Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('scala', 'scalastyle') After: unlet! g:ale_scalastyle_config_loc call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(Should return the correct default command): AssertLinter 'scalastyle', 'scalastyle %t' Execute(Should allow using a custom config file): let b:ale_scala_scalastyle_config = '/dooper/config.xml' AssertLinter 'scalastyle', 'scalastyle' \ . ' --config ' . ale#Escape('/dooper/config.xml') \ . ' %t' Execute(Should support a legacy option for the scalastyle config): unlet! g:ale_scala_scalastyle_config let g:ale_scalastyle_config_loc = '/dooper/config.xml' call ale#linter#Reset() runtime ale_linters/scala/scalastyle.vim AssertLinter 'scalastyle', 'scalastyle' \ . ' --config ' . ale#Escape('/dooper/config.xml') \ . ' %t' Execute(Should allow using custom options): let b:ale_scala_scalastyle_options = '--warnings false --quiet true' AssertLinter 'scalastyle', 'scalastyle' \ . ' --warnings false --quiet true' \ . ' %t'