local module = {} local ale_type_to_diagnostic_severity = { E = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR, W = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN, I = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO } module.sendAleResultsToDiagnostics = function(buffer, loclist) local diagnostics = {} -- Convert all the ALE loclist items to the shape that Neovim's diagnostic -- API is expecting. for _, location in ipairs(loclist) do table.insert( diagnostics, -- All line numbers from ALE are 1-indexed, but all line numbers -- in the diagnostics API are 0-indexed, so we have to subtract 1 -- to make this work. { lnum = location.lnum - 1, -- Ending line number, or if we don't have one, just make it the same -- as the starting line number end_lnum = (location.end_lnum or location.lnum) - 1, -- Which column does the error start on? col = math.max((location.col or 1) - 1, 0), -- end_col does *not* appear to need 1 subtracted, so we don't. end_col = location.end_col, -- Which severity: error, warning, or info? severity = ale_type_to_diagnostic_severity[location.type] or "E", -- The error message message = location.text, -- e.g. "rubocop" source = location.linter_name, } ) end local virtualtext_enabled_set = {['all'] = true, ['2'] = true, ['current'] = true, ['1'] = true} vim.diagnostic.set( vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('ale'), buffer, diagnostics, { virtual_text = virtualtext_enabled_set[vim.g.ale_virtualtext_cursor] ~= nil} ) end return module