" Author: w0rp " Description: Integration between linters and LSP/tsserver. " This code isn't loaded if a user never users LSP features or linters. " Associates LSP connection IDs with linter names. if !has_key(s:, 'lsp_linter_map') let s:lsp_linter_map = {} endif " A Dictionary to track one-shot handlers for custom LSP requests let s:custom_handlers_map = get(s:, 'custom_handlers_map', {}) " Check if diagnostics for a particular linter should be ignored. function! s:ShouldIgnore(buffer, linter_name) abort " Ignore all diagnostics if LSP integration is disabled. if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'disable_lsp') return 1 endif let l:config = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'linters_ignore') " Don't load code for ignoring diagnostics if there's nothing to ignore. if empty(l:config) return 0 endif let l:filetype = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype') let l:ignore_list = ale#engine#ignore#GetList(l:filetype, l:config) return index(l:ignore_list, a:linter_name) >= 0 endfunction function! s:HandleLSPDiagnostics(conn_id, response) abort let l:linter_name = s:lsp_linter_map[a:conn_id] let l:filename = ale#path#FromURI(a:response.params.uri) let l:escaped_name = escape( \ fnameescape(l:filename), \ has('win32') ? '^' : '^,}]' \) let l:buffer = bufnr('^' . l:escaped_name . '$') let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, l:buffer, {}) if empty(l:info) return endif if s:ShouldIgnore(l:buffer, l:linter_name) return endif let l:loclist = ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics(a:response) call ale#engine#HandleLoclist(l:linter_name, l:buffer, l:loclist, 0) endfunction function! s:HandleTSServerDiagnostics(response, error_type) abort let l:linter_name = 'tsserver' let l:escaped_name = escape( \ fnameescape(a:response.body.file), \ has('win32') ? '^' : '^,}]' \) let l:buffer = bufnr('^' . l:escaped_name . '$') let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, l:buffer, {}) if empty(l:info) return endif call ale#engine#MarkLinterInactive(l:info, l:linter_name) if s:ShouldIgnore(l:buffer, l:linter_name) return endif let l:thislist = ale#lsp#response#ReadTSServerDiagnostics(a:response) let l:no_changes = 0 " tsserver sends syntax and semantic errors in separate messages, so we " have to collect the messages separately for each buffer and join them " back together again. if a:error_type is# 'syntax' if len(l:thislist) is 0 && len(get(l:info, 'syntax_loclist', [])) is 0 let l:no_changes = 1 endif let l:info.syntax_loclist = l:thislist elseif a:error_type is# 'semantic' if len(l:thislist) is 0 && len(get(l:info, 'semantic_loclist', [])) is 0 let l:no_changes = 1 endif let l:info.semantic_loclist = l:thislist else if len(l:thislist) is 0 && len(get(l:info, 'suggestion_loclist', [])) is 0 let l:no_changes = 1 endif let l:info.suggestion_loclist = l:thislist endif if l:no_changes return endif let l:loclist = get(l:info, 'semantic_loclist', []) \ + get(l:info, 'suggestion_loclist', []) \ + get(l:info, 'syntax_loclist', []) call ale#engine#HandleLoclist(l:linter_name, l:buffer, l:loclist, 0) endfunction function! s:HandleLSPErrorMessage(linter_name, response) abort if !g:ale_history_enabled || !g:ale_history_log_output return endif if empty(a:linter_name) return endif let l:message = ale#lsp#response#GetErrorMessage(a:response) if empty(l:message) return endif " This global variable is set here so we don't load the debugging.vim file " until someone uses :ALEInfo. let g:ale_lsp_error_messages = get(g:, 'ale_lsp_error_messages', {}) if !has_key(g:ale_lsp_error_messages, a:linter_name) let g:ale_lsp_error_messages[a:linter_name] = [] endif call add(g:ale_lsp_error_messages[a:linter_name], l:message) endfunction function! ale#lsp_linter#HandleLSPResponse(conn_id, response) abort let l:method = get(a:response, 'method', '') if get(a:response, 'jsonrpc', '') is# '2.0' && has_key(a:response, 'error') let l:linter_name = get(s:lsp_linter_map, a:conn_id, '') call s:HandleLSPErrorMessage(l:linter_name, a:response) elseif l:method is# 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics' call s:HandleLSPDiagnostics(a:conn_id, a:response) elseif l:method is# 'window/showMessage' call ale#lsp_window#HandleShowMessage( \ s:lsp_linter_map[a:conn_id], \ g:ale_lsp_show_message_format, \ a:response.params \) elseif get(a:response, 'type', '') is# 'event' \&& get(a:response, 'event', '') is# 'semanticDiag' call s:HandleTSServerDiagnostics(a:response, 'semantic') elseif get(a:response, 'type', '') is# 'event' \&& get(a:response, 'event', '') is# 'syntaxDiag' call s:HandleTSServerDiagnostics(a:response, 'syntax') elseif get(a:response, 'type', '') is# 'event' \&& get(a:response, 'event', '') is# 'suggestionDiag' \&& get(g:, 'ale_lsp_suggestions', '1') == 1 call s:HandleTSServerDiagnostics(a:response, 'suggestion') endif endfunction function! ale#lsp_linter#GetOptions(buffer, linter) abort if has_key(a:linter, 'initialization_options_callback') return ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.initialization_options_callback)(a:buffer) endif if has_key(a:linter, 'initialization_options') let l:Options = a:linter.initialization_options if type(l:Options) is v:t_func let l:Options = l:Options(a:buffer) endif return l:Options endif return {} endfunction function! ale#lsp_linter#GetConfig(buffer, linter) abort if has_key(a:linter, 'lsp_config_callback') return ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.lsp_config_callback)(a:buffer) endif if has_key(a:linter, 'lsp_config') let l:Config = a:linter.lsp_config if type(l:Config) is v:t_func let l:Config = l:Config(a:buffer) endif return l:Config endif return {} endfunction function! ale#lsp_linter#FindProjectRoot(buffer, linter) abort let l:buffer_ale_root = getbufvar( \ a:buffer, \ 'ale_root', \ getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_lsp_root', {}) \) if type(l:buffer_ale_root) is v:t_string return l:buffer_ale_root endif " Try to get a buffer-local setting for the root if has_key(l:buffer_ale_root, a:linter.name) let l:Root = l:buffer_ale_root[a:linter.name] if type(l:Root) is v:t_func return l:Root(a:buffer) else return l:Root endif endif let l:global_root = g:ale_root if empty(g:ale_root) && exists('g:ale_lsp_root') let l:global_root = g:ale_lsp_root endif " Try to get a global setting for the root if has_key(l:global_root, a:linter.name) let l:Root = l:global_root[a:linter.name] if type(l:Root) is v:t_func return l:Root(a:buffer) else return l:Root endif endif " Fall back to the linter-specific configuration if has_key(a:linter, 'project_root') let l:Root = a:linter.project_root return type(l:Root) is v:t_func ? l:Root(a:buffer) : l:Root endif return ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.project_root_callback)(a:buffer) endfunction " This function is accessible so tests can call it. function! ale#lsp_linter#OnInit(linter, details, Callback) abort let l:buffer = a:details.buffer let l:conn_id = a:details.connection_id let l:command = a:details.command let l:config = ale#lsp_linter#GetConfig(l:buffer, a:linter) let l:language_id = ale#linter#GetLanguage(l:buffer, a:linter) call ale#lsp#UpdateConfig(l:conn_id, l:buffer, l:config) if ale#lsp#OpenDocument(l:conn_id, l:buffer, l:language_id) if g:ale_history_enabled && !empty(l:command) call ale#history#Add(l:buffer, 'started', l:conn_id, l:command) endif endif " The change message needs to be sent for tsserver before doing anything. if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver' call ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:conn_id, l:buffer) endif " Tell the relevant buffer that the LSP has started via an autocmd. if l:buffer > 0 if l:buffer == bufnr('') silent doautocmd User ALELSPStarted else execute 'augroup ALELSPStartedGroup' . l:buffer autocmd! execute printf( \ 'autocmd BufEnter ' \ . ' doautocmd User ALELSPStarted', \ l:buffer \) " Replicate ++once behavior for backwards compatibility. execute printf( \ 'autocmd BufEnter ' \ . ' autocmd! ALELSPStartedGroup%d', \ l:buffer, l:buffer \) augroup END endif endif call a:Callback(a:linter, a:details) endfunction function! s:StartLSP(options, address, executable, command) abort let l:buffer = a:options.buffer let l:linter = a:options.linter let l:root = a:options.root let l:Callback = a:options.callback let l:init_options = ale#lsp_linter#GetOptions(l:buffer, l:linter) if l:linter.lsp is# 'socket' let l:conn_id = ale#lsp#Register(a:address, l:root, l:init_options) let l:ready = ale#lsp#ConnectToAddress(l:conn_id, a:address) let l:command = '' else let l:conn_id = ale#lsp#Register(a:executable, l:root, l:init_options) " tsserver behaves differently, so tell the LSP API that it is tsserver. if l:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver' call ale#lsp#MarkConnectionAsTsserver(l:conn_id) endif let l:cwd = ale#linter#GetCwd(l:buffer, l:linter) let l:command = ale#command#FormatCommand( \ l:buffer, \ a:executable, \ a:command, \ 0, \ v:false, \ l:cwd, \ ale#GetFilenameMappings(l:buffer, l:linter.name), \)[1] let l:command = ale#job#PrepareCommand(l:buffer, l:command) let l:ready = ale#lsp#StartProgram(l:conn_id, a:executable, l:command) endif if !l:ready if g:ale_history_enabled && !empty(a:command) call ale#history#Add(l:buffer, 'failed', l:conn_id, a:command) endif return 0 endif let l:details = { \ 'buffer': l:buffer, \ 'connection_id': l:conn_id, \ 'command': l:command, \ 'project_root': l:root, \} call ale#lsp#OnInit(l:conn_id, {-> \ ale#lsp_linter#OnInit(l:linter, l:details, l:Callback) \}) return 1 endfunction function! s:StartWithAddress(options, address) abort if ale#command#IsDeferred(a:address) let a:address.result_callback = { \ address -> s:StartWithAddress(a:options, address) \} return 1 endif if empty(a:address) return 0 endif return s:StartLSP(a:options, a:address, '', '') endfunction function! s:StartWithCommand(options, executable, command) abort if ale#command#IsDeferred(a:command) let a:command.result_callback = { \ command -> s:StartWithCommand(a:options, a:executable, command) \} return 1 endif if empty(a:command) return 0 endif return s:StartLSP(a:options, '', a:executable, a:command) endfunction function! s:StartIfExecutable(options, executable) abort if ale#command#IsDeferred(a:executable) let a:executable.result_callback = { \ executable -> s:StartIfExecutable(a:options, executable) \} return 1 endif if !ale#engine#IsExecutable(a:options.buffer, a:executable) return 0 endif let l:command = ale#linter#GetCommand(a:options.buffer, a:options.linter) return s:StartWithCommand(a:options, a:executable, l:command) endfunction " Given a buffer, an LSP linter, start up an LSP linter and get ready to " receive messages for the document. function! ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(buffer, linter, Callback) abort let l:command = '' let l:address = '' let l:root = ale#lsp_linter#FindProjectRoot(a:buffer, a:linter) if empty(l:root) && a:linter.lsp isnot# 'tsserver' " If there's no project root, then we can't check files with LSP, " unless we are using tsserver, which doesn't use project roots. return 0 endif let l:options = { \ 'buffer': a:buffer, \ 'linter': a:linter, \ 'callback': a:Callback, \ 'root': l:root, \} if a:linter.lsp is# 'socket' let l:address = ale#linter#GetAddress(a:buffer, a:linter) return s:StartWithAddress(l:options, l:address) endif let l:executable = ale#linter#GetExecutable(a:buffer, a:linter) return s:StartIfExecutable(l:options, l:executable) endfunction function! s:CheckWithLSP(linter, details) abort let l:buffer = a:details.buffer let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, l:buffer) if empty(l:info) return endif let l:id = a:details.connection_id " Register a callback now for handling errors now. let l:Callback = function('ale#lsp_linter#HandleLSPResponse') call ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(l:id, l:Callback) " Remember the linter this connection is for. let s:lsp_linter_map[l:id] = a:linter.name if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver' let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Geterr(l:buffer) let l:notified = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:message) != 0 if l:notified call ale#engine#MarkLinterActive(l:info, a:linter) endif else let l:notified = ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:id, l:buffer) endif " If this was a file save event, also notify the server of that. if a:linter.lsp isnot# 'tsserver' \&& getbufvar(l:buffer, 'ale_save_event_fired', 0) \&& ale#lsp#HasCapability(l:id, 'did_save') let l:include_text = ale#lsp#HasCapability(l:id, 'includeText') let l:save_message = ale#lsp#message#DidSave(l:buffer, l:include_text) let l:notified = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:save_message) != 0 endif endfunction function! ale#lsp_linter#CheckWithLSP(buffer, linter) abort return ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(a:buffer, a:linter, function('s:CheckWithLSP')) endfunction " Clear LSP linter data for the linting engine. function! ale#lsp_linter#ClearLSPData() abort let s:lsp_linter_map = {} let s:custom_handlers_map = {} endfunction " Just for tests. function! ale#lsp_linter#SetLSPLinterMap(replacement_map) abort let s:lsp_linter_map = a:replacement_map endfunction function! s:HandleLSPResponseToCustomRequests(conn_id, response) abort if has_key(a:response, 'id') \&& has_key(s:custom_handlers_map, a:response.id) let l:Handler = remove(s:custom_handlers_map, a:response.id) call l:Handler(a:response) endif endfunction function! s:OnReadyForCustomRequests(args, linter, lsp_details) abort let l:id = a:lsp_details.connection_id let l:request_id = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, a:args.message) if l:request_id > 0 && has_key(a:args, 'handler') let l:Callback = function('s:HandleLSPResponseToCustomRequests') call ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(l:id, l:Callback) let s:custom_handlers_map[l:request_id] = a:args.handler endif endfunction " Send a custom request to an LSP linter. function! ale#lsp_linter#SendRequest(buffer, linter_name, message, ...) abort let l:filetype = ale#linter#ResolveFiletype(getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')) let l:linter_list = ale#linter#GetAll(l:filetype) let l:linter_list = filter(l:linter_list, {_, v -> v.name is# a:linter_name}) if len(l:linter_list) < 1 throw 'Linter "' . a:linter_name . '" not found!' endif let l:linter = l:linter_list[0] if empty(l:linter.lsp) throw 'Linter "' . a:linter_name . '" does not support LSP!' endif let l:is_notification = a:message[0] let l:callback_args = {'message': a:message} if !l:is_notification && a:0 let l:callback_args.handler = a:1 endif let l:Callback = function('s:OnReadyForCustomRequests', [l:callback_args]) return ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(a:buffer, l:linter, l:Callback) endfunction