Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('markdown', 'vale') call ale#test#SetFilename('') let g:ale_markdown_vale_executable = 'vale' let g:ale_markdown_vale_input_file = '%t' let g:ale_markdown_vale_options = '' After: call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(Executable should default to vale): AssertLinter 'vale', ale#Escape('vale') \ . ' --output=JSON %t' Execute(Should be able to set a custom executable): let g:ale_markdown_vale_executable = 'bin/vale' AssertLinter 'bin/vale' , ale#Escape('bin/vale') \ . ' --output=JSON %t' Execute(Should be able to set custom options): let g:ale_markdown_vale_options = '--foo --bar' AssertLinter 'vale', ale#Escape('vale') \ . ' --output=JSON --foo --bar %t' Execute(Should be able to set a custom input file): let g:ale_markdown_vale_input_file = '%s' AssertLinter 'vale', ale#Escape('vale') \ . ' --output=JSON %s'