package lib_bs22::SourceStash; use strict; use Filter::Simple; our $source = ''; our $filename; FILTER { $source .= $_; } 0; 1; =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS I don't love this module, but it performs a needed task. The Perl Navigator is passing Perl source code directly into perl via stdin for compilation, and I would like to inspect that code later in the same process. When loaded, this simply stores the source in the variable $lib_bs22::SourceStash::source. The other dependencies don't have lib_bs22 as prefix, but SourceStash is loaded before main script compiles, and I don't want to mess with their include path until after. I think there's a bug in FILTER::SIMPLE that drops the __END__ line, but keeps comments after it. Without the __END__ line, I can't remove it later; the 0 stops this behaviour and I can remove it manually later If you have an actual saved file with the source, you don't need this module. If any Perl Gurus are reading this and have a better way to access the source of a program run through STDIN, please let me know. Thanks!