AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-06-15Merge branch 'seek' of git:// into dreiss-seekdaniel oeh
2014-06-14Merge branch 'axq-patch-1' into developdaniel oeh
2014-06-14Merge branch 'patch-1' of git:// into axq-patch-1daniel oeh
2014-06-14Hide queue/unread count in navdrawer if it is 0daniel oeh
2014-06-14Fixed proguard issuesdaniel oeh
2014-06-14Pulled translationsdaniel oeh
2014-06-14Fixed NullPointerException in FeedInfoActivitydaniel oeh
2014-06-14Fixed NullPointerException in ImageDiskCachedaniel oeh
2014-06-14Fixed: BadTokenException in OnlineFeedViewdaniel oeh
2014-06-09Prepared release of version oeh
2014-06-09Crop by character in navdrawer. fixes #457daniel oeh
2014-06-08Replaced deprecated symbols in build.gradledaniel oeh
2014-06-08Show queue size and number of unread items in navdrawer. closes #453daniel oeh
2014-06-07Make seek time configurableDavid Reiss
2014-06-07Show a toast when an unknown media key is pressedDavid Reiss
2014-06-07Support next/previous media keysDavid Reiss
2014-06-07Remove unnecessary braces in PlaybackService case blockDavid Reiss
2014-06-07Added test cases for starting playbackdaniel oeh
2014-06-07Bugfix: Playback could not be restarted in some cases. fixes #387daniel oeh
2014-06-07Bugfix: Parser failures were not reported properly. fixes #450daniel oeh
2014-06-07Added progress bar to queue itemsdaniel oeh
2014-06-07Added 'new' indicator to all episodes view + layout improvementsdaniel oeh
2014-06-07Removed unused filesdaniel oeh
2014-06-07Improved menu behavior in all episodes viewdaniel oeh
2014-06-07Removed pull-to-refreshdaniel oeh
2014-06-07Updated version numbers in build.gradledaniel oeh
2014-06-01Update copyright year to 2014axq
2014-06-01Fixed up-/back-button behavior in PreferenceActivity. fixes #412, fixes #107daniel oeh
2014-06-01Merge branch 'ui-tests' into developdaniel oeh
2014-06-01Added basic MainActivity testsdaniel oeh
2014-06-01Finished UITestUtils implementationdaniel oeh
2014-05-31Added missing contentIntent0.9.9.0daniel oeh
2014-05-31Do not show dialog if activity has been closeddaniel oeh
2014-05-31Dismiss item dialog when starting playback of downloaded episodedaniel oeh
2014-05-31Pulled translationsdaniel oeh
2014-05-31Merge branch 'patch-1' of git:// into mschuetz-...daniel oeh
2014-05-30Added UI test classesdaniel oeh
2014-05-29Prepared release of version oeh
2014-05-29Upgraded flattr4j library. fixes #437daniel oeh
2014-05-25Added support for podlove alternate feedsdaniel oeh
2014-05-25Added support for "pcast"-protocol, start FeedViewActivity immediately when c...daniel oeh
2014-05-24Disabled update of rewritten URLs in sync servicedaniel oeh
2014-05-20Added missing resourcedaniel oeh
2014-05-19Removed unused resources, reduced number of lint warningsdaniel oeh
2014-05-19Cleaned up manifest, moved intent filters from AddFeedActivity to MainActivitydaniel oeh
2014-05-19Merge branch 'newgui' into develop. closes #407daniel oeh
2014-05-18Fixed: Pull-to-refresh was not working when there were no new episodesdaniel oeh
2014-05-18Fix permissions in .travis.ymldaniel oeh
2014-05-18Emulator should run in backgrounddaniel oeh
2014-05-18Added travis config filedaniel oeh