# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' class TestPsych < Psych::TestCase def setup @orig_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil end def teardown Psych.domain_types.clear $VERBOSE = @orig_verbose end def test_line_width_invalid assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Psych.dump('x', { :line_width => -2 }) } end def test_line_width_no_limit data = { 'a' => 'a b' * 50} expected = "---\na: #{'a b' * 50}\n" assert_equal(expected, Psych.dump(data, { :line_width => -1 })) end def test_line_width_limit yml = Psych.dump('123456 7', { :line_width => 5 }) assert_match(/^\s*7/, yml) end def test_indent yml = Psych.dump({:a => {'b' => 'c'}}, {:indentation => 5}) assert_match(/^[ ]{5}b/, yml) end def test_canonical yml = Psych.dump({:a => {'b' => 'c'}}, {:canonical => true}) assert_match(/\? "b/, yml) end def test_header yml = Psych.dump({:a => {'b' => 'c'}}, {:header => true}) assert_match(/YAML/, yml) end def test_version_array yml = Psych.dump({:a => {'b' => 'c'}}, {:version => [1,1]}) assert_match(/1.1/, yml) end def test_version_string yml = Psych.dump({:a => {'b' => 'c'}}, {:version => '1.1'}) assert_match(/1.1/, yml) end def test_version_bool yml = Psych.dump({:a => {'b' => 'c'}}, {:version => true}) assert_match(/1.1/, yml) end def test_load_argument_error assert_raise(TypeError) do Psych.load nil end end def test_parse assert_equal %w[a b], Psych.parse("- a\n- b").to_ruby end def test_parse_default_fallback assert_equal false, Psych.parse("") end def test_parse_raises_on_bad_input assert_raise(Psych::SyntaxError) { Psych.parse("--- `") } end def test_non_existing_class_on_deserialize e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Psych.unsafe_load("--- !ruby/object:NonExistent\nfoo: 1") end assert_equal 'undefined class/module NonExistent', e.message end def test_dump_stream things = [22, "foo \n", {}] stream = Psych.dump_stream(*things) assert_equal things, Psych.load_stream(stream) end def test_dump_file hash = {'hello' => 'TGIF!'} Tempfile.create('fun.yml') do |io| assert_equal io, Psych.dump(hash, io) io.rewind assert_equal Psych.dump(hash), io.read end end def test_dump_io hash = {'hello' => 'TGIF!'} stringio = StringIO.new ''.dup assert_equal stringio, Psych.dump(hash, stringio) assert_equal Psych.dump(hash), stringio.string end def test_simple assert_equal 'foo', Psych.load("--- foo\n") end def test_libyaml_version assert Psych.libyaml_version assert_equal Psych.libyaml_version.join('.'), Psych::LIBYAML_VERSION end def test_load_stream docs = Psych.load_stream("--- foo\n...\n--- bar\n...") assert_equal %w{ foo bar }, docs end def test_load_stream_freeze docs = Psych.load_stream("--- foo\n...\n--- bar\n...", freeze: true) assert_equal %w{ foo bar }, docs docs.each do |string| assert_predicate string, :frozen? end end def test_load_stream_symbolize_names docs = Psych.load_stream("---\nfoo: bar", symbolize_names: true) assert_equal [{foo: 'bar'}], docs end def test_load_stream_default_fallback assert_equal [], Psych.load_stream("") end def test_load_stream_raises_on_bad_input assert_raise(Psych::SyntaxError) { Psych.load_stream("--- `") } end def test_parse_stream docs = Psych.parse_stream("--- foo\n...\n--- bar\n...") assert_equal(%w[foo bar], docs.children.map(&:transform)) end def test_parse_stream_with_block docs = [] Psych.parse_stream("--- foo\n...\n--- bar\n...") do |node| docs << node end assert_equal %w[foo bar], docs.map(&:to_ruby) end def test_parse_stream_default_fallback docs = Psych.parse_stream("") assert_equal [], docs.children.map(&:to_ruby) end def test_parse_stream_with_block_default_fallback docs = [] Psych.parse_stream("") do |node| docs << node end assert_equal [], docs.map(&:to_ruby) end def test_parse_stream_raises_on_bad_input assert_raise(Psych::SyntaxError) { Psych.parse_stream("--- `") } end def test_add_builtin_type got = nil Psych.add_builtin_type 'omap' do |type, val| got = val end Psych.load('--- !!omap hello') assert_equal 'hello', got ensure Psych.remove_type 'omap' end def test_domain_types got = nil Psych.add_domain_type 'foo.bar/2002', 'foo' do |type, val| got = val end Psych.load('--- !foo.bar/2002:foo hello') assert_equal 'hello', got Psych.load("--- !foo.bar/2002:foo\n- hello\n- world") assert_equal %w{ hello world }, got Psych.load("--- !foo.bar/2002:foo\nhello: world") assert_equal({ 'hello' => 'world' }, got) end def test_load_freeze data = Psych.load("--- {foo: ['a']}", freeze: true) assert_predicate data, :frozen? assert_predicate data['foo'], :frozen? assert_predicate data['foo'].first, :frozen? end def test_load_freeze_deduplication unless String.method_defined?(:-@) && (-("a" * 20)).equal?((-("a" * 20))) pend "This Ruby implementation doesn't support string deduplication" end data = Psych.load("--- ['a']", freeze: true) assert_same 'a', data.first end def test_load_default_fallback assert_equal false, Psych.unsafe_load("") end def test_load_with_fallback assert_equal 42, Psych.load("", filename: "file", fallback: 42) end def test_load_with_fallback_nil_or_false assert_nil Psych.load("", filename: "file", fallback: nil) assert_equal false, Psych.load("", filename: "file", fallback: false) end def test_load_with_fallback_hash assert_equal Hash.new, Psych.load("", filename: "file", fallback: Hash.new) end def test_load_with_fallback_for_nil assert_nil Psych.unsafe_load("--- null", filename: "file", fallback: 42) end def test_load_with_fallback_for_false assert_equal false, Psych.unsafe_load("--- false", filename: "file", fallback: 42) end def test_load_file Tempfile.create(['yikes', 'yml']) {|t| t.binmode t.write('--- hello world') t.close assert_equal 'hello world', Psych.load_file(t.path) } end def test_load_file_freeze Tempfile.create(['yikes', 'yml']) {|t| t.binmode t.write('--- hello world') t.close object = Psych.load_file(t.path, freeze: true) assert_predicate object, :frozen? } end def test_load_file_symbolize_names Tempfile.create(['yikes', 'yml']) {|t| t.binmode t.write("---\nfoo: bar") t.close assert_equal({foo: 'bar'}, Psych.load_file(t.path, symbolize_names: true)) } end def test_load_file_default_fallback Tempfile.create(['empty', 'yml']) {|t| assert_equal false, Psych.unsafe_load_file(t.path) } end def test_load_file_with_fallback Tempfile.create(['empty', 'yml']) {|t| assert_equal 42, Psych.load_file(t.path, fallback: 42) } end def test_load_file_with_fallback_nil_or_false Tempfile.create(['empty', 'yml']) {|t| assert_nil Psych.load_file(t.path, fallback: nil) assert_equal false, Psych.load_file(t.path, fallback: false) } end def test_load_file_with_fallback_hash Tempfile.create(['empty', 'yml']) {|t| assert_equal Hash.new, Psych.load_file(t.path, fallback: Hash.new) } end def test_load_file_with_fallback_for_nil Tempfile.create(['nil', 'yml']) {|t| t.binmode t.write('--- null') t.close assert_nil Psych.load_file(t.path, fallback: 42) } end def test_load_file_with_fallback_for_false Tempfile.create(['false', 'yml']) {|t| t.binmode t.write('--- false') t.close assert_equal false, Psych.load_file(t.path, fallback: 42) } end def test_safe_load_file_with_permitted_classe Tempfile.create(['false', 'yml']) {|t| t.binmode t.write("--- !ruby/range\nbegin: 0\nend: 42\nexcl: false\n") t.close assert_equal 0..42, Psych.safe_load_file(t.path, permitted_classes: [Range]) assert_raise(Psych::DisallowedClass) { Psych.safe_load_file(t.path) } } end def test_parse_file Tempfile.create(['yikes', 'yml']) {|t| t.binmode t.write('--- hello world') t.close assert_equal 'hello world', Psych.parse_file(t.path).transform } end def test_parse_file_default_fallback Tempfile.create(['empty', 'yml']) do |t| assert_equal false, Psych.parse_file(t.path) end end def test_degenerate_strings assert_equal false, Psych.unsafe_load(' ') assert_equal false, Psych.parse(' ') assert_equal false, Psych.unsafe_load('') assert_equal false, Psych.parse('') end def test_callbacks types = [] appender = lambda { |*args| types << args } Psych.add_domain_type('example.com:2002', 'foo', &appender) Psych.load <<-eoyml - !tag:example.com:2002:foo bar eoyml assert_equal [ ["tag:example.com:2002:foo", "bar"] ], types end def test_symbolize_names yaml = <<-eoyml foo: bar: baz 1: 2 hoge: - fuga: piyo eoyml result = Psych.load(yaml) assert_equal result, { "foo" => { "bar" => "baz", 1 => 2 }, "hoge" => [{ "fuga" => "piyo" }] } result = Psych.load(yaml, symbolize_names: true) assert_equal result, { foo: { bar: "baz", 1 => 2 }, hoge: [{ fuga: "piyo" }] } result = Psych.safe_load(yaml, symbolize_names: true) assert_equal result, { foo: { bar: "baz", 1 => 2 }, hoge: [{ fuga: "piyo" }] } end def test_safe_dump_defaults yaml = <<-eoyml --- array: - 1 float: 13.12 booleans: - true - false eoyml payload = YAML.safe_dump({ "array" => [1], "float" => 13.12, "booleans" => [true, false], }) assert_equal yaml, payload end def test_safe_dump_unpermitted_class error = assert_raises Psych::DisallowedClass do YAML.safe_dump(Object.new) end assert_equal "Tried to dump unspecified class: Object", error.message hash_subclass = Class.new(Hash) error = assert_raises Psych::DisallowedClass do YAML.safe_dump(hash_subclass.new) end assert_equal "Tried to dump unspecified class: #{hash_subclass.inspect}", error.message end def test_safe_dump_extra_permitted_classes assert_equal "--- !ruby/object {}\n", YAML.safe_dump(Object.new, permitted_classes: [Object]) end def test_safe_dump_symbols error = assert_raises Psych::DisallowedClass do YAML.safe_dump(:foo, permitted_classes: [Symbol]) end assert_equal "Tried to dump unspecified class: Symbol(:foo)", error.message assert_equal "--- :foo\n", YAML.safe_dump(:foo, permitted_classes: [Symbol], permitted_symbols: [:foo]) end def test_safe_dump_aliases x = [] x << x error = assert_raises Psych::BadAlias do YAML.safe_dump(x) end assert_equal "Tried to dump an aliased object", error.message assert_equal "--- &1\n" + "- *1\n", YAML.safe_dump(x, aliases: true) end end