package de.danoeh.antennapod.util.menuhandler; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import de.danoeh.antennapod.AppConfig; import de.danoeh.antennapod.R; import de.danoeh.antennapod.asynctask.FlattrClickWorker; import de.danoeh.antennapod.feed.FeedItem; import de.danoeh.antennapod.service.PlaybackService; import; import; import; import; import de.danoeh.antennapod.util.QueueAccess; import de.danoeh.antennapod.util.ShareUtils; import java.util.List; /** Handles interactions with the FeedItemMenu. */ public class FeedItemMenuHandler { private FeedItemMenuHandler() { } /** * Used by the MenuHandler to access different types of menus through one * interface */ public interface MenuInterface { /** * Implementations of this method should call findItem(id) on their * menu-object and call setVisibility(visibility) on the returned * MenuItem object. */ abstract void setItemVisibility(int id, boolean visible); } /** * This method should be called in the prepare-methods of menus. It changes * the visibility of the menu items depending on a FeedItem's attributes. * * @param mi * An instance of MenuInterface that the method uses to change a * MenuItem's visibility * @param selectedItem * The FeedItem for which the menu is supposed to be prepared * @param showExtendedMenu * True if MenuItems that let the user share information about * the FeedItem and visit its website should be set visible. This * parameter should be set to false if the menu space is limited. * @param queueAccess * Used for testing if the queue contains the selected item * @return Returns true if selectedItem is not null. * */ public static boolean onPrepareMenu(MenuInterface mi, FeedItem selectedItem, boolean showExtendedMenu, QueueAccess queueAccess) { if (selectedItem == null) { return false; } DownloadRequester requester = DownloadRequester.getInstance(); boolean hasMedia = selectedItem.getMedia() != null; boolean downloaded = hasMedia && selectedItem.getMedia().isDownloaded(); boolean downloading = hasMedia && requester.isDownloadingFile(selectedItem.getMedia()); boolean notLoadedAndNotLoading = hasMedia && (!downloaded) && (!downloading); boolean isPlaying = hasMedia && selectedItem.getState() == FeedItem.State.PLAYING; FeedItem.State state = selectedItem.getState(); if (!isPlaying) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!downloaded || isPlaying) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!notLoadedAndNotLoading) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!(notLoadedAndNotLoading | downloading) | isPlaying) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!downloading) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } boolean isInQueue = queueAccess.contains(selectedItem.getId()); if (!isInQueue || isPlaying) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!(!isInQueue && selectedItem.getMedia() != null)) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!showExtendedMenu || selectedItem.getLink() == null) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!AppConfig.DEBUG || !(state == FeedItem.State.IN_PROGRESS || state == FeedItem.State.READ)) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!(state == FeedItem.State.NEW || state == FeedItem.State.IN_PROGRESS)) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (!showExtendedMenu || selectedItem.getLink() == null) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } if (selectedItem.getPaymentLink() == null) { mi.setItemVisibility(, false); } return true; } public static boolean onMenuItemClicked(Context context, int menuItemId, FeedItem selectedItem) throws DownloadRequestException { DownloadRequester requester = DownloadRequester.getInstance(); switch (menuItemId) { case context.sendBroadcast(new Intent( PlaybackService.ACTION_SKIP_CURRENT_EPISODE)); break; case DBTasks.downloadFeedItems(context, selectedItem); break; case DBTasks.playMedia(context, selectedItem.getMedia(), true, true, false); break; case DBWriter.deleteFeedMediaOfItem(context, selectedItem.getId()); break; case requester.cancelDownload(context, selectedItem.getMedia()); break; case DBWriter.markItemRead(context, selectedItem, true, true); break; case DBWriter.markItemRead(context, selectedItem, false, true); break; case DBWriter.addQueueItem(context, selectedItem.getId()); break; case DBWriter.removeQueueItem(context, selectedItem.getId(), true); break; case DBTasks.playMedia(context, selectedItem.getMedia(), true, true, true); break; case Uri uri = Uri.parse(selectedItem.getLink()); context.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)); break; case new FlattrClickWorker(context, selectedItem.getPaymentLink()) .executeAsync(); break; case ShareUtils.shareFeedItemLink(context, selectedItem); break; default: return false; } // Refresh menu state return true; } }