/* * Copyright (c) 2023, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include namespace AK { static constexpr int MEDIAN_OF_MEDIAN_CUTOFF = 4500; // FIXME: Stole and adapted these two functions from `Userland/Demos/Tubes/Tubes.cpp` we really need something like this in `AK/Random.h` static inline double random_double() { return get_random() / static_cast(NumericLimits::max()); } static inline size_t random_int(size_t min, size_t max) { return min + round_to(random_double() * (max - min)); } // Implementations of common pivot functions namespace PivotFunctions { // Just use the first element of the range as the pivot // Mainly used to debug the quick select algorithm // Good with random data since it has nearly no overhead // Attention: Turns the algorithm quadratic if used with already (partially) sorted data template size_t first_element([[maybe_unused]] Collection& collection, size_t left, [[maybe_unused]] size_t right, [[maybe_unused]] LessThan less_than) { return left; } // Just use the middle element of the range as the pivot // This is what is used in AK::single_pivot_quick_sort in quicksort.h // Works fairly well with random Data // Works incredibly well with sorted data since the pivot is always a perfect split template size_t middle_element([[maybe_unused]] Collection& collection, size_t left, size_t right, [[maybe_unused]] LessThan less_than) { return (left + right) / 2; } // Pick a random Pivot // This is the "Traditional" implementation of both quicksort and quick select // Performs fairly well both with random and sorted data template size_t random_element([[maybe_unused]] Collection& collection, size_t left, size_t right, [[maybe_unused]] LessThan less_than) { return random_int(left, right); } // Implementation detail of median_of_medians // Whilst this looks quadratic in runtime, it always gets called with 5 or fewer elements so can be considered constant runtime template size_t partition5(Collection& collection, size_t left, size_t right, LessThan less_than) { VERIFY((right - left) <= 5); for (size_t i = left + 1; i <= right; i++) { for (size_t j = i; j > left && less_than(collection.at(j), collection.at(j - 1)); j--) { swap(collection.at(j), collection.at(j - 1)); } } return (left + right) / 2; } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_of_medians // Use the median of medians algorithm to pick a really good pivot // This makes quick select run in linear time but comes with a lot of overhead that only pays off with very large inputs template size_t median_of_medians(Collection& collection, size_t left, size_t right, LessThan less_than) { if ((right - left) < 5) return partition5(collection, left, right, less_than); for (size_t i = left; i <= right; i += 5) { size_t sub_right = i + 4; if (sub_right > right) sub_right = right; size_t median5 = partition5(collection, i, sub_right, less_than); swap(collection.at(median5), collection.at(left + (i - left) / 5)); } size_t mid = (right - left) / 10 + left + 1; // We're using mutual recursion here, using quickselect_inplace to find the pivot for quickselect_inplace. // Whilst this achieves True linear Runtime, it is a lot of overhead, so use only this variant with very large inputs return quickselect_inplace( collection, left, left + ((right - left) / 5), mid, [](auto collection, size_t left, size_t right, auto less_than) { return AK::PivotFunctions::median_of_medians(collection, left, right, less_than); }, less_than); } } // This is the Lomuto Partition scheme which is simpler but less efficient than Hoare's partitioning scheme that is traditionally used with quicksort // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort#Lomuto_partition_scheme template static size_t partition(Collection& collection, size_t left, size_t right, PivotFn pivot_fn, LessThan less_than) { auto pivot_index = pivot_fn(collection, left, right, less_than); auto pivot_value = collection.at(pivot_index); swap(collection.at(pivot_index), collection.at(right)); auto store_index = left; for (size_t i = left; i < right; i++) { if (less_than(collection.at(i), pivot_value)) { swap(collection.at(store_index), collection.at(i)); store_index++; } } swap(collection.at(right), collection.at(store_index)); return store_index; } template size_t quickselect_inplace(Collection& collection, size_t left, size_t right, size_t k, PivotFn pivot_fn, LessThan less_than) { // Bail if left is somehow bigger than right and return default constructed result // FIXME: This can also occur when the collection is empty maybe propagate this error somehow? // returning 0 would be a really bad thing since this returns and index and that might lead to memory errors // returning in ErrorOr here might be a good option but this is a very specific error that in nearly all circumstances should be considered a bug on the callers site VERIFY(left <= right); // If there's only one element, return that element if (left == right) return left; auto pivot_index = partition(collection, left, right, pivot_fn, less_than); // we found the thing we were searching for if (k == pivot_index) return k; // Recurse on the left side if (k < pivot_index) return quickselect_inplace(collection, left, pivot_index - 1, k, pivot_fn, less_than); // recurse on the right side return quickselect_inplace(collection, pivot_index + 1, right, k, pivot_fn, less_than); } // template size_t quickselect_inplace(Collection& collection, size_t k, PivotFn pivot_fn, LessThan less_than) { return quickselect_inplace(collection, 0, collection.size() - 1, k, pivot_fn, less_than); } template size_t quickselect_inplace(Collection& collection, size_t k, PivotFn pivot_fn) { return quickselect_inplace(collection, 0, collection.size() - 1, k, pivot_fn, [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a < b; }); } // All of these quick select implementation versions return the `index` of the resulting element, after the algorithm has run, not the element itself! // As Part of the Algorithm, they all modify the collection in place, partially sorting it in the process. template size_t quickselect_inplace(Collection& collection, size_t k) { if (collection.size() >= MEDIAN_OF_MEDIAN_CUTOFF) return quickselect_inplace( collection, 0, collection.size() - 1, k, [](auto collection, size_t left, size_t right, auto less_than) { return PivotFunctions::median_of_medians(collection, left, right, less_than); }, [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a < b; }); else return quickselect_inplace( collection, 0, collection.size() - 1, k, [](auto collection, size_t left, size_t right, auto less_than) { return PivotFunctions::random_element(collection, left, right, less_than); }, [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a < b; }); } }