use crate::pac::{Interrupt, NVIC}; use core::arch::asm; use core::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, AtomicBool, Ordering}; #[cfg(any(feature = "nrf52810", feature = "nrf52811"))] const RESERVED_IRQS: u32 = (1 << (Interrupt::POWER_CLOCK as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::RADIO as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::RTC0 as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::TIMER0 as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::RNG as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::ECB as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::CCM_AAR as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::TEMP as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::SWI5 as u8)); #[cfg(not(any(feature = "nrf52810", feature = "nrf52811")))] const RESERVED_IRQS: u32 = (1 << (Interrupt::POWER_CLOCK as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::RADIO as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::RTC0 as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::TIMER0 as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::RNG as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::ECB as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::CCM_AAR as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::TEMP as u8)) | (1 << (Interrupt::SWI5_EGU5 as u8)); static CS_FLAG: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); static mut CS_MASK: u32 = 0; #[inline] unsafe fn raw_critical_section(f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R { // TODO: assert that we're in privileged level // Needed because disabling irqs in non-privileged level is a noop, which would break safety. let primask: u32; asm!("mrs {}, PRIMASK", out(reg) primask); asm!("cpsid i"); // Prevent compiler from reordering operations inside/outside the critical section. compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); let r = f(); compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); if primask & 1 == 0 { asm!("cpsie i"); } r } struct CriticalSection; critical_section::custom_impl!(CriticalSection); unsafe impl critical_section::Impl for CriticalSection { unsafe fn acquire() -> u8 { let nvic = &*NVIC::ptr(); let nested_cs = CS_FLAG.load(Ordering::SeqCst); if !nested_cs { raw_critical_section(|| {, Ordering::Relaxed); // Store the state of irqs. CS_MASK = nvic.icer[0].read(); // Disable only not-reserved irqs. nvic.icer[0].write(!RESERVED_IRQS); }); } compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); return nested_cs as u8; } unsafe fn release(token: u8) { compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); let nvic = &*NVIC::ptr(); if token == 0 { raw_critical_section(|| {, Ordering::Relaxed); // restore only non-reserved irqs. nvic.iser[0].write(CS_MASK & !RESERVED_IRQS); }); } } }