use dotavious::attributes::{ AttributeText, AttributeType, Color, CompassPoint, EdgeAttributes, EdgeStyle, GraphAttributeStatementBuilder, GraphAttributes, GraphStyle, NodeAttributes, NodeStyle, PortPosition, RankDir, Shape, }; use dotavious::{ Dot, Edge, EdgeAttributeStatementBuilder, EdgeBuilder, Graph, GraphBuilder, Node, NodeAttributeStatementBuilder, NodeBuilder, SubGraphBuilder, }; use std::io; use std::io::Read; fn test_input(g: Graph) -> io::Result { let mut writer = Vec::new(); let dot = Dot { graph: g }; dot.render(&mut writer).unwrap(); let mut s = String::new(); Read::read_to_string(&mut &*writer, &mut s)?; Ok(s) } #[test] fn empty_digraph_without_id() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_directed().build().unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph { } "# ); } #[test] fn support_display() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_directed().build().unwrap(); let dot = Dot { graph: g }; assert_eq!( format!("{}", dot), r#"digraph { } "# ); } #[test] fn graph_comment() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_directed() .comment("Comment goes here") .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"// Comment goes here digraph { } "# ); } #[test] fn nonreadable_ascii_id() { let id = "\u{0}\u{1}\u{2}\u{3}\u{4}\u{5}\u{6}\u{7}\u{8}\u{9}\u{a}\u{b}\u{c}\u{d}\u{e}\u{f}\ \u{10}\u{11}\u{12}\u{13}\u{14}\u{15}\u{16}\u{17}\u{18}\u{19}\u{1a}\u{1b}\u{1c}\u{1d}\u{1e}\ \u{1f}"; let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed(id) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), "digraph \"\u{0}\u{1}\u{2}\u{3}\u{4}\u{5}\u{6}\u{7}\u{8}\u{9}\u{a}\u{b}\u{c}\u{d}\u{e}\ \u{f}\u{10}\u{11}\u{12}\u{13}\u{14}\u{15}\u{16}\u{17}\u{18}\u{19}\u{1a}\u{1b}\u{1c}\ \u{1d}\u{1e}\u{1f}\" { } " ); } #[test] fn readable_ascii_no_alphanum_id() { let id = r##" !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"##; let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed(id) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r##"digraph " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~" { } "## ); } #[test] fn non_ascii_alphanum_id() { let id = "Identität"; let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed(id) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r##"digraph Identität { } "## ); } #[test] fn quotted_id() { let quotted_id = r#"Earvin "Magic" Johnson"#; let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed(quotted_id) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph "Earvin \"Magic\" Johnson" { } "# ); } #[test] fn id_with_space() { let id = "A Graph"; let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed(id) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph "A Graph" { } "# ); } #[test] fn empty_digraph() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("empty_graph") .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph empty_graph { } "# ); } #[test] fn empty_undirected_graph() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_undirected("empty_graph") .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"graph empty_graph { } "# ); } #[test] fn single_node() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("single_node") .add_node(Node::new("N0")) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph single_node { N0; } "# ); } #[test] fn single_node_with_style() { let node = NodeBuilder::new("N0") .style(NodeStyle::Dashed) .build() .unwrap(); let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("single_node") .add_node(node) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph single_node { N0 [style=dashed]; } "# ); } #[test] fn support_non_inline_builder() { let mut g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("single_node"); // TODO: having to split this is stupid. am i doing something wrong? let mut node_builder = NodeBuilder::new("N0");; if true { node_builder.add_attribute("foo", AttributeText::quoted("baz")); } let node =; g.add_node(node); let r = test_input(; assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph single_node { N0 [style=dashed, foo="baz"]; } "# ); } #[test] fn builder_support_shape() { let node = NodeBuilder::new("N0") .shape(Shape::Note) .build() .unwrap(); let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("node_shape") .add_node(node) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph node_shape { N0 [shape=note]; } "# ); } #[test] fn single_edge() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("single_edge") .add_node(Node::new("N0")) .add_node(Node::new("N1")) .add_edge(Edge::new("N0", "N1")) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph single_edge { N0; N1; N0 -> N1; } "# ); } #[test] fn format_edges() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("format_edges") .add_node(Node::new(r#"Earvin "Magic" Johnson"#)) .add_node(Node::new("A Graph")) .add_edge(Edge::new(r#"Earvin "Magic" Johnson"#, "A Graph")) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph format_edges { "Earvin \"Magic\" Johnson"; "A Graph"; "Earvin \"Magic\" Johnson" -> "A Graph"; } "# ); } #[test] fn single_edge_with_style() { let edge = EdgeBuilder::new("N0", "N1") .style(EdgeStyle::Bold) .build() .unwrap(); let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("single_edge") .add_node(Node::new("N0")) .add_node(Node::new("N1")) .add_edge(edge) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph single_edge { N0; N1; N0 -> N1 [style=bold]; } "# ); } #[test] fn edge_statement_port_position() { let node_0 = NodeBuilder::new("N0") .shape(Shape::Record) .label("a|b") .build() .unwrap(); let node_1 = NodeBuilder::new("N1") .shape(Shape::Record) .label("e|f") .build() .unwrap(); let edge = EdgeBuilder::new("N0", "N1") .source_port_position(PortPosition::Port { port_name: "port0".to_string(), compass_point: Some(CompassPoint::SW), }) .target_port_position(PortPosition::Port { port_name: "port1".to_string(), compass_point: Some(CompassPoint::NE), }) .build() .unwrap(); let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("edge_statement_port_position") .add_node(node_0) .add_node(node_1) .add_edge(edge) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph edge_statement_port_position { N0 [shape=record, label="a|b"]; N1 [shape=record, label="e|f"]; "N0:port0:sw" -> "N1:port1:ne"; } "# ); } #[test] fn port_position_attribute() { let node_0 = NodeBuilder::new("N0") .shape(Shape::Record) .label("a|b") .build() .unwrap(); let node_1 = NodeBuilder::new("N1") .shape(Shape::Record) .label("e|f") .build() .unwrap(); let edge = EdgeBuilder::new("N0", "N1") .tail_port(PortPosition::Port { port_name: "port0".to_string(), compass_point: Some(CompassPoint::SW), }) .head_port(PortPosition::Port { port_name: "port1".to_string(), compass_point: Some(CompassPoint::NE), }) .build() .unwrap(); let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("port_position_attribute") .add_node(node_0) .add_node(node_1) .add_edge(edge) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph port_position_attribute { N0 [shape=record, label="a|b"]; N1 [shape=record, label="e|f"]; N0 -> N1 [tailport="port0:sw", headport="port1:ne"]; } "# ); } #[test] fn graph_attributes() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("graph_attributes") .add_attribute( AttributeType::Graph, "rankdir", AttributeText::from(RankDir::LeftRight), ) .add_attribute( AttributeType::Node, "style", AttributeText::from(NodeStyle::Filled), ) .add_attribute( AttributeType::Edge, "color", AttributeText::from(Color::Named("red")), ) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph graph_attributes { graph [rankdir=LR]; node [style=filled]; edge [color="red"]; } "# ); } #[test] fn graph_attributes_extend() { let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("graph_attributes") .extend_with_attributes( AttributeType::Graph, [( "rankdir".to_string(), AttributeText::from(RankDir::LeftRight), )] .iter() .cloned() .collect(), ) .extend_with_attributes( AttributeType::Node, [("style".to_string(), AttributeText::from(NodeStyle::Filled))] .iter() .cloned() .collect(), ) .extend_with_attributes( AttributeType::Edge, [( "color".to_string(), AttributeText::from(Color::Named("red")), )] .iter() .cloned() .collect(), ) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph graph_attributes { graph [rankdir=LR]; node [style=filled]; edge [color="red"]; } "# ); } #[test] fn graph_attributes_statement_builders() { let graph_attributes = GraphAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .rank_dir(RankDir::LeftRight) .build() .unwrap(); let node_attributes = NodeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .style(NodeStyle::Filled) .build() .unwrap(); let edge_attributes = EdgeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .color(Color::Named("red")) .build() .unwrap(); let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("graph_attributes") .add_graph_attributes(graph_attributes) .add_node_attributes(node_attributes) .add_edge_attributes(edge_attributes) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph graph_attributes { graph [rankdir=LR]; node [style=filled]; edge [color="red"]; } "# ); } #[test] fn clusters() { let cluster_0 = SubGraphBuilder::new_named("cluster_0") .add_graph_attributes( GraphAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .label("process #1") .style(GraphStyle::Filled) .color(Color::Named("lightgrey")) .build() .unwrap(), ) .add_node_attributes( NodeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .style(NodeStyle::Filled) .color(Color::Named("white")) .build() .unwrap(), ) .add_edge(Edge::new("a0", "a1")) .add_edge(Edge::new("a1", "a2")) .add_edge(Edge::new("a2", "a3")) .build() .unwrap(); let cluster_1 = SubGraphBuilder::new_named("cluster_1") .add_graph_attributes( GraphAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .label("process #2") .style(GraphStyle::Filled) .color(Color::Named("blue")) .build() .unwrap(), ) .add_node_attributes( NodeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .style(NodeStyle::Filled) .build() .unwrap(), ) .add_edge(Edge::new("b0", "b1")) .add_edge(Edge::new("b1", "b2")) .add_edge(Edge::new("b2", "b3")) .build() .unwrap(); let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("G") .add_node( NodeBuilder::new("start") .shape(Shape::Mdiamond) .build() .unwrap(), ) .add_node( NodeBuilder::new("end") .shape(Shape::Msquare) .build() .unwrap(), ) .add_sub_graph(cluster_0) .add_sub_graph(cluster_1) .add_edge(Edge::new("start", "a0")) .add_edge(Edge::new("start", "b0")) .add_edge(Edge::new("a1", "b3")) .add_edge(Edge::new("b2", "a3")) .add_edge(Edge::new("a3", "a0")) .add_edge(Edge::new("a3", "end")) .add_edge(Edge::new("b3", "end")) .build() .unwrap(); let r = test_input(g); assert_eq!( r.unwrap(), r#"digraph G { subgraph cluster_0 { graph [label="process #1", style=filled, color="lightgrey"]; node [style=filled, color="white"]; a0 -> a1; a1 -> a2; a2 -> a3; } subgraph cluster_1 { graph [label="process #2", style=filled, color="blue"]; node [style=filled]; b0 -> b1; b1 -> b2; b2 -> b3; } start [shape=Mdiamond]; end [shape=Msquare]; start -> a0; start -> b0; a1 -> b3; b2 -> a3; a3 -> a0; a3 -> end; b3 -> end; } "# ); } #[test] fn edge_validation_error() { let edge_builder = EdgeBuilder::new("N0", "N1") .arrow_size(-1.0) .build(); assert!(edge_builder.is_err()); let validation_errors = edge_builder.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(1, validation_errors.len()); assert_eq!("arrowsize", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().field); assert_eq!( "Must be greater than or equal to 0", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().message ); } #[test] fn edge_build_ignore_validation_error() { let edge = EdgeBuilder::new("N0", "N1") .arrow_size(-1.0) .build_ignore_validation(); assert!(edge.attributes.contains_key("arrowsize")) } #[test] fn edge_attributes_validation_error() { let edge_builder = EdgeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .arrow_size(-1.0) .build(); assert!(edge_builder.is_err()); let validation_errors = edge_builder.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(1, validation_errors.len()); assert_eq!("arrowsize", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().field); assert_eq!( "Must be greater than or equal to 0", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().message ); } #[test] fn edge_attribute_build_ignore_validation_error() { let edge = EdgeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .arrow_size(-1.0) .build_ignore_validation(); assert!(edge.contains_key("arrowsize")) } #[test] fn node_validation_error() { let node_builder = NodeBuilder::new("N0").height(0.0).build(); assert!(node_builder.is_err()); let validation_errors = node_builder.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(1, validation_errors.len()); assert_eq!("height", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().field); assert_eq!( "Must be greater than or equal to 0.02", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().message ); } #[test] fn node_build_ignore_validation_error() { let node = NodeBuilder::new("N0") .height(0.0) .build_ignore_validation(); assert!(node.attributes.contains_key("height")) } #[test] fn node_attribute_validation_error() { let node_builder = NodeAttributeStatementBuilder::new().height(0.0).build(); assert!(node_builder.is_err()); let validation_errors = node_builder.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(1, validation_errors.len()); assert_eq!("height", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().field); assert_eq!( "Must be greater than or equal to 0.02", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().message ); } #[test] fn node_attribute_build_ignore_validation_error() { let node = NodeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .height(0.0) .build_ignore_validation(); assert!(node.contains_key("height")) } #[test] fn graph_attributes_validation_error() { let graph_builder = GraphAttributeStatementBuilder::new().font_size(0.0).build(); assert!(graph_builder.is_err()); let validation_errors = graph_builder.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(1, validation_errors.len()); assert_eq!("fontsize", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().field); assert_eq!( "Must be greater than or equal to 1.0", validation_errors.get(0).unwrap().message ); } #[test] fn graph_attributes_build_ignore_validation_error() { let graph = GraphAttributeStatementBuilder::new() .font_size(0.0) .build_ignore_validation(); assert!(graph.contains_key("fontsize")) }