jQuery('#input_enc_type')
- .val(response.enc_type);
- jQuery(postman_input_basic_username).val(
- response.basic_auth_username);
- jQuery(postman_input_basic_password).val(
- response.basic_auth_password);
- switchBetweenPasswordAndOAuth();
- }
- }).fail(function(response) {
- ajaxFailed(response);
- });
- } else {
- jQuery(postman_input_sender_email).val('');
- jQuery(postman_input_sender_name).val('');
- jQuery(postman_input_basic_username).val('');
- jQuery(postman_input_basic_password).val('');
- jQuery(postman_hostname_element_name).val('');
- jQuery(postman_port_element_name).val('');
- jQuery(postman_input_auth_type).val('none');
- jQuery(postman_enc_for_password_el).val('none');
- switchBetweenPasswordAndOAuth();
- }