// Copyright 2011, Aocate, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.aocate.media; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Handler.Callback; import android.util.Log; import de.danoeh.antennapod.BuildConfig; public class MediaPlayer { public interface OnBufferingUpdateListener { public abstract void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer arg0, int percent); } public interface OnCompletionListener { public abstract void onCompletion(MediaPlayer arg0); } public interface OnErrorListener { public abstract boolean onError(MediaPlayer arg0, int what, int extra); } public interface OnInfoListener { public abstract boolean onInfo(MediaPlayer arg0, int what, int extra); } public interface OnPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener { /** * * @param arg0 * The owning media player * @param pitchAdjustmentAvailable * True if pitch adjustment is available, false if not */ public abstract void onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChanged( MediaPlayer arg0, boolean pitchAdjustmentAvailable); } public interface OnPreparedListener { public abstract void onPrepared(MediaPlayer arg0); } public interface OnSeekCompleteListener { public abstract void onSeekComplete(MediaPlayer arg0); } public interface OnSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener { /** * * @param arg0 * The owning media player * @param speedAdjustmentAvailable * True if speed adjustment is available, false if not */ public abstract void onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChanged( MediaPlayer arg0, boolean speedAdjustmentAvailable); } public enum State { IDLE, INITIALIZED, PREPARED, STARTED, PAUSED, STOPPED, PREPARING, PLAYBACK_COMPLETED, END, ERROR } private static Uri SPEED_ADJUSTMENT_MARKET_URI = Uri .parse("market://details?id=com.aocate.presto"); private static Intent prestoMarketIntent = null; public static final int MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED = android.media.MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED; public static final int MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN = android.media.MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; public static final int MEDIA_ERROR_NOT_VALID_FOR_PROGRESSIVE_PLAYBACK = android.media.MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_NOT_VALID_FOR_PROGRESSIVE_PLAYBACK; /** * Indicates whether the specified action can be used as an intent. This * method queries the package manager for installed packages that can * respond to an intent with the specified action. If no suitable package is * found, this method returns false. * * @param context * The application's environment. * @param action * The Intent action to check for availability. * * @return True if an Intent with the specified action can be sent and * responded to, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isIntentAvailable(Context context, String action) { final PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); final Intent intent = new Intent(action); List list = packageManager.queryIntentServices(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); return list.size() > 0; } /** * Indicates whether the Presto library is installed * * @param context * The context to use to query the package manager. * @return True if the Presto library is installed, false if not. */ public static boolean isPrestoLibraryInstalled(Context context) { return isIntentAvailable(context, ServiceBackedMediaPlayer.INTENT_NAME); } /** * Return an Intent that opens the Android Market page for the speed * alteration library * * @return The Intent for the Presto library on the Android Market */ public static Intent getPrestoMarketIntent() { if (prestoMarketIntent == null) { prestoMarketIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, SPEED_ADJUSTMENT_MARKET_URI); } return prestoMarketIntent; } /** * Open the Android Market page for the Presto library * * @param context * The context from which to open the Android Market page */ public static void openPrestoMarketIntent(Context context) { context.startActivity(getPrestoMarketIntent()); } private static final String MP_TAG = "AocateReplacementMediaPlayer"; private static final double PITCH_STEP_CONSTANT = 1.0594630943593; private AndroidMediaPlayer amp = null; // This is whether speed adjustment should be enabled (by the Service) // To avoid the Service entirely, set useService to false protected boolean enableSpeedAdjustment = true; private int lastKnownPosition = 0; // In some cases, we're going to have to replace the // android.media.MediaPlayer on the fly, and we don't want to touch the // wrong media player, so lock it way too much. ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private int mAudioStreamType = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC; private Context mContext; private boolean mIsLooping = false; private float mLeftVolume = 1f; private float mPitchStepsAdjustment = 0f; private float mRightVolume = 1f; private float mSpeedMultiplier = 1f; private int mWakeMode = 0; MediaPlayerImpl mpi = null; protected boolean pitchAdjustmentAvailable = false; private ServiceBackedMediaPlayer sbmp = null; protected boolean speedAdjustmentAvailable = false; private Handler mServiceDisconnectedHandler = null; // Some parts of state cannot be found by calling MediaPlayerImpl functions, // so store our own state. This also helps copy state when changing // implementations State state = State.INITIALIZED; String stringDataSource = null; Uri uriDataSource = null; private boolean useService = false; // Naming Convention for Listeners // Most listeners can both be set by clients and called by MediaPlayImpls // There are a few that have to do things in this class as well as calling // the function. In all cases, onX is what is called by MediaPlayerImpl // If there is work to be done in this class, then the listener that is // set by setX is X (with the first letter lowercase). OnBufferingUpdateListener onBufferingUpdateListener = null; OnCompletionListener onCompletionListener = null; OnErrorListener onErrorListener = null; OnInfoListener onInfoListener = null; // Special case. Pitch adjustment ceases to be available when we switch // to the android.media.MediaPlayer (though it is not guaranteed to be // available when using the ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) OnPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = new OnPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener() { public void onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChanged(MediaPlayer arg0, boolean pitchAdjustmentAvailable) { lock.lock(); try { Log .d( MP_TAG, "onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener.onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChanged being called"); if (MediaPlayer.this.pitchAdjustmentAvailable != pitchAdjustmentAvailable) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Pitch adjustment state has changed from " + MediaPlayer.this.pitchAdjustmentAvailable + " to " + pitchAdjustmentAvailable); MediaPlayer.this.pitchAdjustmentAvailable = pitchAdjustmentAvailable; if (MediaPlayer.this.pitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener != null) { MediaPlayer.this.pitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener .onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChanged(arg0, pitchAdjustmentAvailable); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }; OnPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener pitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = null; MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener onPreparedListener = new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() { public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer arg0) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "onPreparedListener 242 setting state to PREPARED"); MediaPlayer.this.state = State.PREPARED; if (MediaPlayer.this.preparedListener != null) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Calling preparedListener"); MediaPlayer.this.preparedListener.onPrepared(arg0); } Log.d(MP_TAG, "Wrap up onPreparedListener"); } }; OnPreparedListener preparedListener = null; OnSeekCompleteListener onSeekCompleteListener = null; // Special case. Speed adjustment ceases to be available when we switch // to the android.media.MediaPlayer (though it is not guaranteed to be // available when using the ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) OnSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = new OnSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener() { public void onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChanged(MediaPlayer arg0, boolean speedAdjustmentAvailable) { lock.lock(); try { Log .d( MP_TAG, "onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener.onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChanged being called"); if (MediaPlayer.this.speedAdjustmentAvailable != speedAdjustmentAvailable) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Speed adjustment state has changed from " + MediaPlayer.this.speedAdjustmentAvailable + " to " + speedAdjustmentAvailable); MediaPlayer.this.speedAdjustmentAvailable = speedAdjustmentAvailable; if (MediaPlayer.this.speedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener != null) { MediaPlayer.this.speedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener .onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChanged(arg0, speedAdjustmentAvailable); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }; OnSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener speedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = null; private int speedAdjustmentAlgorithm = SpeedAdjustmentAlgorithm.SONIC; public MediaPlayer(final Context context) { this(context, true); } public MediaPlayer(final Context context, boolean useService) { this.mContext = context; this.useService = useService; // So here's the major problem // Sometimes the service won't exist or won't be connected, // so start with an android.media.MediaPlayer, and when // the service is connected, use that from then on this.mpi = this.amp = new AndroidMediaPlayer(this, context); // setupMpi will go get the Service, if it can, then bring that // implementation into sync Log.d(MP_TAG, "setupMpi"); setupMpi(context); } private boolean invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration() { if (!(this.mpi instanceof ServiceBackedMediaPlayer)) { if (this.useService && isPrestoLibraryInstalled()) { // In this case, the Presto library has been installed // or something while playing sound // We could be using the service, but we're not Log.d(MP_TAG, "We could be using the service, but we're not 316"); return true; } // If useService is false, then we shouldn't be using the SBMP // If the Presto library isn't installed, ditto Log.d(MP_TAG, "this.mpi is not a ServiceBackedMediaPlayer, but we couldn't use it anyway 321"); return false; } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && !(this.mpi instanceof ServiceBackedMediaPlayer)) throw new AssertionError(); if (this.useService && isPrestoLibraryInstalled()) { // We should be using the service, and we are. Great! Log.d(MP_TAG, "We could be using a ServiceBackedMediaPlayer and we are 327"); return false; } // We're trying to use the service when we shouldn't, // that's an invalid configuration Log.d(MP_TAG, "We're trying to use a ServiceBackedMediaPlayer but we shouldn't be 332"); return true; } } private void setupMpi(final Context context) { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "setupMpi 336"); // Check if the client wants to use the service at all, // then if we're already using the right kind of media player if (this.useService && isPrestoLibraryInstalled()) { if ((this.mpi != null) && (this.mpi instanceof ServiceBackedMediaPlayer)) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Already using ServiceBackedMediaPlayer"); return; } if (this.sbmp == null) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Instantiating new ServiceBackedMediaPlayer 346"); this.sbmp = new ServiceBackedMediaPlayer(this, context, new ServiceConnection() { public void onServiceConnected( ComponentName className, final IBinder service) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // This lock probably isn't granular // enough MediaPlayer.this.lock.lock(); Log.d(MP_TAG, "onServiceConnected 257"); try { MediaPlayer.this .switchMediaPlayerImpl( MediaPlayer.this.amp, MediaPlayer.this.sbmp); Log.d(MP_TAG, "End onServiceConnected 362"); } finally { MediaPlayer.this.lock.unlock(); } } }); t.start(); } public void onServiceDisconnected( ComponentName className) { MediaPlayer.this.lock.lock(); try { // Can't get any more useful information // out of sbmp if (MediaPlayer.this.sbmp != null) { MediaPlayer.this.sbmp.release(); } // Unlike most other cases, sbmp gets set // to null since there's nothing useful // backing it now MediaPlayer.this.sbmp = null; if (mServiceDisconnectedHandler == null) { mServiceDisconnectedHandler = new Handler(new Callback() { public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { // switchMediaPlayerImpl won't try to // clone anything from null lock.lock(); try { if (MediaPlayer.this.amp == null) { // This should never be in this state MediaPlayer.this.amp = new AndroidMediaPlayer( MediaPlayer.this, MediaPlayer.this.mContext); } // Use sbmp instead of null in case by some miracle it's // been restored in the meantime MediaPlayer.this.switchMediaPlayerImpl( MediaPlayer.this.sbmp, MediaPlayer.this.amp); return true; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }); } // This code needs to execute on the // original thread to instantiate // the new object in the right place mServiceDisconnectedHandler .sendMessage( mServiceDisconnectedHandler .obtainMessage()); // Note that we do NOT want to set // useService. useService is about // what the user wants, not what they // get } finally { MediaPlayer.this.lock.unlock(); } } } ); } switchMediaPlayerImpl(this.amp, this.sbmp); } else { if ((this.mpi != null) && (this.mpi instanceof AndroidMediaPlayer)) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Already using AndroidMediaPlayer"); return; } if (this.amp == null) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Instantiating new AndroidMediaPlayer (this should be impossible)"); this.amp = new AndroidMediaPlayer(this, context); } switchMediaPlayerImpl(this.sbmp, this.amp); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void switchMediaPlayerImpl(MediaPlayerImpl from, MediaPlayerImpl to) { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl"); if ((from == to) // Same object, nothing to synchronize || (to == null) // Nothing to copy to (maybe this should throw an error?) || ((to instanceof ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) && !((ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) to).isConnected()) // ServiceBackedMediaPlayer hasn't yet connected, onServiceConnected will take care of the transition || (MediaPlayer.this.state == State.END)) { // State.END is after a release(), no further functions should // be called on this class and from is likely to have problems // retrieving state that won't be used anyway return; } // Extract all that we can from the existing implementation // and copy it to the new implementation Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl(), current state is " + this.state.toString()); to.reset(); // Do this first so we don't have to prepare the same // data file twice to.setEnableSpeedAdjustment(MediaPlayer.this.enableSpeedAdjustment); // This is a reasonable place to set all of these, // none of them require prepare() or the like first to.setAudioStreamType(this.mAudioStreamType); to.setSpeedAdjustmentAlgorithm(this.speedAdjustmentAlgorithm); to.setLooping(this.mIsLooping); to.setPitchStepsAdjustment(this.mPitchStepsAdjustment); Log.d(MP_TAG, "Setting playback speed to " + this.mSpeedMultiplier); to.setPlaybackSpeed(this.mSpeedMultiplier); to.setVolume(MediaPlayer.this.mLeftVolume, MediaPlayer.this.mRightVolume); to.setWakeMode(this.mContext, this.mWakeMode); Log.d(MP_TAG, "asserting at least one data source is null"); assert ((MediaPlayer.this.stringDataSource == null) || (MediaPlayer.this.uriDataSource == null)); if (uriDataSource != null) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl(): uriDataSource != null"); try { to.setDataSource(this.mContext, uriDataSource); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (stringDataSource != null) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl(): stringDataSource != null"); try { to.setDataSource(stringDataSource); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if ((this.state == State.PREPARED) || (this.state == State.PREPARING) || (this.state == State.PAUSED) || (this.state == State.STOPPED) || (this.state == State.STARTED) || (this.state == State.PLAYBACK_COMPLETED)) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl(): prepare and seek"); // Use prepare here instead of prepareAsync so that // we wait for it to be ready before we try to use it try { to.muteNextOnPrepare(); to.prepare(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } int seekPos = 0; if (from != null) { seekPos = from.getCurrentPosition(); } else if (this.lastKnownPosition < to.getDuration()) { // This can happen if the Service unexpectedly // disconnected. Because it would result in too much // information being passed around, we don't constantly // poll for the lastKnownPosition, but we'll save it // when getCurrentPosition is called seekPos = this.lastKnownPosition; } to.muteNextSeek(); to.seekTo(seekPos); } if ((from != null) && from.isPlaying()) { from.pause(); } if ((this.state == State.STARTED) || (this.state == State.PAUSED) || (this.state == State.STOPPED)) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl(): start"); if (to != null) { to.start(); } } if (this.state == State.PAUSED) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl(): paused"); if (to != null) { to.pause(); } } else if (this.state == State.STOPPED) { Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl(): stopped"); if (to != null) { to.stop(); } } this.mpi = to; // Cheating here by relying on the side effect in // on(Pitch|Speed)AdjustmentAvailableChanged if ((to.canSetPitch() != this.pitchAdjustmentAvailable) && (this.onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener != null)) { this.onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener .onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChanged(this, to .canSetPitch()); } if ((to.canSetSpeed() != this.speedAdjustmentAvailable) && (this.onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener != null)) { this.onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener .onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChanged(this, to .canSetSpeed()); } Log.d(MP_TAG, "switchMediaPlayerImpl() 625 " + this.state.toString()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns true if pitch can be changed at this moment * * @return True if pitch can be changed */ public boolean canSetPitch() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.canSetPitch(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns true if speed can be changed at this moment * * @return True if speed can be changed */ public boolean canSetSpeed() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.canSetSpeed(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "finalize() 626"); this.release(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the number of steps (in a musical scale) by which playback is * currently shifted. When greater than zero, pitch is shifted up. When less * than zero, pitch is shifted down. * * @return The number of steps pitch is currently shifted by */ public float getCurrentPitchStepsAdjustment() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.getCurrentPitchStepsAdjustment(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition() * Accurate only to frame size of encoded data (26 ms for MP3s) * * @return Current position (in milliseconds) */ public int getCurrentPosition() { lock.lock(); try { return (this.lastKnownPosition = this.mpi.getCurrentPosition()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the current speed multiplier. Defaults to 1.0 (normal speed) * * @return The current speed multiplier */ public float getCurrentSpeedMultiplier() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.getCurrentSpeedMultiplier(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.getDuration() * * @return Length of the track (in milliseconds) */ public int getDuration() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.getDuration(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Get the maximum value that can be passed to setPlaybackSpeed * * @return The maximum speed multiplier */ public float getMaxSpeedMultiplier() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.getMaxSpeedMultiplier(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Get the minimum value that can be passed to setPlaybackSpeed * * @return The minimum speed multiplier */ public float getMinSpeedMultiplier() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.getMinSpeedMultiplier(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Gets the version code of the backing service * @return -1 if ServiceBackedMediaPlayer is not used, 0 if the service is not * connected, otherwise the version code retrieved from the service */ public int getServiceVersionCode() { lock.lock(); try { if (this.mpi instanceof ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) { return ((ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) this.mpi).getServiceVersionCode(); } else { return -1; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Gets the version name of the backing service * @return null if ServiceBackedMediaPlayer is not used, empty string if * the service is not connected, otherwise the version name retrieved from * the service */ public String getServiceVersionName() { lock.lock(); try { if (this.mpi instanceof ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) { return ((ServiceBackedMediaPlayer) this.mpi).getServiceVersionName(); } else { return null; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.isLooping() * * @return True if the track is looping */ public boolean isLooping() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.isLooping(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.isPlaying() * * @return True if the track is playing */ public boolean isPlaying() { lock.lock(); try { return this.mpi.isPlaying(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns true if this MediaPlayer has access to the Presto * library * * @return True if the Presto library is installed */ public boolean isPrestoLibraryInstalled() { if ((this.mpi == null) || (this.mpi.mContext == null)) { return false; } return isPrestoLibraryInstalled(this.mpi.mContext); } /** * Open the Android Market page in the same context as this MediaPlayer */ public void openPrestoMarketIntent() { if ((this.mpi != null) && (this.mpi.mContext != null)) { openPrestoMarketIntent(this.mpi.mContext); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.pause() Pauses the * track */ public void pause() { lock.lock(); try { if (invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration()) { setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } this.state = State.PAUSED; this.mpi.pause(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.prepare() Prepares the * track. This or prepareAsync must be called before start() */ public void prepare() throws IllegalStateException, IOException { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "prepare() 746 using " + ((this.mpi == null) ? "null (this shouldn't happen)" : this.mpi.getClass().toString()) + " state " + this.state.toString()); Log.d(MP_TAG, "onPreparedListener is: " + ((this.onPreparedListener == null) ? "null" : "non-null")); Log.d(MP_TAG, "preparedListener is: " + ((this.preparedListener == null) ? "null" : "non-null")); if (invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration()) { setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } this.mpi.prepare(); this.state = State.PREPARED; Log.d(MP_TAG, "prepare() finished 778"); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.prepareAsync() * Prepares the track. This or prepare must be called before start() */ public void prepareAsync() { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "prepareAsync() 779"); if (invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration()) { setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } this.state = State.PREPARING; this.mpi.prepareAsync(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.release() Releases the * underlying resources used by the media player. */ public void release() { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "Releasing MediaPlayer 791"); this.state = State.END; if (this.amp != null) { this.amp.release(); } if (this.sbmp != null) { this.sbmp.release(); } this.onBufferingUpdateListener = null; this.onCompletionListener = null; this.onErrorListener = null; this.onInfoListener = null; this.preparedListener = null; this.onPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = null; this.pitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = null; Log.d(MP_TAG, "Setting onSeekCompleteListener to null 871"); this.onSeekCompleteListener = null; this.onSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = null; this.speedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = null; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.reset() Resets the * track to idle state */ public void reset() { lock.lock(); try { this.state = State.IDLE; this.stringDataSource = null; this.uriDataSource = null; this.mpi.reset(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.seekTo(int msec) Seeks * to msec in the track */ public void seekTo(int msec) throws IllegalStateException { lock.lock(); try { this.mpi.seekTo(msec); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(int * streamtype) Sets the audio stream type. */ public void setAudioStreamType(int streamtype) { lock.lock(); try { this.mAudioStreamType = streamtype; this.mpi.setAudioStreamType(streamtype); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.setDataSource(Context * context, Uri uri) Sets uri as data source in the context given */ public void setDataSource(Context context, Uri uri) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, IOException { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "In setDataSource(context, " + uri.toString() + "), using " + this.mpi.getClass().toString()); if (invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration()) { setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } this.state = State.INITIALIZED; this.stringDataSource = null; this.uriDataSource = uri; this.mpi.setDataSource(context, uri); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.setDataSource(String * path) Sets the data source of the track to a file given. */ public void setDataSource(String path) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, IOException { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "In setDataSource(context, " + path + ")"); if (invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration()) { setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } this.state = State.INITIALIZED; this.stringDataSource = path; this.uriDataSource = null; this.mpi.setDataSource(path); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets whether to use speed adjustment or not. Speed adjustment on is more * computation-intensive than with it off. * * @param enableSpeedAdjustment * Whether speed adjustment should be supported. */ public void setEnableSpeedAdjustment(boolean enableSpeedAdjustment) { lock.lock(); try { this.enableSpeedAdjustment = enableSpeedAdjustment; this.mpi.setEnableSpeedAdjustment(enableSpeedAdjustment); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.setLooping(boolean * loop) Sets the track to loop infinitely if loop is true, play once if * loop is false */ public void setLooping(boolean loop) { lock.lock(); try { this.mIsLooping = loop; this.mpi.setLooping(loop); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets the number of steps (in a musical scale) by which playback is * currently shifted. When greater than zero, pitch is shifted up. When less * than zero, pitch is shifted down. * * @param pitchSteps * The number of steps by which to shift playback */ public void setPitchStepsAdjustment(float pitchSteps) { lock.lock(); try { this.mPitchStepsAdjustment = pitchSteps; this.mpi.setPitchStepsAdjustment(pitchSteps); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Set the algorithm to use for changing the speed and pitch of audio * See SpeedAdjustmentAlgorithm constants for more details * @param algorithm The algorithm to use. */ public void setSpeedAdjustmentAlgorithm(int algorithm) { lock.lock(); try { this.speedAdjustmentAlgorithm = algorithm; if (this.mpi != null) { this.mpi.setSpeedAdjustmentAlgorithm(algorithm); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private static float getPitchStepsAdjustment(float pitch) { return (float) (Math.log(pitch) / (2 * Math.log(PITCH_STEP_CONSTANT))); } /** * Sets the percentage by which pitch is currently shifted. When greater * than zero, pitch is shifted up. When less than zero, pitch is shifted * down * * @param f * The percentage to shift pitch */ public void setPlaybackPitch(float pitch) { lock.lock(); try { this.mPitchStepsAdjustment = getPitchStepsAdjustment(pitch); this.mpi.setPlaybackPitch(pitch); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Set playback speed. 1.0 is normal speed, 2.0 is double speed, and so on. * Speed should never be set to 0 or below. * * @param f * The speed multiplier to use for further playback */ public void setPlaybackSpeed(float f) { lock.lock(); try { this.mSpeedMultiplier = f; this.mpi.setPlaybackSpeed(f); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets whether to use speed adjustment or not. Speed adjustment on is more * computation-intensive than with it off. * * @param enableSpeedAdjustment * Whether speed adjustment should be supported. */ public void setUseService(boolean useService) { lock.lock(); try { this.useService = useService; setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.setVolume(float * leftVolume, float rightVolume) Sets the stereo volume */ public void setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume) { lock.lock(); try { this.mLeftVolume = leftVolume; this.mRightVolume = rightVolume; this.mpi.setVolume(leftVolume, rightVolume); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.setWakeMode(Context * context, int mode) Acquires a wake lock in the context given. You must * request the appropriate permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file. */ public void setWakeMode(Context context, int mode) { lock.lock(); try { this.mWakeMode = mode; this.mpi.setWakeMode(context, mode); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to * android.media.MediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(OnCompletionListener * listener) Sets a listener to be used when a track completes playing. */ public void setOnBufferingUpdateListener(OnBufferingUpdateListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { this.onBufferingUpdateListener = listener; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to * android.media.MediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(OnCompletionListener * listener) Sets a listener to be used when a track completes playing. */ public void setOnCompletionListener(OnCompletionListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { this.onCompletionListener = listener; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to * android.media.MediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener(OnErrorListener listener) * Sets a listener to be used when a track encounters an error. */ public void setOnErrorListener(OnErrorListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { this.onErrorListener = listener; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to * android.media.MediaPlayer.setOnInfoListener(OnInfoListener listener) Sets * a listener to be used when a track has info. */ public void setOnInfoListener(OnInfoListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { this.onInfoListener = listener; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets a listener that will fire when pitch adjustment becomes available or * stops being available */ public void setOnPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener( OnPitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { this.pitchAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = listener; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to * android.media.MediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(OnPreparedListener * listener) Sets a listener to be used when a track finishes preparing. */ public void setOnPreparedListener(OnPreparedListener listener) { lock.lock(); Log.d(MP_TAG, " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ setOnPreparedListener"); try { this.preparedListener = listener; // For this one, we do not explicitly set the MediaPlayer or the // Service listener. This is because in addition to calling the // listener provided by the client, it's necessary to change // state to PREPARED. See prepareAsync for implementation details } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to * android.media.MediaPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener * (OnSeekCompleteListener listener) Sets a listener to be used when a track * finishes seeking. */ public void setOnSeekCompleteListener(OnSeekCompleteListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { this.onSeekCompleteListener = listener; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets a listener that will fire when speed adjustment becomes available or * stops being available */ public void setOnSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener( OnSpeedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { this.speedAdjustmentAvailableChangedListener = listener; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.start() Starts a track * playing */ public void start() { lock.lock(); try { Log.d(MP_TAG, "start() 1149"); if (invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration()) { setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } this.state = State.STARTED; Log.d(MP_TAG, "start() 1154"); this.mpi.start(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Functions identically to android.media.MediaPlayer.stop() Stops a track * playing and resets its position to the start. */ public void stop() { lock.lock(); try { if (invalidServiceConnectionConfiguration()) { setupMpi(this.mpi.mContext); } this.state = State.STOPPED; this.mpi.stop(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }