package org.javacs; import com.sun.source.tree.*; import com.sun.source.util.*; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.lang.model.element.*; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.util.*; import*; import org.javacs.lsp.Range; public class CompileBatch implements AutoCloseable { private final JavaCompilerService parent; private final ReportProgress progress; private final TaskPool.Borrow borrow; private final Trees trees; private final Elements elements; private final Types types; private final List roots; CompileBatch(JavaCompilerService parent, Collection files, ReportProgress progress) { this.parent = parent; this.progress = progress; this.borrow = batchTask(parent, files); this.trees = Trees.instance(borrow.task); this.elements = borrow.task.getElements(); this.types = borrow.task.getTypes(); this.roots = new ArrayList(); // Print timing information for optimization var profiler = new Profiler(); borrow.task.addTaskListener(profiler); // Show progress message through the UI class CountFiles implements TaskListener { Set parse = new HashSet<>(), enter = new HashSet<>(), analyze = new HashSet<>(); void inc(String message) { var n = parse.size() + enter.size() + analyze.size(); var total = files.size() * 3; progress.progress(message, n, total); } @Override public void started(TaskEvent e) { var uri = e.getSourceFile().toUri(); switch (e.getKind()) { case PARSE: if (parse.add(uri)) inc("Parse sources"); break; case ENTER: if (enter.add(uri)) inc("Enter symbols"); break; case ANALYZE: var name = Parser.fileName(uri); if (analyze.add(uri)) inc("Analyze " + name); break; } } } borrow.task.addTaskListener(new CountFiles()); // Compile all roots try { for (var t : borrow.task.parse()) roots.add(t); // The results of borrow.task.analyze() are unreliable when errors are present // You can get at `Element` values using `Trees` borrow.task.analyze(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } profiler.print(); } @Override public void close() { borrow.close(); } static TaskPool.Borrow batchTask(JavaCompilerService parent, Collection sources) { parent.diags.clear(); return parent.compiler.getTask( null, parent.fileManager, parent.diags::add, JavaCompilerService.options(parent.classPath), Collections.emptyList(), sources); } public Optional element(URI uri, int line, int character) { for (var root : roots) { if (root.getSourceFile().toUri().equals(uri)) { var path = CompileFocus.findPath(borrow.task, root, line, character); var el = trees.getElement(path); return Optional.ofNullable(el); } } // Somehow, uri was not in batch var names = new StringJoiner(", "); for (var r : roots) { names.add(Parser.fileName(r.getSourceFile().toUri())); } throw new RuntimeException("File " + uri + " isn't in batch " + names); } public Optional> definitions(Element el) {"Search for definitions of `%s` in %d files...", el, roots.size())); if (el.asType().getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR) {"...`%s` is an error type, giving up", el.asType())); return Optional.empty(); } var refs = new ArrayList(); class FindDefinitions extends TreePathScanner { boolean sameSymbol(Element found) { return el.equals(found); } boolean isSubMethod(Element found) { if (!(el instanceof ExecutableElement)) return false; if (!(found instanceof ExecutableElement)) return false; var superMethod = (ExecutableElement) el; var subMethod = (ExecutableElement) found; var subType = (TypeElement) subMethod.getEnclosingElement(); // TODO need to check if class is compatible as well if (elements.overrides(subMethod, superMethod, subType)) { //"...`%s.%s` overrides `%s`", subType, subMethod, superMethod)); return true; } return false; } void check(TreePath from) { var found = trees.getElement(from); var match = sameSymbol(found) || isSubMethod(found); if (match) refs.add(from); } @Override public Void visitClass(ClassTree t, Void __) { check(getCurrentPath()); return super.visitClass(t, null); } @Override public Void visitMethod(MethodTree t, Void __) { check(getCurrentPath()); return super.visitMethod(t, null); } @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree t, Void __) { check(getCurrentPath()); return super.visitVariable(t, null); } } var finder = new FindDefinitions(); for (var r : roots) { finder.scan(r, null); } return Optional.of(refs); } public Optional> references(Element to) {"Search for references to %s...", to)); // If to is an error, we won't be able to find anything if (to.asType().getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR) {"...`%s` is an error type, giving up", to.asType())); return Optional.empty(); } // Otherwise, scan roots for references List list = new ArrayList(); var map = Map.of(to, list); var finder = new FindReferences(borrow.task); for (var r : roots) { finder.scan(r, map); }"...found %d references", list.size())); return Optional.of(list); } /** * Find all elements in `file` that get turned into code-lenses. This needs to match the result of * `ParseFile#declarations` */ public List declarations(URI file) { for (var r : roots) { if (!r.getSourceFile().toUri().equals(file)) continue; var paths = ParseFile.declarations(r); var els = new ArrayList(); for (var p : paths) { var e = trees.getElement(p); assert e != null; els.add(e); } return els; } // Couldn't find file! Throw an error. var message = new StringJoiner(", "); for (var r : roots) { message.add(Parser.fileName(r.getSourceFile().toUri())); } throw new RuntimeException(file + " is not in " + message); } public Index index(URI from, List declarations) { for (var r : roots) { if (r.getSourceFile().toUri().equals(from)) { return new Index(borrow.task, r, parent.diags, declarations); } } throw new RuntimeException(from + " is not in compiled batch"); } public Optional range(TreePath path) { var uri = path.getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile().toUri(); var contents = FileStore.contents(uri); return ParseFile.range(borrow.task, contents, path); } private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("main"); }