package org.javacs; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.javacs.lsp.DidChangeTextDocumentParams; import org.javacs.lsp.DidCloseTextDocumentParams; import org.javacs.lsp.DidOpenTextDocumentParams; import org.javacs.lsp.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent; class FileStore { private static final Set workspaceRoots = new HashSet<>(); private static final Map activeDocuments = new HashMap<>(); /** javaSources[file] is the javaSources time of a .java source file. */ // TODO organize by package name for speed of list(...) private static final TreeMap javaSources = new TreeMap<>(); private static class Info { final Instant modified; final String packageName; Info(Instant modified, String packageName) { this.modified = modified; this.packageName = packageName; } } static void setWorkspaceRoots(Set newRoots) { newRoots = normalize(newRoots); for (var root : workspaceRoots) { if (!newRoots.contains(root)) { workspaceRoots.removeIf(f -> f.startsWith(root)); } } for (var root : newRoots) { if (!workspaceRoots.contains(root)) { addFiles(root); } } workspaceRoots.clear(); workspaceRoots.addAll(newRoots); } private static Set normalize(Set newRoots) { var normalize = new HashSet(); for (var root : newRoots) { normalize.add(root.toAbsolutePath().normalize()); } return normalize; } private static void addFiles(Path root) { try { Files.walk(root).filter(FileStore::isJavaFile).forEach(FileStore::readInfoFromDisk); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static Collection all() { return javaSources.keySet(); } static List list(String packageName) { var list = new ArrayList(); for (var kv : javaSources.entrySet()) { var file = kv.getKey(); var info = kv.getValue(); if (info.packageName.equals(packageName)) list.add(file); } return list; } static boolean contains(Path file) { return isJavaFile(file) && javaSources.containsKey(file); } static Instant modified(Path file) { // If we've never checked before, look up modified time on disk if (!javaSources.containsKey(file)) { readInfoFromDisk(file); } // Look up modified time from cache return javaSources.get(file).modified; } static String packageName(Path file) { // If we've never checked before, look up modified time on disk if (!javaSources.containsKey(file)) { readInfoFromDisk(file); } // Look up modified time from cache return javaSources.get(file).packageName; } static String suggestedPackageName(Path file) { var sourceRoot = sourceRoot(file); var relativePath = sourceRoot.relativize(file).getParent(); if (relativePath == null) return ""; return relativePath.toString().replace(File.separatorChar, '.'); } private static Path sourceRoot(Path file) { for (var dir = file.getParent(); dir != null; dir = dir.getParent()) { for (var related : javaSourcesIn(dir)) { if (related.equals(file)) continue; var packageName = packageName(related); var relativePath = Paths.get(packageName.replace('.', File.separatorChar)); var sourceRoot = dir; for (var i = 0; i < relativePath.getNameCount(); i++) { sourceRoot = sourceRoot.getParent(); } return sourceRoot; } } return file.getParent(); } private static List javaSourcesIn(Path dir) { var tail = javaSources.tailMap(dir, false); var list = new ArrayList(); for (var file : tail.keySet()) { if (!file.startsWith(dir)) break; list.add(file); } return list; } static void externalCreate(Path file) { readInfoFromDisk(file); } static void externalChange(Path file) { readInfoFromDisk(file); } static void externalDelete(Path file) { javaSources.remove(file); } private static void readInfoFromDisk(Path file) { try { var time = Files.getLastModifiedTime(file).toInstant(); var packageName = Parser.packageName(file); javaSources.put(file, new Info(time, packageName)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static void open(DidOpenTextDocumentParams params) { var document = params.textDocument; var uri = document.uri; if (!isJavaFile(uri)) return; activeDocuments.put(uri, new VersionedContent(document.text, document.version)); } static void change(DidChangeTextDocumentParams params) { var document = params.textDocument; var uri = document.uri; if (isJavaFile(uri)) { var existing = activeDocuments.get(uri); var newText = existing.content; if (document.version > existing.version) { for (var change : params.contentChanges) { if (change.range == null) newText = change.text; else newText = patch(newText, change); } activeDocuments.put(uri, new VersionedContent(newText, document.version)); } else LOG.warning("Ignored change with version " + document.version + " <= " + existing.version); } } static void close(DidCloseTextDocumentParams params) { var document = params.textDocument; var uri = document.uri; if (isJavaFile(uri)) { // Remove from source cache activeDocuments.remove(uri); } } static Set activeDocuments() { return activeDocuments.keySet(); } static int version(URI file) { if (!activeDocuments.containsKey(file)) return -1; return activeDocuments.get(file).version; } static String contents(URI file) { if (!isJavaFile(file)) { throw new RuntimeException(file + " is not a java file"); } if (activeDocuments.containsKey(file)) { return activeDocuments.get(file).content; } try { // TODO I think there is a faster path here return Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(file)).stream().collect(Collectors.joining("\n")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static String contents(Path file) { return contents(file.toUri()); } static InputStream inputStream(Path file) { var uri = file.toUri(); if (activeDocuments.containsKey(uri)) { var string = activeDocuments.get(uri).content; var bytes = string.getBytes(); return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } try { return Files.newInputStream(file); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static BufferedReader bufferedReader(Path file) { var uri = file.toUri(); if (activeDocuments.containsKey(uri)) { var string = activeDocuments.get(uri).content; return new BufferedReader(new StringReader(string)); } try { return Files.newBufferedReader(file); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static BufferedReader lines(Path file) { try { return Files.newBufferedReader(file); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static String patch(String sourceText, TextDocumentContentChangeEvent change) { try { var range = change.range; var reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sourceText)); var writer = new StringWriter(); // Skip unchanged lines int line = 0; while (line < range.start.line) { writer.write(reader.readLine() + '\n'); line++; } // Skip unchanged chars for (int character = 0; character < range.start.character; character++) writer.write(; // Write replacement text writer.write(change.text); // Skip replaced text reader.skip(change.rangeLength); // Write remaining text while (true) { int next =; if (next == -1) return writer.toString(); else writer.write(next); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static boolean isJavaFile(Path file) { var name = file.getFileName().toString(); // We hide from javac, because when javac sees // it goes into "module mode" and starts looking for classes on the module class path. // This becomes evident when javac starts recompiling *way too much* on each task, // because it doesn't realize there are already up-to-date .class files. // The better solution would be for java-language server to detect the presence of, // and go into its own "module mode" where it infers a module source path and a module class path. return name.endsWith(".java") && !name.equals(""); } static boolean isJavaFile(URI uri) { return uri.getScheme().equals("file") && isJavaFile(Paths.get(uri)); } private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("main"); }