Before: runtime ale_linters/bicep/az_bicep.vim After: Restore call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(The az_bicep handler should handle basic warnings): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'filename': '/tmp/nvimhxqs5D/1/dns.bicep', \ 'lnum': 7, \ 'col': 10, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'code': 'no-unused-existing-resources', \ 'text': 'Existing resource "asdasd" is declared but never used. []', \ }, \ { \ 'filename': '/tmp/nvimhxqs5D/1/dns.bicep', \ 'lnum': 106, \ 'col': 6, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'code': 'BCP019', \ 'text': 'Expected a new line character at this location.', \ }, \ { \ 'filename': '/tmp/cluster.bicep', \ 'lnum': 25, \ 'col': 30, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'code': 'BCP334', \ 'text': 'The provided value has no configured minimum length and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 1.', \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#bicep#az_bicep#Handle(1, [ \ '/tmp/nvimhxqs5D/1/dns.bicep(7,10) : Warning no-unused-existing-resources: Existing resource "asdasd" is declared but never used. []', \ '/tmp/nvimhxqs5D/1/dns.bicep(106,6) : Error BCP019: Expected a new line character at this location.', \ 'ERROR: /tmp/cluster.bicep(25,30) : Warning BCP334: The provided value has no configured minimum length and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of 1.', \ ])