As this plugin is trivial there are no proper releases, and thus no real release numbers. For the purpose of publishing the script to [vimorg][] the release number is simply the sequential number of the commit of which the uploaded archive was generated from. The process is as follows: _base='' _repo='vim-ipxe' _hash=$( git ls-remote "$_base/$_repo" HEAD | cut -c1-7 ) _c_no=$( git log --oneline "$_hash" | wc -l ) _date=$( date '+%Y, %B %d' ) _name="${_repo%-main}"; _name="${_name#vim-}" wget "$_base/$_repo/snapshot/$" 7zz rn "$" "$_repo-main" "$_name" mv "$" "$_name-$" echo "Export of commit $_c_no ($_hash) from $_base/$_repo. $_date." \ > "snapshot-$_hash.txt" 7zz a "$_name-$" "snapshot-$_hash.txt" unset _base _repo _name _hash _init _c_no _date [vimorg]: