更新日志 ========== Version 1.4 ----------- * BLUETOOTH PERMISSION: Needed to be able to resume playback when a Bluetooth device reconnects with your phone * VIBRATE PERMISSION: Used optionally with the sleep timer * Native variable speed playback (experimental via options) 改进了休眠计时器 * Mark episodes as 'favorite' * Notification can skip episodes * Keep episodes when skipping them * Episode art on lock screen * Flexible episode cleanup * Rewind after pause 改进的可用性 * Bug fixes 版本 1.3 ----------- * Bulk actions on feed episodes (download, queue, delete) * 减少图像空间占用 * 在一天中的某个时刻自动刷新 * 自定义订阅的显示方式和排序 * 能够分享订阅 * 改进自动下载 * 大量修复和可用性改进 版本 1.2 ----------- * 可以选择在队列中禁用滑动和拖拽 * 挂断电话后恢复播放 * 过滤播客订阅中的曲目 * 隐藏导航抽屉中的项目 * 自定义快进和回退的时间 * 解决打开某些 OPML 文件时发生的问题 * 修复多种 bug 及可用性改进 版本 1.1 ----------- 整合 iTunes 播客 滑动移除出播放列表 设置同时下载的数目 修复旧机型上对 gpodder.net 的支持 修复某些源上的日期问题 改进的显示效果 改进的可用性 数个其他改进 版本 1.0 ----------- 现在可以排序播放列表了 增加了一个播放完成后自动删除播客的选项 修复了一个导致重复显示播放章节的问题 几个其他的改进和问题修复 版本 --------------- 修复了关于播放速度插件的问题 修复了 atmo feed 更新的问题 数个其他改进和问题修复 版本 --------------- 增加支持了按页显示的源 * Improved user interface 增加了日语和土耳其语翻译 修复了几个图像加载问题 * Other bugfixes and improvements 版本 --------------- 增加了一个在暂停时保持通知和锁屏界面的控制的选项 修复了一个播客图像不能正确载入的问题 修复了电池用量问题 版本 --------------- 修复了数个视频播放问题 改进了图像载入 * Other bugfixes and improvements 版本0.9.9.2 --------------- 增加了自动发现 URL 中源的功能 增加了对媒体中「下一个 \ 上一个」的支持 改进了休眠计时器 现在可以用时间戳将播放跳跃到指定时间了 现在可以设置自动赞助了 * Several bugfixes and improvements 版本 --------------- * Several bugfixes and improvements 版本 --------------- * 全新的用户界面 * 重新启动后恢复上次下载错误的任务 * 增加对 Podlove Alternate Feeds 的支持 * 增加对 pcast 协议的支持 * 增加了备份和删除功能。本功能需要在系统设置中启用来进行使用 * Several bugfixes and improvements Version --------------- * Added support for password-protected feeds and episodes * Added support for more types of episode images * Added Hebrew translation * Several bugfixes and improvements Version --------------- * Several bugfixes and improvements * Added Korean translation Version --------------- * Added option to flattr an episode automatically after 80 percent of the episode have been played * Added Polish translation * Several bugfixes and improvements Version --------------- * Added access to the gpodder.net directory * Added ability to sync podcast subscriptions with the gpodder.net service * Automatic download can now be turned on or off for specific podcasts * Added option to pause playback when another app is playing sounds * Added Dutch and Hindi translation * Resolved a problem with automatic podcast updates * Resolved a problem with the buttons' visibility in the episode screen * Resolved a problem where episodes would be re-downloaded unnecessarily * Several other bugfixes and usability improvements 版本 --------------- * 减少应用起点时间 * 减少内存使用 * 添加更改播放速度选项 * 添加瑞典语翻译 * Several bugfixes and improvements 版本 --------------- * 曲目缓存大小可被设置成无限大 * 删除的播放列表中的曲目可通过滑动撤销 * Added support for Links in MP3 chapters * 添加捷克语(捷克共和国), 阿塞拜疆语和葡萄牙语翻译 * Several bugfixes and improvements 版本 --------------- * 蓝牙设备播放期间显示元数据(需要 AVRCP 1.3 或更高版本) * 用户界面改进 * Several bugfixes 版本 --------------- * 自动下载可被禁用 增加了意大利语翻译 * Several bugfixes 版本 --------------- * 添加自动下载新曲目 * 添加 增加对外接存储的媒体文件播放支持 改进并且修正了一些bug 增加加泰罗尼亚语翻译 版本 0.9.7 ------------- * Improved user interface * OPML files can now be imported by selecting them in a file browser * The queue can now be organized via drag & drop * Added expandable notifications (only supported on Android 4.1 and above) * Added Danish, French, Romanian (Romania) and Ukrainian (Ukraine) translation (thanks to all translators!) * Several bugfixes and minor improvements 版本 --------------- * Added Chinese translation (Thanks tupunco!) * Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation (Thanks mbaltar!) * Several bugfixes 版本 --------------- * Added the ability change the location of AntennaPod's data folder * Added Spanish translation (Thanks frandavid100!) * Solved problems with several feeds Version --------------- * Fixed import problems with some OPML files * Fixed download problems * AntennaPod now recognizes changes of episode information * Other improvements and bugfixes Version --------------- * Added dark theme * Several bugfixes and improvements Version 0.9.6 ------------- * Added support for VorbisComment chapters * AntennaPod now shows items as 'in progress' when playback has started * 减少内存使用 * 增加更多订阅类型的支持 * Several bugfixes Version --------------- * Fixed crash when trying to start playback on some devices * Fixed problems with some feeds * Other bugfixes and improvements Version --------------- * Media player now doesn't use network bandwidth anymore if not in use * Other improvements and bugfixes Version --------------- * Added playback history * Improved behavior of download report notifications * Improved support for headset controls * Bugfixes in the feed parser * Moved 'OPML import' button into the 'add feed' screen and the 'OPML export' button into the settings screen 版本 0.9.5 ------------- * Experimental support for MP3 chapters * New menu options for the 'new' list and the queue * Auto-delete feature * Better Download error reports * Several Bugfixes 版本 --------------- * Enabled support for small-screen devices * Disabling the sleep timer should now work again 版本 --------------- * Added Russian translation (Thanks older!) * Added German translation * Several bugfixes 版本 --------------- * Added player controls at the bottom of the main screen and the feedlist screens * Improved media playback 版本 --------------- * Fixed several bugs in the feed parser * Improved behavior of download reports Version --------------- * Fixed bug in the OPML importer * Reduced memory usage of images 解决一些设备上的下载问题 Version --------------- * Changed behavior of download notifications Version 0.9.4 ------------- * Faster and more reliable downloads * Added lockscreen player controls for Android 4.x devices * Several bugfixes Version --------------- * Added preference to hide feed items which don't have an episode * Improved image size for some some screen sizes * 为大屏幕增加了网格视图 * Several bugfixes Version 0.9.3 ------------- * 整合 Miro 指南 (MiroGuide) * Bugfixes in the audio- and videoplayer * Automatically add feeds to the queue when they have been downloaded 版本 0.9.2 ------------- * 修复一些用户界面的 BUG * GUID and ID attributes are now recognized by the Feedparser * Stability improvements when adding several feeds at the same time * Fixed bugs that occured when adding certain feeds Version -------------------- * Changed Flattr credentials * Improved layout of Feed information screen * AntennaPod is now open source! The source code is available at https://github.com/danieloeh/AntennaPod Version 0.9.1 ----------------- * Added support for links in SimpleChapters * Bugfix: Current Chapter wasn't always displayed correctly Version 0.9 -------------- * OPML export * Flattr integration * Sleep timer 版本 0.8.2 ------------- * Added search * Improved OPML import experience * More bugfixes 版本 0.8.1 ------------ * Added support for SimpleChapters * OPML import