" Author: yoshi1123 " Description: Functions for working with jdt:// URIs. function! s:OpenJDTLink(root, uri, line, column, options, result) abort if has_key(a:result, 'error') " no-custom-checks echoerr a:result.error.message return endif let l:contents = a:result['result'] if type(l:contents) is# type(v:null) " no-custom-checks echoerr 'File content not found' endif " disable autocmd when opening buffer autocmd! AleURISchemes call ale#util#Open(a:uri, a:line, a:column, a:options) autocmd AleURISchemes BufNewFile,BufReadPre jdt://** call ale#uri#jdt#ReadJDTLink(expand('')) if !empty(getbufvar(bufnr(''), 'ale_root', '')) return endif let b:ale_root = a:root set filetype=java call setline(1, split(l:contents, '\n')) call cursor(a:line, a:column) normal! zz setlocal buftype=nofile nomodified nomodifiable readonly endfunction " Load new buffer with jdt:// contents and jump to line and column. function! ale#uri#jdt#OpenJDTLink(encoded_uri, line, column, options, conn_id) abort let l:found_eclipselsp = v:false " We should only arrive here from a 'go to definition' request, so we'll " assume the eclipselsp linter is enabled. for l:linter in ale#linter#Get('java') if l:linter.name is# 'eclipselsp' let l:found_eclipselsp = v:true endif endfor if !l:found_eclipselsp throw 'eclipselsp not running' endif let l:root = a:conn_id[stridx(a:conn_id, ':')+1:] let l:uri = a:encoded_uri call ale#lsp_linter#SendRequest( \ bufnr(''), \ 'eclipselsp', \ [0, 'java/classFileContents', {'uri': ale#util#ToURI(l:uri)}], \ function('s:OpenJDTLink', [l:root, l:uri, a:line, a:column, a:options]) \) endfunction function! s:ReadClassFileContents(uri, result) abort if has_key(a:result, 'error') " no-custom-checks echoerr a:result.error.message return endif let l:contents = a:result['result'] if type(l:contents) is# type(v:null) " no-custom-checks echoerr 'File content not found' endif call setline(1, split(l:contents, '\n')) setlocal buftype=nofile nomodified nomodifiable readonly endfunction " Read jdt:// contents, as part of current project, into current buffer. function! ale#uri#jdt#ReadJDTLink(encoded_uri) abort if !empty(getbufvar(bufnr(''), 'ale_root', '')) return endif let l:linter_map = ale#lsp_linter#GetLSPLinterMap() for [l:conn_id, l:linter] in items(l:linter_map) if l:linter.name is# 'eclipselsp' let l:root = l:conn_id[stridx(l:conn_id, ':')+1:] endif endfor if l:root is# v:null throw 'eclipselsp not running' endif let l:uri = a:encoded_uri let b:ale_root = l:root set filetype=java call ale#lsp_linter#SendRequest( \ bufnr(''), \ 'eclipselsp', \ [0, 'java/classFileContents', {'uri': ale#util#ToURI(l:uri)}], \ function('s:ReadClassFileContents', [l:uri]) \) endfunction