Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('vim', 'vint') let b:common_flags = (has('nvim') ? ' --enable-neovim' : '') \ . ' -f "{file_path}:{line_number}:{column_number}: {severity}: {policy_name} - {description} (see {reference})"' After: unlet! b:common_flags call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(The default command should be correct): AssertLinter 'vint', [ \ ale#Escape('vint') .' --version', \ ale#Escape('vint') .' -s --no-color' . b:common_flags . ' %t', \] Execute(The executable should be configurable): let g:ale_vim_vint_executable = 'foobar' AssertLinter 'foobar', [ \ ale#Escape('foobar') .' --version', \ ale#Escape('foobar') .' -s --no-color' . b:common_flags . ' %t', \] Execute(The --no-color flag should not be used for older Vint versions): GivenCommandOutput ['v0.3.5'] AssertLinter 'vint', ale#Escape('vint') .' -s' . b:common_flags . ' %t' Execute(--stdin-display-name should be used in newer versions): GivenCommandOutput ['v0.4.0'] AssertLinter 'vint', ale#Escape('vint') .' -s --no-color' . b:common_flags \ . ' --stdin-display-name %s -'