package org.javacs; import com.sun.source.tree.*; import com.sun.source.util.*; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import javax.lang.model.element.*; import*; // TODO eliminate uses of URI in favor of Path public class JavaCompilerService { // Not modifiable! If you want to edit these, you need to create a new instance final Set classPath, docPath; final TaskPool compiler = new TaskPool(10); final Docs docs; final Set jdkClasses = Classes.jdkTopLevelClasses(), classPathClasses; // Diagnostics from the last compilation task final List> diags = new ArrayList<>(); // Use the same file manager for multiple tasks, so we don't repeatedly re-compile the same files // TODO intercept files that aren't in the batch and erase method bodies so compilation is faster final SourceFileManager fileManager; public JavaCompilerService(Set classPath, Set docPath) { System.err.println("Class path:"); for (var p : classPath) { System.err.println(" " + p); } System.err.println("Doc path:"); for (var p : docPath) { System.err.println(" " + p); } // classPath can't actually be modified, because JavaCompiler remembers it from task to task this.classPath = Collections.unmodifiableSet(classPath); this.docPath = Collections.unmodifiableSet(docPath); = new Docs(docPath); this.classPathClasses = Classes.classPathTopLevelClasses(classPath); this.fileManager = new SourceFileManager(); } /** Combine source path or class path entries using the system separator, for example ':' in unix */ private static String joinPath(Collection classOrSourcePath) { return -> p.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator)); } static List options(Set classPath) { var list = new ArrayList(); Collections.addAll(list, "-classpath", joinPath(classPath)); // Collections.addAll(list, "-verbose"); Collections.addAll(list, "-proc:none"); Collections.addAll(list, "-g"); // You would think we could do -Xlint:all, // but some lints trigger fatal errors in the presence of parse errors Collections.addAll( list, "-Xlint:cast", "-Xlint:deprecation", "-Xlint:empty", "-Xlint:fallthrough", "-Xlint:finally", "-Xlint:path", "-Xlint:unchecked", "-Xlint:varargs", "-Xlint:static"); return list; } public Docs docs() { return docs; } public ParseFile parseFile(URI file) { return new ParseFile(this, file); } public CompileBatch compileFocus(URI uri, int line, int character) { var contents = Pruner.prune(uri, line, character); var file = new SourceFileObject(uri, contents); return compileBatch(List.of(file)); } public CompileBatch compileFile(URI uri) { return compileUris(Collections.singleton(uri)); } public CompileBatch compileUris(Collection uris) { var files = new ArrayList(); for (var p : uris) files.add(new File(p)); var sources = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(files); var list = new ArrayList(); for (var s : sources) list.add(s); return new CompileBatch(this, list); } public CompileBatch compileBatch(Collection sources) { return new CompileBatch(this, sources); } public List> reportErrors(Collection uris) {"Report errors in %d files...", uris.size())); // Construct list of sources var files = new ArrayList(); for (var uri : uris) { if (FileStore.isJavaFile(uri)) { files.add(new File(uri)); } } if (files.isEmpty()) return List.of(); // TODO should get current contents of open files from FileStore var sources = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(files); // Create task var options = options(classPath); try (var borrow = compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, diags::add, options, Collections.emptyList(), sources)) { var trees = Trees.instance(borrow.task); // Print timing information for optimization var profiler = new Profiler(); borrow.task.addTaskListener(profiler); // Run compilation diags.clear(); Iterable roots; try { roots = borrow.task.parse(); borrow.task.analyze(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } profiler.print();"...found %d errors", diags.size())); // Check for unused privates for (var r : roots) { var warnUnused = new WarnUnused(borrow.task); warnUnused.scan(r, null); for (var unusedEl : warnUnused.notUsed()) { var path = trees.getPath(unusedEl); var message = String.format("`%s` is not used", unusedEl.getSimpleName()); Diagnostic.Kind kind; if (unusedEl instanceof ExecutableElement || unusedEl instanceof TypeElement) { kind = Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER; } else { kind = Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING; } diags.add(new Warning(borrow.task, path, kind, "unused", message)); } } // TODO hint fields that could be final // TODO hint unused exception return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(diags)); } } public Set potentialDefinitions(Element to) {"Find potential definitions of `%s`...", to)); // If `to` is private, any definitions must be in the same file if (to.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {"...`%s` is private", to)); var set = new HashSet(); declaringFile(to).ifPresent(set::add); return set; } if (to instanceof ExecutableElement) { var allFiles = possibleFiles(to); // TODO this needs to use open text if available // Check if the file contains the name of `to` var hasWord = containsWord(allFiles, to); // Parse each file and check if the syntax tree is consistent with a definition of `to` // This produces some false positives, but parsing is much faster than compiling, // so it's an effective optimization var findName = simpleName(to); var checkTree = new HashSet(); class FindMethod extends TreePathScanner { @Override public Void visitMethod(MethodTree t, Void __) { // TODO try to disprove that this is a reference by looking at obvious special cases, like is the // simple name of the type different? if (t.getName().contentEquals(findName)) { var uri = getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile().toUri(); checkTree.add(uri); } return super.visitMethod(t, null); } } for (var f : hasWord) { var root = Parser.parse(f); new FindMethod().scan(root, null); }"...%d files contain method `%s`", checkTree.size(), findName)); return checkTree; } else { var files = new HashSet(); declaringFile(to).ifPresent(files::add); return files; } } public Set potentialReferences(Element to) {"Find potential references to `%s`...", to)); // If `to` is private, any definitions must be in the same file if (to.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {"...`%s` is private", to)); var set = new HashSet(); declaringFile(to).ifPresent(set::add); return set; } var findName = simpleName(to); var isField = to instanceof VariableElement && to.getEnclosingElement() instanceof TypeElement; var isType = to instanceof TypeElement; if (isField || isType) {"...find identifiers named `%s`", findName)); class FindVar extends TreePathScanner> { void add(Set found) { var uri = getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile().toUri(); found.add(uri); } boolean method() { var leaf = getCurrentPath().getLeaf(); var parent = getCurrentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf(); if (parent instanceof MethodInvocationTree) { var method = (MethodInvocationTree) parent; return method.getMethodSelect() == leaf; } return false; } @Override public Void visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree t, Set found) { // TODO try to disprove that this is a reference by looking at obvious special cases, like is the // simple name of the type different? if (t.getName().contentEquals(findName) && !method()) add(found); return super.visitIdentifier(t, found); } @Override public Void visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree t, Set found) { if (t.getIdentifier().contentEquals(findName) && !method()) add(found); return super.visitMemberSelect(t, found); } } return scanForPotentialReferences(to, new FindVar()); } else if (to instanceof ExecutableElement) {"...find method calls named `%s`", findName)); class FindMethod extends TreePathScanner> { void add(Set found) { var uri = getCurrentPath().getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile().toUri(); found.add(uri); } public boolean isName(Tree t) { if (t instanceof MemberSelectTree) { var select = (MemberSelectTree) t; return select.getIdentifier().contentEquals(findName); } if (t instanceof IdentifierTree) { var id = (IdentifierTree) t; return id.getName().contentEquals(findName); } return false; } @Override public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree t, Set found) { // TODO try to disprove that this is a reference by looking at obvious special cases, like is the // simple name of the type different? var method = t.getMethodSelect(); if (isName(method)) add(found); // Check other parts return super.visitMethodInvocation(t, found); } @Override public Void visitMemberReference(MemberReferenceTree t, Set found) { if (t.getName().contentEquals(findName)) add(found); return super.visitMemberReference(t, found); } @Override public Void visitNewClass(NewClassTree t, Set found) { var cls = t.getIdentifier(); if (isName(cls)) add(found); return super.visitNewClass(t, found); } } return scanForPotentialReferences(to, new FindMethod()); } else { // Fields, type parameters can only be referenced from within the same file"...references to `%s` must be in the same file", to)); var files = new HashSet(); var toFile = declaringFile(to); // If there is no declaring file if (!toFile.isPresent()) {"..has no declaring file"); return files; } // If the declaring file isn't a normal file, for example if it's in if (!FileStore.isJavaFile(toFile.get())) {"...%s is not on the source path", toFile.get())); return files; } // Otherwise, jump to the declaring file"...declared in %s", toFile.get().getPath())); files.add(toFile.get()); return files; } } private static CharSequence simpleName(Element e) { if (e.getSimpleName().contentEquals("")) { return e.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName(); } return e.getSimpleName(); } private boolean isPackagePrivate(Element to) { return !to.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PROTECTED) && !to.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC); } private Set scanForPotentialReferences(Element to, TreePathScanner> scan) { var allFiles = possibleFiles(to); // TODO this needs to use open text if available // Check if the file contains the name of `to` var hasWord = containsWord(allFiles, to); // You can't reference a TypeElement without importing it if (to instanceof TypeElement) { hasWord = containsImport(hasWord, (TypeElement) to); } // Parse each file and check if the syntax tree is consistent with a definition of `to` // This produces some false positives, but parsing is much faster than compiling, // so it's an effective optimization var found = new HashSet(); for (var f : hasWord) { var root = Parser.parse(f); scan.scan(root, found); }"...%d files contain matching syntax", found.size())); return found; } private Optional declaringFile(Element e) { // Find top-level type surrounding `to`"...looking up declaring file of `%s`...", e)); var top = topLevelDeclaration(e); if (!top.isPresent()) { LOG.warning(" top-level type!"); return Optional.empty(); } // Find file by looking at package and class name" type is %s", top.get())); var file = findDeclaringFile(top.get()); if (!file.isPresent()) {"...couldn't find declaring file for type")); return Optional.empty(); } return file; } private Optional topLevelDeclaration(Element e) { if (e == null) return Optional.empty(); var parent = e; TypeElement result = null; while (parent.getEnclosingElement() != null) { if (parent instanceof TypeElement) result = (TypeElement) parent; parent = parent.getEnclosingElement(); } return Optional.ofNullable(result); } /** Find the file `e` was declared in */ private Optional findDeclaringFile(TypeElement e) { var name = e.getQualifiedName().toString(); JavaFileObject file; try { file = fileManager.getJavaFileForInput(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, name, JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); } catch (IOException err) { throw new RuntimeException(err); } if (file == null) return Optional.empty(); return Optional.of(file.toUri()); } private Collection possibleFiles(Element to) { // If `to` is package-private, only look in my own package if (isPackagePrivate(to)) { var myPkg = packageName(to); var allFiles = FileStore.list(myPkg);"...check %d files in my own package %s", allFiles.size(), myPkg)); return allFiles; } // Otherwise search all files var allFiles = FileStore.all();"...check %d files", allFiles.size())); return allFiles; } private static Cache cacheContainsWord = new Cache<>(); private List containsWord(Collection allFiles, Element to) { // Figure out what name we're looking for var name = to.getSimpleName().toString(); if (name.equals("")) name = to.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().toString(); if (!name.matches("\\w*")) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("`%s` is not a word", name)); // Figure out all files that need to be re-scanned var outOfDate = new ArrayList(); for (var file : allFiles) { if (cacheContainsWord.needs(file, name)) { outOfDate.add(file); } } // Update those files in cacheContainsWord"...scanning %d out-of-date files for the word `%s`", outOfDate.size(), name)); for (var file : outOfDate) { // TODO this needs to use open text if available var found = Parser.containsWord(file, name); cacheContainsWord.load(file, name, found); } // Assemble list of all files that contain name var hasWord = new ArrayList(); for (var file : allFiles) { if (cacheContainsWord.get(file, name)) { hasWord.add(file); } }"...%d files contain the word `%s`", hasWord.size(), name)); return hasWord; } private static Cache cacheContainsImport = new Cache<>(); private List containsImport(Collection allFiles, TypeElement to) { // Figure out which files import `to`, explicitly or implicitly var qName = to.getQualifiedName().toString(); var toPackage = packageName(to); var toClass = className(to); var hasImport = new ArrayList(); for (var file : allFiles) { if (cacheContainsImport.needs(file, qName)) { var found = Parser.containsImport(file, toPackage, toClass); cacheContainsImport.load(file, qName, found); } if (cacheContainsImport.get(file, qName)) { hasImport.add(file); } }"...%d files import %s.%s", hasImport.size(), toPackage, toClass)); return hasImport; } public static String packageName(Element e) { while (e != null) { if (e instanceof PackageElement) { var pkg = (PackageElement) e; return pkg.getQualifiedName().toString(); } e = e.getEnclosingElement(); } return ""; } public static String className(Element e) { while (e != null) { if (e instanceof TypeElement) { var type = (TypeElement) e; return type.getSimpleName().toString(); } e = e.getEnclosingElement(); } return ""; } public static String className(TreePath t) { while (t != null) { if (t.getLeaf() instanceof ClassTree) { var cls = (ClassTree) t.getLeaf(); return cls.getSimpleName().toString(); } t = t.getParentPath(); } return ""; } public static Optional memberName(TreePath t) { while (t != null) { if (t.getLeaf() instanceof ClassTree) { return Optional.empty(); } else if (t.getLeaf() instanceof MethodTree) { var method = (MethodTree) t.getLeaf(); var name = method.getName().toString(); return Optional.of(name); } else if (t.getLeaf() instanceof VariableTree) { var field = (VariableTree) t.getLeaf(); var name = field.getName().toString(); return Optional.of(name); } t = t.getParentPath(); } return Optional.empty(); } public List findSymbols(String query, int limit) {"Searching for `%s`...", query)); var result = new ArrayList(); var files = FileStore.all(); var checked = 0; var parsed = 0; for (var file : files) { checked++; // First do a fast check if the query matches anything in a file if (!Parser.containsWordMatching(file, query)) continue; // Parse the file and check class members for matches"...%s contains text matches", file.getFileName())); var parse = Parser.parse(file); var symbols = Parser.findSymbolsMatching(parse, query); parsed++; // If we confirm matches, add them to the results if (symbols.size() > 0)"...found %d occurrences", symbols.size())); result.addAll(symbols); // If results are full, stop if (result.size() >= limit) break; }"Found %d matches in %d/%d/%d files", result.size(), checked, parsed, files.size())); return result; } private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("main"); }