@echo off REM Run tests on Windows. REM REM To run these tests, you should set up your Windows machine with the same REM paths that are used in AppVeyor. set tests=test/*.vader test/*/*.vader test/*/*/*.vader test/*/*/*/*.vader REM Use the first argument for selecting tests to run. if not "%1"=="" set tests=%1 set VADER_OUTPUT_FILE=%~dp0\vader_output REM Automatically re-run Windows tests, which can fail some times. set tries=0 RUN_TESTS: set /a tries=%tries%+1 type nul > "%VADER_OUTPUT_FILE%" C:\vim\vim\vim80\vim.exe -u test/vimrc "+Vader! %tests%" set code=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %code% EQU 0 GOTO :SHOW_RESULTS IF %tries% GEQ 2 GOTO :SHOW_RESULTS GOTO :RUN_TESTS SHOW_RESULTS: type "%VADER_OUTPUT_FILE%" del "%VADER_OUTPUT_FILE%" exit /B %code%