function! s:EnablePreamble() abort " Set pattern options again, if enabled. if get(g:, 'ale_pattern_options_enabled', 0) call ale#pattern_options#SetOptions(bufnr('')) endif " Lint immediately, including running linters against the file. call ale#Queue(0, 'lint_file') endfunction function! s:DisablePostamble() abort " Remove highlights for the current buffer now. if g:ale_set_highlights call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights() endif if g:ale_virtualtext_cursor is# 'current' || g:ale_virtualtext_cursor == 1 call ale#virtualtext#Clear(bufnr('')) endif endfunction function! ale#toggle#Toggle() abort let g:ale_enabled = !get(g:, 'ale_enabled') if g:ale_enabled call s:EnablePreamble() if g:ale_set_balloons call ale#balloon#Enable() endif else call ale#engine#CleanupEveryBuffer() call s:DisablePostamble() if exists('*ale#balloon#Disable') call ale#balloon#Disable() endif endif call ale#events#Init() endfunction function! ale#toggle#Enable() abort if !g:ale_enabled call ale#toggle#Toggle() endif endfunction function! ale#toggle#Disable() abort if g:ale_enabled call ale#toggle#Toggle() endif endfunction function! ale#toggle#Reset() abort call ale#engine#CleanupEveryBuffer() call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights() endfunction function! ale#toggle#ToggleBuffer(buffer) abort " Get the new value for the toggle. let l:enabled = !getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_enabled', 1) " Disabling ALE globally removes autocmd events, so we cannot enable " linting locally when linting is disabled globally if l:enabled && !g:ale_enabled " no-custom-checks echom 'ALE cannot be enabled locally when disabled globally' return endif call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_enabled', l:enabled) if l:enabled call s:EnablePreamble() else " Stop all jobs and clear the results for everything, and delete " all of the data we stored for the buffer. call ale#engine#Cleanup(a:buffer) call s:DisablePostamble() endif endfunction function! ale#toggle#EnableBuffer(buffer) abort " ALE is enabled by default for all buffers. if !getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_enabled', 1) call ale#toggle#ToggleBuffer(a:buffer) endif endfunction function! ale#toggle#DisableBuffer(buffer) abort if getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_enabled', 1) call ale#toggle#ToggleBuffer(a:buffer) endif endfunction function! ale#toggle#ResetBuffer(buffer) abort call ale#engine#Cleanup(a:buffer) call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights() endfunction