package org.javacs; import*; import; import; import; import com.sun.source.doctree.DocCommentTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.ParamTree; import com.sun.source.tree.BlockTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree; import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import; import; import org.javacs.lsp.*; class JavaLanguageServer extends LanguageServer { // TODO allow multiple workspace roots private Path workspaceRoot; private final LanguageClient client; private Set externalDependencies = Set.of(); private Set classPath = Set.of(); JavaCompilerService compiler; private static int severity(Diagnostic.Kind kind) { switch (kind) { case ERROR: return DiagnosticSeverity.Error; case WARNING: case MANDATORY_WARNING: return DiagnosticSeverity.Warning; case NOTE: return DiagnosticSeverity.Information; case OTHER: default: return DiagnosticSeverity.Hint; } } private static Position position(String content, long offset) { int line = 0, column = 0; for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++) { if (content.charAt(i) == '\n') { line++; column = 0; } else column++; } return new Position(line, column); } void publishDiagnostics(Collection files, List> javaDiagnostics) { var byUri = new HashMap>(); for (var j : javaDiagnostics) { if (j.getSource() == null) { LOG.warning("No source in warning " + j.getMessage(null)); continue; } // Check that error is in an open file var uri = j.getSource().toUri(); if (!files.contains(uri)) { LOG.warning( String.format( "Skipped error at %s(%d,%d) because that file isn't open", uri, j.getLineNumber(), j.getColumnNumber())); continue; } // Find start and end position var content = FileStore.contents(uri); var start = position(content, j.getStartPosition()); var end = position(content, j.getEndPosition()); var d = new org.javacs.lsp.Diagnostic(); d.severity = severity(j.getKind()); d.range = new Range(start, end); d.code = j.getCode(); d.message = j.getMessage(null); if (j.getCode().equals("unused")) { d.tags = List.of(DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary); } // Add to byUri var ds = byUri.computeIfAbsent(uri, __ -> new ArrayList<>()); ds.add(d); } for (var f : files) { var ds = byUri.getOrDefault(f, List.of()); var message = new PublishDiagnosticsParams(f, ds); client.publishDiagnostics(message); } } void reportErrors(Collection uris) { var messages = compiler.reportErrors(uris); publishDiagnostics(uris, messages); } private static final Gson gson = new Gson(); private void javaStartProgress(JavaStartProgressParams params) { client.customNotification("java/startProgress", gson.toJsonTree(params)); } private void javaReportProgress(JavaReportProgressParams params) { client.customNotification("java/reportProgress", gson.toJsonTree(params)); } private void javaEndProgress() { client.customNotification("java/endProgress", JsonNull.INSTANCE); } private JavaCompilerService createCompiler() { Objects.requireNonNull(workspaceRoot, "Can't create compiler because workspaceRoot has not been initialized"); javaStartProgress(new JavaStartProgressParams("Configure javac")); javaReportProgress(new JavaReportProgressParams("Finding source roots")); // If classpath is specified by the user, don't infer anything if (!classPath.isEmpty()) { javaEndProgress(); return new JavaCompilerService(classPath, Collections.emptySet()); } // Otherwise, combine inference with user-specified external dependencies else { var infer = new InferConfig(workspaceRoot, externalDependencies); javaReportProgress(new JavaReportProgressParams("Inferring class path")); var classPath = infer.classPath(); javaReportProgress(new JavaReportProgressParams("Inferring doc path")); var docPath = infer.buildDocPath(); javaEndProgress(); return new JavaCompilerService(classPath, docPath); } } void setExternalDependencies(Set externalDependencies) { var changed = this.externalDependencies.isEmpty() != externalDependencies.isEmpty(); // TODO shouldn't this be any change? this.externalDependencies = externalDependencies; if (changed) this.compiler = createCompiler(); } void setClassPath(Set classPath) { var changed = this.classPath.isEmpty() != classPath.isEmpty(); // TODO shouldn't this be any change? this.classPath = classPath; if (changed) this.compiler = createCompiler(); } @Override public InitializeResult initialize(InitializeParams params) { this.workspaceRoot = Paths.get(params.rootUri); FileStore.setWorkspaceRoots(Set.of(Paths.get(params.rootUri))); var c = new JsonObject(); c.addProperty("textDocumentSync", 2); // Incremental c.addProperty("hoverProvider", true); var completionOptions = new JsonObject(); completionOptions.addProperty("resolveProvider", true); var triggerCharacters = new JsonArray(); triggerCharacters.add("."); completionOptions.add("triggerCharacters", triggerCharacters); c.add("completionProvider", completionOptions); var signatureHelpOptions = new JsonObject(); var signatureTrigger = new JsonArray(); signatureTrigger.add("("); signatureTrigger.add(","); signatureHelpOptions.add("triggerCharacters", signatureTrigger); c.add("signatureHelpProvider", signatureHelpOptions); c.addProperty("referencesProvider", true); c.addProperty("definitionProvider", true); c.addProperty("workspaceSymbolProvider", true); c.addProperty("documentSymbolProvider", true); c.addProperty("documentFormattingProvider", true); var codeLensOptions = new JsonObject(); codeLensOptions.addProperty("resolveProvider", true); c.add("codeLensProvider", codeLensOptions); c.addProperty("foldingRangeProvider", true); return new InitializeResult(c); } @Override public void initialized() { this.compiler = createCompiler(); // Register for didChangeWatchedFiles notifications var options = new JsonObject(); var watchers = new JsonArray(); var watchJava = new JsonObject(); watchJava.addProperty("globPattern", "**/*.java"); watchers.add(watchJava); options.add("watchers", watchers); client.registerCapability("workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles", gson.toJsonTree(options)); } @Override public void shutdown() {} public JavaLanguageServer(LanguageClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public List workspaceSymbols(WorkspaceSymbolParams params) { var list = new ArrayList(); for (var s : compiler.findSymbols(params.query, 50)) { var i = asSymbolInformation(s); list.add(i); } return list; } @Override public void didChangeConfiguration(DidChangeConfigurationParams change) { var settings = (JsonObject) change.settings; var java = settings.getAsJsonObject("java"); var externalDependencies = java.getAsJsonArray("externalDependencies"); var strings = new HashSet(); for (var each : externalDependencies) strings.add(each.getAsString()); setExternalDependencies(strings); var classPath = java.getAsJsonArray("classPath"); var paths = new HashSet(); for (var each : classPath) paths.add(Paths.get(each.getAsString()).toAbsolutePath()); setClassPath(paths); } @Override public void didChangeWatchedFiles(DidChangeWatchedFilesParams params) { // TODO update config when pom.xml changes for (var c : params.changes) { if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(c.uri)) continue; var file = Paths.get(c.uri); switch (c.type) { case FileChangeType.Created: FileStore.externalCreate(file); break; case FileChangeType.Changed: FileStore.externalChange(file); break; case FileChangeType.Deleted: FileStore.externalDelete(file); break; } } } private Integer completionItemKind(Element e) { switch (e.getKind()) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE: return CompletionItemKind.Interface; case CLASS: return CompletionItemKind.Class; case CONSTRUCTOR: return CompletionItemKind.Constructor; case ENUM: return CompletionItemKind.Enum; case ENUM_CONSTANT: return CompletionItemKind.EnumMember; case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER: return CompletionItemKind.Property; case FIELD: return CompletionItemKind.Field; case STATIC_INIT: case INSTANCE_INIT: return CompletionItemKind.Function; case INTERFACE: return CompletionItemKind.Interface; case LOCAL_VARIABLE: return CompletionItemKind.Variable; case METHOD: return CompletionItemKind.Method; case PACKAGE: return CompletionItemKind.Module; case PARAMETER: return CompletionItemKind.Property; case RESOURCE_VARIABLE: return CompletionItemKind.Variable; case TYPE_PARAMETER: return CompletionItemKind.TypeParameter; case OTHER: default: return null; } } private boolean isMemberOfObject(Element e) { var parent = e.getEnclosingElement(); if (parent instanceof TypeElement) { var type = (TypeElement) parent; return type.getQualifiedName().contentEquals("java.lang.Object"); } return false; } /** Cache of completions from the last call to `completion` */ private final Map lastCompletions = new HashMap<>(); @Override public Optional completion(TextDocumentPositionParams position) { var started =; var uri = position.textDocument.uri; if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(uri)) return Optional.empty(); var line = position.position.line + 1; var column = position.position.character + 1;"Complete at %s(%d,%d)", uri.getPath(), line, column)); // Figure out what kind of completion we want to do var maybeCtx = compiler.parseFile(uri).completionContext(line, column); // TODO don't complete inside of comments if (!maybeCtx.isPresent()) { var items = new ArrayList(); for (var name : CompileBatch.TOP_LEVEL_KEYWORDS) { var i = new CompletionItem(); i.label = name; i.kind = CompletionItemKind.Keyword; i.detail = "keyword"; items.add(i); } return Optional.of(new CompletionList(true, items)); } // Compile again, focusing on a region that depends on what type of completion we want to do var ctx = maybeCtx.get(); List cs; boolean isIncomplete; try (var focus = compiler.compileFocus(uri, ctx.line, ctx.character)) { // Do a specific type of completion switch (ctx.kind) { case MemberSelect: cs = focus.completeMembers(uri, ctx.line, ctx.character, false); isIncomplete = false; break; case MemberReference: cs = focus.completeMembers(uri, ctx.line, ctx.character, true); isIncomplete = false; break; case Identifier: cs = focus.completeIdentifiers( uri, ctx.line, ctx.character, ctx.inClass, ctx.inMethod, ctx.partialName); isIncomplete = cs.size() >= CompileBatch.MAX_COMPLETION_ITEMS; break; case Annotation: cs = focus.completeAnnotations(uri, ctx.line, ctx.character, ctx.partialName); isIncomplete = cs.size() >= CompileBatch.MAX_COMPLETION_ITEMS; break; case Case: cs = focus.completeCases(uri, ctx.line, ctx.character); isIncomplete = false; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected completion context " + ctx.kind); } } // Convert to CompletionItem var result = new ArrayList(); for (var c : cs) { var i = new CompletionItem(); var id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); = new JsonPrimitive(id); lastCompletions.put(id, c); if (c.element != null) { i.label = c.element.getSimpleName().toString(); i.kind = completionItemKind(c.element); // Detailed name will be resolved later, using docs to fill in method names if (!(c.element instanceof ExecutableElement)) { i.detail = ShortTypePrinter.print(c.element.asType()); } // TODO prioritize based on usage? // TODO prioritize based on scope if (isMemberOfObject(c.element)) { i.sortText = 9 + i.label; } else { i.sortText = 2 + i.label; } } else if (c.packagePart != null) { i.label =; i.kind = CompletionItemKind.Module; i.detail = c.packagePart.fullName; i.sortText = 2 + i.label; } else if (c.keyword != null) { i.label = c.keyword; i.kind = CompletionItemKind.Keyword; i.detail = "keyword"; i.sortText = 3 + i.label; } else if (c.className != null) { i.label = Parser.lastName(; i.kind = CompletionItemKind.Class; i.detail =; if (c.className.isImported) { i.sortText = 2 + i.label; } else { i.sortText = 4 + i.label; } } else if (c.snippet != null) { i.label = c.snippet.label; i.kind = CompletionItemKind.Snippet; i.insertText = c.snippet.snippet; i.insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet; i.sortText = 1 + i.label; } else { throw new RuntimeException(c + " is not valid"); } result.add(i); } // Log timing var elapsedMs = Duration.between(started,; if (isIncomplete)"Found %d items (incomplete) in %,d ms", result.size(), elapsedMs)); else"...found %d items in %,d ms", result.size(), elapsedMs)); return Optional.of(new CompletionList(isIncomplete, result)); } private Optional findDocs(Ptr ptr) {"Find docs for `%s`...", ptr)); // Find el in the doc path var file =; if (!file.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); // Parse file and find el var parse =; var path = parse.fuzzyFind(ptr); if (!path.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); // Parse the doctree associated with el var docTree = parse.doc(path.get()); ; var string = asMarkupContent(docTree); return Optional.of(string); } private Optional findMethodDetails(ExecutableElement method) {"Find details for method `%s`...", method)); // TODO find and parse happens twice between findDocs and findMethodDetails // Find method in the doc path var ptr = new Ptr(method); var file =; if (!file.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); // Parse file and find method var parse =; var path = parse.fuzzyFind(ptr); if (!path.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); // Should be a MethodTree var tree = path.get().getLeaf(); if (!(tree instanceof MethodTree)) { LOG.warning(String.format("...method `%s` associated with non-method tree `%s`", method, tree)); return Optional.empty(); } // Write description of method using info from source var methodTree = (MethodTree) tree; var args = new StringJoiner(", "); for (var p : methodTree.getParameters()) { args.add(p.getName()); } var details = String.format("%s %s(%s)", methodTree.getReturnType(), methodTree.getName(), args); return Optional.of(details); } private String defaultDetails(ExecutableElement method) { var args = new StringJoiner(", "); var missingParamNames = method.getParameters().stream().allMatch(p -> p.getSimpleName().toString().matches("arg\\d+")); for (var p : method.getParameters()) { if (missingParamNames) args.add(ShortTypePrinter.print(p.asType())); else args.add(p.getSimpleName().toString()); } return String.format("%s %s(%s)", ShortTypePrinter.print(method.getReturnType()), method.getSimpleName(), args); } private String asMarkdown(List lines) { var join = new StringJoiner("\n"); for (var l : lines) join.add(l.toString()); var html = join.toString(); return Docs.htmlToMarkdown(html); } private String asMarkdown(DocCommentTree comment) { var lines = comment.getFirstSentence(); return asMarkdown(lines); } private MarkupContent asMarkupContent(DocCommentTree comment) { var markdown = asMarkdown(comment); var content = new MarkupContent(); content.kind = MarkupKind.Markdown; content.value = markdown; return content; } @Override public CompletionItem resolveCompletionItem(CompletionItem unresolved) { if ( == null) return unresolved; var idJson = (JsonPrimitive); var id = idJson.getAsString(); var cached = lastCompletions.get(id); if (cached == null) { LOG.warning("CompletionItem " + id + " was not in the cache"); return unresolved; } if (cached.element != null) { if (cached.element instanceof ExecutableElement) { var method = (ExecutableElement) cached.element; unresolved.detail = findMethodDetails(method).orElse(defaultDetails(method)); } var markdown = findDocs(new Ptr(cached.element)); if (markdown.isPresent()) { unresolved.documentation = markdown.get(); } } else if (cached.className != null) { var packageName = Parser.mostName(; var className = Parser.lastName(; var ptr = Ptr.toClass(packageName, className); var markdown = findDocs(ptr); if (markdown.isPresent()) unresolved.documentation = markdown.get(); } return unresolved; } private String hoverTypeDeclaration(TypeElement t) { var result = new StringBuilder(); switch (t.getKind()) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE: result.append("@interface"); break; case INTERFACE: result.append("interface"); break; case CLASS: result.append("class"); break; case ENUM: result.append("enum"); break; default: LOG.warning("Don't know what to call type element " + t); result.append("???"); } result.append(" ").append(ShortTypePrinter.print(t.asType())); var superType = ShortTypePrinter.print(t.getSuperclass()); switch (superType) { case "Object": case "none": break; default: result.append(" extends ").append(superType); } return result.toString(); } private String hoverCode(Element e) { if (e instanceof ExecutableElement) { var m = (ExecutableElement) e; return ShortTypePrinter.printMethod(m); } else if (e instanceof VariableElement) { var v = (VariableElement) e; return ShortTypePrinter.print(v.asType()) + " " + v; } else if (e instanceof TypeElement) { var t = (TypeElement) e; var lines = new StringJoiner("\n"); lines.add(hoverTypeDeclaration(t) + " {"); for (var member : t.getEnclosedElements()) { // TODO check accessibility if (member instanceof ExecutableElement || member instanceof VariableElement) { lines.add(" " + hoverCode(member) + ";"); } else if (member instanceof TypeElement) { lines.add(" " + hoverTypeDeclaration((TypeElement) member) + " { /* removed */ }"); } } lines.add("}"); return lines.toString(); } else { return e.toString(); } } private Optional hoverDocs(Element e) { var ptr = new Ptr(e); var file =; if (!file.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); var parse =; var path = parse.fuzzyFind(ptr); if (!path.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); var doc = parse.doc(path.get()); var md = asMarkdown(doc); return Optional.of(md); } private CompileBatch activeFileCache; private URI activeFileCacheFile = URI.create("file:///NONE"); private int activeFileCacheVersion = -1; // TODO take only URI and invalidate based on version private void updateActiveFile(URI uri) { if (activeFileCache == null || !activeFileCacheFile.equals(uri) || activeFileCacheVersion != FileStore.version(uri)) {"Recompile active file..."); if (activeFileCache != null) activeFileCache.close(); activeFileCache = compiler.compileFile(uri); activeFileCacheFile = uri; activeFileCacheVersion = FileStore.version(uri); } } @Override public Optional hover(TextDocumentPositionParams position) { // Compile entire file if it's changed since last hover var uri = position.textDocument.uri; if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(uri)) return Optional.empty(); updateActiveFile(uri); // Find element undeer cursor var line = position.position.line + 1; var column = position.position.character + 1; var el = activeFileCache.element(uri, line, column); if (!el.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); var result = new ArrayList(); // Add docs hover message var docs = hoverDocs(el.get()); docs.filter(Predicate.not(String::isBlank)) .ifPresent( doc -> { result.add(new MarkedString(doc)); }); // Add code hover message var code = hoverCode(el.get()); result.add(new MarkedString("java.hover", code)); return Optional.of(new Hover(result)); } private SignatureInformation asSignatureInformation(ExecutableElement e) { // Figure out parameter info from source or from ExecutableElement var i = new SignatureInformation(); var ptr = new Ptr(e); var ps = signatureParamsFromDocs(ptr).orElse(signatureParamsFromMethod(e)); i.parameters = ps; // Compute label from params (which came from either source or ExecutableElement) var name = e.getSimpleName(); if (name.contentEquals("")) name = e.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName(); var args = new StringJoiner(", "); for (var p : ps) { args.add(p.label); } i.label = name + "(" + args + ")"; return i; } private List signatureParamsFromMethod(ExecutableElement e) { var missingParamNames = ShortTypePrinter.missingParamNames(e); var ps = new ArrayList(); for (var v : e.getParameters()) { var p = new ParameterInformation(); if (missingParamNames) p.label = ShortTypePrinter.print(v.asType()); else p.label = v.getSimpleName().toString(); ps.add(p); } return ps; } private Optional> signatureParamsFromDocs(Ptr ptr) { // Find the file ptr point to, and parse it var file =; if (!file.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); var parse =; // Find the tree var path = parse.fuzzyFind(ptr); if (!path.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); if (!(path.get().getLeaf() instanceof MethodTree)) return Optional.empty(); var method = (MethodTree) path.get().getLeaf(); // Find the docstring on method, or empty doc if there is none var doc = parse.doc(path.get()); // Get param docs from @param tags var ps = new ArrayList(); var paramComments = new HashMap(); for (var tag : doc.getBlockTags()) { if (tag.getKind() == DocTree.Kind.PARAM) { var param = (ParamTree) tag; paramComments.put(param.getName().toString(), asMarkdown(param.getDescription())); } } // Get param names from source for (var param : method.getParameters()) { var info = new ParameterInformation(); var name = param.getName().toString(); info.label = name; if (paramComments.containsKey(name)) { var markdown = paramComments.get(name); info.documentation = new MarkupContent("markdown", markdown); } else { var markdown = Objects.toString(param.getType(), ""); info.documentation = new MarkupContent("markdown", markdown); } ps.add(info); } return Optional.of(ps); } private SignatureHelp asSignatureHelp(MethodInvocation invoke) { // TODO use docs to get parameter names var sigs = new ArrayList(); for (var e : invoke.overloads) { sigs.add(asSignatureInformation(e)); } var activeSig =; return new SignatureHelp(sigs, activeSig, invoke.activeParameter); } @Override public Optional signatureHelp(TextDocumentPositionParams position) { var uri = position.textDocument.uri; if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(uri)) return Optional.empty(); var line = position.position.line + 1; var column = position.position.character + 1; try (var focus = compiler.compileFocus(uri, line, column)) { var help = focus.methodInvocation(uri, line, column).map(this::asSignatureHelp); return help; } } @Override public Optional> gotoDefinition(TextDocumentPositionParams position) { var fromUri = position.textDocument.uri; if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(fromUri)) return Optional.empty(); var fromLine = position.position.line + 1; var fromColumn = position.position.character + 1; // Compile from-file and identify element under cursor"Go-to-def at %s:%d...", fromUri, fromLine)); updateActiveFile(fromUri); var toEl = activeFileCache.element(fromUri, fromLine, fromColumn); if (!toEl.isPresent()) {" element at cursor")); return Optional.empty(); } // Compile all files that *might* contain definitions of fromEl var toFiles = compiler.potentialDefinitions(toEl.get()); toFiles.add(fromUri); try (var batch = compiler.compileBatch(pruneWord(toFiles, toEl.get()))) { // Find fromEl again, so that we have an Element from the current batch var fromElAgain = batch.element(fromUri, fromLine, fromColumn).get(); // Find all definitions of fromElAgain var toTreePaths = batch.definitions(fromElAgain); if (!toTreePaths.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); var result = new ArrayList(); for (var path : toTreePaths.get()) { var toUri = path.getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile().toUri(); var toRange = batch.range(path); if (!toRange.isPresent()) { LOG.warning(String.format("Couldn't locate `%s`", path.getLeaf())); continue; } var from = new Location(toUri, toRange.get()); result.add(from); } return Optional.of(result); } } @Override public Optional> findReferences(ReferenceParams position) { var toUri = position.textDocument.uri; if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(toUri)) return Optional.empty(); var toLine = position.position.line + 1; var toColumn = position.position.character + 1; // Compile from-file and identify element under cursor LOG.warning(String.format("Looking for references to %s(%d,%d)...", toUri.getPath(), toLine, toColumn)); updateActiveFile(toUri); var toEl = activeFileCache.element(toUri, toLine, toColumn); if (!toEl.isPresent()) { LOG.warning(" element under cursor"); return Optional.empty(); } // Compile all files that *might* contain references to toEl var fromUris = compiler.potentialReferences(toEl.get()); fromUris.add(toUri); try (var batch = compiler.compileBatch(pruneWord(fromUris, toEl.get()))) { // Find toEl again, so that we have an Element from the current batch var toElAgain = batch.element(toUri, toLine, toColumn).get(); // Find all references to toElAgain var fromTreePaths = batch.references(toElAgain); if (!fromTreePaths.isPresent()) return Optional.empty(); var result = new ArrayList(); for (var path : fromTreePaths.get()) { var fromUri = path.getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile().toUri(); var fromRange = batch.range(path); if (!fromRange.isPresent()) { LOG.warning(String.format("Couldn't locate `%s`", path.getLeaf())); continue; } var from = new Location(fromUri, fromRange.get()); result.add(from); } return Optional.of(result); } } private List pruneWord(Collection files, Element el) { var name = el.getSimpleName().toString(); if (name.equals("")) name = el.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().toString(); var sources = new ArrayList(); for (var f : files) { var pruned = Pruner.prune(f, name); sources.add(new SourceFileObject(f, pruned)); } return sources; } private ParseFile cacheParse; private URI cacheParseFile = URI.create("file:///NONE");; private int cacheParseVersion = -1; private void updateCachedParse(URI file) { if (file.equals(cacheParseFile) && FileStore.version(file) == cacheParseVersion) return;"Updating cached parse file to %s", file)); cacheParse = compiler.parseFile(file); cacheParseFile = file; cacheParseVersion = FileStore.version(file); } @Override public List documentSymbol(DocumentSymbolParams params) { var uri = params.textDocument.uri; if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(uri)) return List.of(); updateCachedParse(uri); var paths = cacheParse.documentSymbols(); var infos = new ArrayList(); for (var p : paths) { infos.add(asSymbolInformation(p)); } return infos; } static SymbolInformation asSymbolInformation(TreePath path) { var i = new SymbolInformation(); var t = path.getLeaf(); i.kind = asSymbolKind(t.getKind()); = symbolName(t); i.containerName = containerName(path); i.location = Parser.location(path); return i; } private static Integer asSymbolKind(Tree.Kind k) { switch (k) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case CLASS: return SymbolKind.Class; case ENUM: return SymbolKind.Enum; case INTERFACE: return SymbolKind.Interface; case METHOD: return SymbolKind.Method; case TYPE_PARAMETER: return SymbolKind.TypeParameter; case VARIABLE: // This method is used for symbol-search functionality, // where we only return fields, not local variables return SymbolKind.Field; default: return null; } } private static String containerName(TreePath path) { var parent = path.getParentPath(); while (parent != null) { var t = parent.getLeaf(); if (t instanceof ClassTree) { var c = (ClassTree) t; return c.getSimpleName().toString(); } else if (t instanceof CompilationUnitTree) { var c = (CompilationUnitTree) t; return Objects.toString(c.getPackageName(), ""); } else { parent = parent.getParentPath(); } } return null; } private static String symbolName(Tree t) { if (t instanceof ClassTree) { var c = (ClassTree) t; return c.getSimpleName().toString(); } else if (t instanceof MethodTree) { var m = (MethodTree) t; return m.getName().toString(); } else if (t instanceof VariableTree) { var v = (VariableTree) t; return v.getName().toString(); } else { LOG.warning("Don't know how to create SymbolInformation from " + t); return "???"; } } @Override public List codeLens(CodeLensParams params) { // TODO just create a blank code lens on every method, then resolve it async var uri = params.textDocument.uri; if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(uri)) return List.of(); updateCachedParse(uri); var declarations = cacheParse.declarations(); var result = new ArrayList(); for (var d : declarations) { var range = cacheParse.range(d); if (!range.isPresent()) continue; var className = JavaCompilerService.className(d); var memberName = JavaCompilerService.memberName(d); // If test class or method, add "Run Test" code lens if (cacheParse.isTestClass(d)) { var arguments = new JsonArray(); arguments.add(uri.toString()); arguments.add(className); arguments.add(JsonNull.INSTANCE); var command = new Command("Run All Tests", "", arguments); var lens = new CodeLens(range.get(), command, null); result.add(lens); // TODO run all tests in file // TODO run all tests in package } if (cacheParse.isTestMethod(d)) { var arguments = new JsonArray(); arguments.add(uri.toString()); arguments.add(className); if (memberName.isPresent()) arguments.add(memberName.get()); else arguments.add(JsonNull.INSTANCE); var command = new Command("Run Test", "", arguments); var lens = new CodeLens(range.get(), command, null); result.add(lens); } if (!cacheParse.isTestMethod(d) && !cacheParse.isTestClass(d)) { // Unresolved "_ references" code lens var start = range.get().start; var line = start.line; var character = start.character; var data = new JsonArray(); data.add("java.command.findReferences"); data.add(uri.toString()); data.add(line); data.add(character); var lens = new CodeLens(range.get(), null, data); result.add(lens); } } return result; } @Override public CodeLens resolveCodeLens(CodeLens unresolved) { // TODO This is pretty klugey, should happen asynchronously after CodeLenses are shown if (!recentlyOpened.isEmpty()) { reportErrors(recentlyOpened); recentlyOpened.clear(); } // Unpack data var data =; var command = data.get(0).getAsString(); assert command.equals("java.command.findReferences"); var uriString = data.get(1).getAsString(); var uri = URI.create(uriString); var line = data.get(2).getAsInt() + 1; var character = data.get(3).getAsInt() + 1; // Update command var count = countReferences(uri, line, character); String title; if (count == -1) title = "? references"; else if (count == 1) title = "1 reference"; else if (count == 100) title = "Find references"; else title = String.format("%d references", count); var arguments = new JsonArray(); arguments.add(uri.toString()); arguments.add(line - 1); arguments.add(character - 1); unresolved.command = new Command(title, command, arguments); return unresolved; } /** * cacheReferencesFile is the target of every reference currently in cacheIndex. Index#needsUpdate(_) assumes that * the user edits one file at a time, and checks whether edits to that file invalidate the cached index. To * guarantee this assumption, we simply invalidate all cached indices when the user changes files. */ private URI cacheReferencesFile = URI.create("file:///NONE"); /** cacheCountReferences[toDeclaration] is a list of all files that have references to toDeclaration */ private final Map> cacheReferences = new HashMap<>(); /** * cacheCountReferences[toDeclaration] == TOO_EXPENSIVE indicates there are too many potential references to * toDeclaration */ private static final List TOO_EXPENSIVE = new ArrayList<>(); /** cacheIndex[fromFile] is a count of all references from fromFile to cacheCountReferencesFile */ private final Map cacheIndex = new HashMap<>(); private boolean cacheReferencesNeedsUpdate(Ptr toPtr, Set signature) { if (!cacheReferences.containsKey(toPtr)) return true; for (var fromUri : cacheReferences.get(toPtr)) { var index = cacheIndex.get(fromUri); if (index.needsUpdate(signature)) return true; } return false; } private int countReferences(URI toUri, int toLine, int toColumn) { // If the user changes files, invalidate all cached indices if (!toUri.equals(cacheReferencesFile)) { cacheReferences.clear(); cacheIndex.clear(); cacheReferencesFile = toUri; } // Make sure the active file is compiled updateActiveFile(toUri); // Find the element we want to count references to var toEl = activeFileCache.element(toUri, toLine, toColumn); if (!toEl.isPresent()) { LOG.warning(" element at code lens"); return -1; } var toPtr = new Ptr(toEl.get()); // Find the signature of the target file var declarations = activeFileCache.declarations(toUri); var signature = new HashSet(); for (var el : declarations) { signature.add(new Ptr(el)); } // If the signature has changed, or the from-files contain errors, we need to redo the count if (cacheReferencesNeedsUpdate(toPtr, signature)) {"Count references to `%s`...", toPtr)); // Compile all files that *might* contain references to toEl var fromUris = compiler.potentialReferences(toEl.get()); fromUris.remove(toUri); // If it's too expensive to compute the code lens if (fromUris.size() > 10) { String.format( "...there are %d potential references, which is too expensive to compile", fromUris.size())); cacheReferences.put(toPtr, TOO_EXPENSIVE); } else { // Make sure all fromUris -> toUri references are in cacheIndex var list = referencesFile(fromUris, toUri, signature); cacheReferences.put(toPtr, list); } } else {"Using cached count references to `%s`", toPtr)); } // Always update active file var activeIndex = activeFileCache.index(toUri, declarations); var count = activeIndex.count(toPtr); // Count up references out of index var fromUris = cacheReferences.get(toPtr); if (fromUris == TOO_EXPENSIVE) return 100; for (var fromUri : fromUris) { var index = cacheIndex.get(fromUri); count += index.count(toPtr); } return count; } private boolean cacheIndexNeedsUpdate(URI fromUri, Set signature) { if (!cacheIndex.containsKey(fromUri)) return true; var index = cacheIndex.get(fromUri); if (index.hasErrors) { String.format("...%s needs to be re-indexed because it contains errors", Parser.fileName(fromUri))); return true; } if (index.needsUpdate(signature)) { String.format( "...%s needs to be re-indexed because it refers to a declaration that has changed", Parser.fileName(fromUri))); return true; } return false; } private List referencesFile(Collection fromUris, URI toUri, Set signature) { // Check which files need to be updated var outOfDate = new HashSet(); for (var fromUri : fromUris) { if (cacheIndexNeedsUpdate(fromUri, signature)) { outOfDate.add(fromUri); } } // Update out-of-date indices if (!outOfDate.isEmpty()) { // Compile all files that need to be updated in a batch outOfDate.add(toUri); try (var batch = compiler.compileUris(outOfDate)) { // Find all declarations in toFile var toEls = batch.declarations(toUri); // Index outOfDate String.format( " for references to %d elements in %d files", toEls.size(), outOfDate.size())); for (var fromUri : outOfDate) { var index = batch.index(fromUri, toEls); cacheIndex.put(fromUri, index); } } } else {"...all indexes are cached and up-to-date"); } // Figure out which files actually reference one of the Ptrs in signature var actuallyReferencesFile = new ArrayList(); for (var fromUri : fromUris) { var index = cacheIndex.get(fromUri); if ( > 0) actuallyReferencesFile.add(fromUri); } return actuallyReferencesFile; } @Override public List formatting(DocumentFormattingParams params) { updateActiveFile(params.textDocument.uri); var edits = new ArrayList(); edits.addAll(fixImports()); edits.addAll(addOverrides()); // TODO replace var with type name when vars are copy-pasted into fields // TODO replace ThisClass.staticMethod() with staticMethod() when ThisClass is useless return edits; } private List fixImports() { // TODO if imports already match fixed-imports, return empty list // TODO preserve comments and other details of existing imports var imports = activeFileCache.fixImports(activeFileCacheFile); var pos = activeFileCache.sourcePositions(); var lines = activeFileCache.lineMap(activeFileCacheFile); var edits = new ArrayList(); // Delete all existing imports for (var i : activeFileCache.imports(activeFileCacheFile)) { if (!i.isStatic()) { var offset = pos.getStartPosition(activeFileCache.root(activeFileCacheFile), i); var line = (int) lines.getLineNumber(offset) - 1; var delete = new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(line, 0), new Position(line + 1, 0)), ""); edits.add(delete); } } if (imports.isEmpty()) return edits; // Find a place to insert the new imports long insertLine = -1; var insertText = new StringBuilder(); // If there are imports, use the start of the first import as the insert position for (var i : activeFileCache.imports(activeFileCacheFile)) { if (!i.isStatic() && insertLine == -1) { long offset = pos.getStartPosition(activeFileCache.root(activeFileCacheFile), i); insertLine = lines.getLineNumber(offset) - 1; } } // If there are no imports, insert after the package declaration if (insertLine == -1 && activeFileCache.root(activeFileCacheFile).getPackageName() != null) { long offset = pos.getEndPosition( activeFileCache.root(activeFileCacheFile), activeFileCache.root(activeFileCacheFile).getPackageName()); insertLine = lines.getLineNumber(offset); insertText.append("\n"); } // If there are no imports and no package, insert at the top of the file if (insertLine == -1) { insertLine = 0; } // Insert each import for (var i : imports) { insertText.append("import ").append(i).append(";\n"); } var insertPosition = new Position((int) insertLine, 0); var insert = new TextEdit(new Range(insertPosition, insertPosition), insertText.toString()); edits.add(insert); return edits; } private List addOverrides() { var edits = new ArrayList(); var methods = activeFileCache.needsOverrideAnnotation(activeFileCacheFile); var pos = activeFileCache.sourcePositions(); var lines = activeFileCache.lineMap(activeFileCacheFile); for (var t : methods) { var methodStart = pos.getStartPosition(t.getCompilationUnit(), t.getLeaf()); var insertLine = lines.getLineNumber(methodStart); var indent = methodStart - lines.getPosition(insertLine, 0); var insertText = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < indent; i++) insertText.append(' '); insertText.append("@Override"); insertText.append('\n'); var insertPosition = new Position((int) insertLine - 1, 0); var insert = new TextEdit(new Range(insertPosition, insertPosition), insertText.toString()); edits.add(insert); } return edits; } @Override public List foldingRange(FoldingRangeParams params) { updateCachedParse(params.textDocument.uri); var folds = cacheParse.foldingRanges(); var all = new ArrayList(); // Merge import ranges if (!folds.imports.isEmpty()) { var merged = asFoldingRange(folds.imports.get(0), FoldingRangeKind.Imports); for (var i : folds.imports) { var r = asFoldingRange(i, FoldingRangeKind.Imports); if (r.startLine <= merged.endLine + 1) { merged = new FoldingRange( merged.startLine, merged.startCharacter, r.endLine, r.endCharacter, FoldingRangeKind.Imports); } else { all.add(merged); merged = r; } } all.add(merged); } // Convert blocks and comments for (var t : folds.blocks) { all.add(asFoldingRange(t, FoldingRangeKind.Region)); } for (var t : folds.comments) { all.add(asFoldingRange(t, FoldingRangeKind.Region)); } return all; } private FoldingRange asFoldingRange(TreePath t, String kind) { var pos = cacheParse.sourcePositions(); var lines = t.getCompilationUnit().getLineMap(); var start = (int) pos.getStartPosition(t.getCompilationUnit(), t.getLeaf()); var end = (int) pos.getEndPosition(t.getCompilationUnit(), t.getLeaf()); // If this is a class tree, adjust start position to '{' if (t.getLeaf() instanceof ClassTree) { CharSequence content; try { content = t.getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile().getCharContent(true); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (var i = start; i < content.length(); i++) { if (content.charAt(i) == '{') { start = i; break; } } } // Convert offset to 0-based line and character var startLine = (int) lines.getLineNumber(start) - 1; var startChar = (int) lines.getColumnNumber(start) - 1; var endLine = (int) lines.getLineNumber(end) - 1; var endChar = (int) lines.getColumnNumber(end) - 1; // If this is a block, move end position back one line so we don't fold the '}' if (t.getLeaf() instanceof ClassTree || t.getLeaf() instanceof BlockTree) { endLine--; } return new FoldingRange(startLine, startChar, endLine, endChar, kind); } @Override public Optional prepareRename(TextDocumentPositionParams params) { throw new RuntimeException("TODO"); } @Override public WorkspaceEdit rename(RenameParams params) { throw new RuntimeException("TODO"); } private List recentlyOpened = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void didOpenTextDocument(DidOpenTextDocumentParams params) {; recentlyOpened.add(params.textDocument.uri); // Lint this document later updateCachedParse( params.textDocument.uri); // So that subsequent documentSymbol and codeLens requests will be faster } @Override public void didChangeTextDocument(DidChangeTextDocumentParams params) { FileStore.change(params); } @Override public void didCloseTextDocument(DidCloseTextDocumentParams params) { FileStore.close(params); if (FileStore.isJavaFile(params.textDocument.uri)) { // Clear diagnostics publishDiagnostics(List.of(params.textDocument.uri), List.of()); } } @Override public void didSaveTextDocument(DidSaveTextDocumentParams params) { if (FileStore.isJavaFile(params.textDocument.uri)) { // Re-lint all active documents reportErrors(FileStore.activeDocuments()); } } private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("main"); }