Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('yaml', 'spectral') After: call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(The yaml spectral command callback should return the correct default string): AssertLinter 'spectral', ale#Escape('spectral') . ' lint --ignore-unknown-format -q -f text %t' Execute(The yaml spectral command callback should be configurable): let g:ale_yaml_spectral_executable = '~/.local/bin/spectral' AssertLinter '~/.local/bin/spectral', \ ale#Escape('~/.local/bin/spectral') \ . ' lint --ignore-unknown-format -q -f text %t' Execute(The yaml spectral command callback should allow a global installation to be used): let g:ale_yaml_spectral_executable = '/usr/local/bin/spectral' let g:ale_yaml_spectral_use_global = 1 AssertLinter '/usr/local/bin/spectral', \ ale#Escape('/usr/local/bin/spectral') \ . ' lint --ignore-unknown-format -q -f text %t' Execute(The yaml spectral command callback should allow a local installation to be used): call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/spectral/openapi.yaml') AssertLinter \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/spectral/node_modules/.bin/spectral'), \ ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/spectral/node_modules/.bin/spectral')) \ . ' lint --ignore-unknown-format -q -f text %t'