Before: runtime ale_linters/salt/salt_lint.vim After: call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(The salt handler should parse lines correctly and show error in severity HIGH): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 5, \ 'code': 207, \ 'text': 'File modes should always be encapsulated in quotation marks', \ 'type': 'E' \ } \ ], \ ale_linters#salt#salt_lint#Handle(255, [ \ '[{"id": "207", "message": "File modes should always be encapsulated in quotation marks", "filename": "test.sls", "linenumber": 5, "line": " - mode: 0755", "severity": "HIGH"}]' \ ]) Execute(The salt handler should parse lines correctly and show error in severity not HIGH): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 27, \ 'code': 204, \ 'text': 'Lines should be no longer that 160 chars', \ 'type': 'W' \ } \ ], \ ale_linters#salt#salt_lint#Handle(255, [ \ '[{"id": "204", "message": "Lines should be no longer that 160 chars", "filename": "test2.sls", "linenumber": 27, "line": "this line is definitely longer than 160 chars, this line is definitely longer than 160 chars, this line is definitely longer than 160 chars", "severity": "VERY_LOW"}]' \ ])