" Author: w0rp " Description: Linter registration and lazy-loading " Retrieves linters as requested by the engine, loading them if needed. let s:runtime_loaded_map = {} let s:linters = {} " Default filetype aliases. " The user defined aliases will be merged with this Dictionary. " " NOTE: Update the g:ale_linter_aliases documentation when modifying this. let s:default_ale_linter_aliases = { \ 'Dockerfile': 'dockerfile', \ 'csh': 'sh', \ 'javascriptreact': ['javascript', 'jsx'], \ 'plaintex': 'tex', \ 'ps1': 'powershell', \ 'rmarkdown': 'r', \ 'rmd': 'r', \ 'systemverilog': 'verilog', \ 'typescriptreact': ['typescript', 'tsx'], \ 'vader': ['vim', 'vader'], \ 'verilog_systemverilog': ['verilog_systemverilog', 'verilog'], \ 'vimwiki': 'markdown', \ 'vue': ['vue', 'javascript'], \ 'xsd': ['xsd', 'xml'], \ 'xslt': ['xslt', 'xml'], \ 'zsh': 'sh', \} " Default linters to run for particular filetypes. " The user defined linter selections will be merged with this Dictionary. " " No linters are used for plaintext files by default. " " Only cargo and rls are enabled for Rust by default. " rpmlint is disabled by default because it can result in code execution. " hhast is disabled by default because it executes code in the project root. " " NOTE: Update the g:ale_linters documentation when modifying this. let s:default_ale_linters = { \ 'apkbuild': ['apkbuild_lint', 'secfixes_check'], \ 'csh': ['shell'], \ 'elixir': ['credo', 'dialyxir', 'dogma'], \ 'go': ['gofmt', 'golint', 'gopls', 'govet'], \ 'groovy': ['npm-groovy-lint'], \ 'hack': ['hack'], \ 'help': [], \ 'inko': ['inko'], \ 'json': ['jsonlint', 'spectral', 'vscodejson'], \ 'json5': [], \ 'jsonc': [], \ 'perl': ['perlcritic'], \ 'perl6': [], \ 'python': ['flake8', 'mypy', 'pylint', 'pyright', 'ruff'], \ 'rust': ['cargo', 'rls'], \ 'spec': [], \ 'text': [], \ 'vader': ['vimls'], \ 'vue': ['eslint', 'vls'], \ 'zsh': ['shell'], \ 'v': ['v'], \ 'yaml': ['spectral', 'yaml-language-server', 'yamllint'], \} " Testing/debugging helper to unload all linters. function! ale#linter#Reset() abort let s:runtime_loaded_map = {} let s:linters = {} endfunction " Return a reference to the linters loaded. " This is only for tests. " Do not call this function. function! ale#linter#GetLintersLoaded() abort " This command will throw from the sandbox. let &l:equalprg=&l:equalprg return s:linters endfunction function! s:IsCallback(value) abort return type(a:value) is v:t_string || type(a:value) is v:t_func endfunction function! s:IsBoolean(value) abort return type(a:value) is v:t_number && (a:value == 0 || a:value == 1) endfunction function! ale#linter#PreProcess(filetype, linter) abort if type(a:linter) isnot v:t_dict throw 'The linter object must be a Dictionary' endif let l:obj = { \ 'name': get(a:linter, 'name'), \ 'lsp': get(a:linter, 'lsp', ''), \} if type(l:obj.name) isnot v:t_string throw '`name` must be defined to name the linter' endif let l:needs_address = l:obj.lsp is# 'socket' let l:needs_executable = l:obj.lsp isnot# 'socket' let l:needs_command = l:obj.lsp isnot# 'socket' let l:needs_lsp_details = !empty(l:obj.lsp) if empty(l:obj.lsp) let l:obj.callback = get(a:linter, 'callback') if !s:IsCallback(l:obj.callback) throw '`callback` must be defined with a callback to accept output' endif endif if index(['', 'socket', 'stdio', 'tsserver'], l:obj.lsp) < 0 throw '`lsp` must be either `''lsp''`, `''stdio''`, `''socket''` or `''tsserver''` if defined' endif if !l:needs_executable if has_key(a:linter, 'executable') throw '`executable` cannot be used when lsp == ''socket''' endif elseif has_key(a:linter, 'executable') let l:obj.executable = a:linter.executable if type(l:obj.executable) isnot v:t_string \&& type(l:obj.executable) isnot v:t_func throw '`executable` must be a String or Function if defined' endif else throw '`executable` must be defined' endif if !l:needs_command if has_key(a:linter, 'command') throw '`command` cannot be used when lsp == ''socket''' endif elseif has_key(a:linter, 'command') let l:obj.command = a:linter.command if type(l:obj.command) isnot v:t_string \&& type(l:obj.command) isnot v:t_func throw '`command` must be a String or Function if defined' endif else throw '`command` must be defined' endif if !l:needs_address if has_key(a:linter, 'address') throw '`address` cannot be used when lsp != ''socket''' endif elseif has_key(a:linter, 'address') if type(a:linter.address) isnot v:t_string \&& type(a:linter.address) isnot v:t_func throw '`address` must be a String or Function if defined' endif let l:obj.address = a:linter.address if has_key(a:linter, 'cwd') throw '`cwd` makes no sense for socket LSP connections' endif else throw '`address` must be defined for getting the LSP address' endif if has_key(a:linter, 'cwd') let l:obj.cwd = a:linter.cwd if type(l:obj.cwd) isnot v:t_string \&& type(l:obj.cwd) isnot v:t_func throw '`cwd` must be a String or Function if defined' endif endif if l:needs_lsp_details " Default to using the filetype as the language. let l:obj.language = get(a:linter, 'language', a:filetype) if type(l:obj.language) isnot v:t_string \&& type(l:obj.language) isnot v:t_func throw '`language` must be a String or Function if defined' endif if has_key(a:linter, 'project_root') let l:obj.project_root = a:linter.project_root if type(l:obj.project_root) isnot v:t_string \&& type(l:obj.project_root) isnot v:t_func throw '`project_root` must be a String or Function' endif else throw '`project_root` must be defined for LSP linters' endif if has_key(a:linter, 'completion_filter') let l:obj.completion_filter = a:linter.completion_filter if !s:IsCallback(l:obj.completion_filter) throw '`completion_filter` must be a callback' endif endif if has_key(a:linter, 'initialization_options') let l:obj.initialization_options = a:linter.initialization_options if type(l:obj.initialization_options) isnot v:t_dict \&& type(l:obj.initialization_options) isnot v:t_func throw '`initialization_options` must be a Dictionary or Function if defined' endif endif if has_key(a:linter, 'lsp_config') if type(a:linter.lsp_config) isnot v:t_dict \&& type(a:linter.lsp_config) isnot v:t_func throw '`lsp_config` must be a Dictionary or Function if defined' endif let l:obj.lsp_config = a:linter.lsp_config endif endif let l:obj.output_stream = get(a:linter, 'output_stream', 'stdout') if type(l:obj.output_stream) isnot v:t_string \|| index(['stdout', 'stderr', 'both'], l:obj.output_stream) < 0 throw "`output_stream` must be 'stdout', 'stderr', or 'both'" endif " An option indicating that this linter should only be run against the " file on disk. let l:obj.lint_file = get(a:linter, 'lint_file', 0) if !s:IsBoolean(l:obj.lint_file) && type(l:obj.lint_file) isnot v:t_func throw '`lint_file` must be `0`, `1`, or a Function' endif " An option indicating that the buffer should be read. let l:obj.read_buffer = get(a:linter, 'read_buffer', 1) if !s:IsBoolean(l:obj.read_buffer) throw '`read_buffer` must be `0` or `1`' endif let l:obj.aliases = get(a:linter, 'aliases', []) if type(l:obj.aliases) isnot v:t_list \|| len(filter(copy(l:obj.aliases), 'type(v:val) isnot v:t_string')) > 0 throw '`aliases` must be a List of String values' endif return l:obj endfunction function! ale#linter#Define(filetype, linter) abort " This command will throw from the sandbox. let &l:equalprg=&l:equalprg let l:new_linter = ale#linter#PreProcess(a:filetype, a:linter) if !has_key(s:linters, a:filetype) let s:linters[a:filetype] = [] endif " Remove previously defined linters with the same name. call filter(s:linters[a:filetype], 'v:val.name isnot# a:linter.name') call add(s:linters[a:filetype], l:new_linter) endfunction " Prevent any linters from being loaded for a given filetype. function! ale#linter#PreventLoading(filetype) abort let s:runtime_loaded_map[a:filetype] = 1 endfunction function! ale#linter#GetAll(filetypes) abort " Don't return linters in the sandbox. " Otherwise a sandboxed script could modify them. if ale#util#InSandbox() return [] endif let l:combined_linters = [] for l:filetype in a:filetypes " Load linters from runtimepath if we haven't done that yet. if !has_key(s:runtime_loaded_map, l:filetype) execute 'silent! runtime! ale_linters/' . l:filetype . '/*.vim' let s:runtime_loaded_map[l:filetype] = 1 endif call extend(l:combined_linters, get(s:linters, l:filetype, [])) endfor return l:combined_linters endfunction function! s:GetAliasedFiletype(original_filetype) abort let l:buffer_aliases = get(b:, 'ale_linter_aliases', {}) " b:ale_linter_aliases can be set to a List or String. if type(l:buffer_aliases) is v:t_list \|| type(l:buffer_aliases) is v:t_string return l:buffer_aliases endif " Check for aliased filetypes first in a buffer variable, " then the global variable, " then in the default mapping, " otherwise use the original filetype. for l:dict in [ \ l:buffer_aliases, \ g:ale_linter_aliases, \ s:default_ale_linter_aliases, \] if has_key(l:dict, a:original_filetype) return l:dict[a:original_filetype] endif endfor return a:original_filetype endfunction function! ale#linter#ResolveFiletype(original_filetype) abort let l:filetype = s:GetAliasedFiletype(a:original_filetype) if type(l:filetype) isnot v:t_list return [l:filetype] endif return l:filetype endfunction function! s:GetLinterNames(original_filetype) abort let l:buffer_ale_linters = get(b:, 'ale_linters', {}) " b:ale_linters can be set to 'all' if l:buffer_ale_linters is# 'all' return 'all' endif " b:ale_linters can be set to a List. if type(l:buffer_ale_linters) is v:t_list return l:buffer_ale_linters endif " Try to get a buffer-local setting for the filetype if has_key(l:buffer_ale_linters, a:original_filetype) return l:buffer_ale_linters[a:original_filetype] endif " Try to get a global setting for the filetype if has_key(g:ale_linters, a:original_filetype) return g:ale_linters[a:original_filetype] endif " If the user has configured ALE to only enable linters explicitly, then " don't enable any linters by default. if g:ale_linters_explicit return [] endif " Try to get a default setting for the filetype if has_key(s:default_ale_linters, a:original_filetype) return s:default_ale_linters[a:original_filetype] endif return 'all' endfunction function! ale#linter#Get(original_filetypes) abort let l:possibly_duplicated_linters = [] " Handle dot-separated filetypes. for l:original_filetype in split(a:original_filetypes, '\.') let l:filetype = ale#linter#ResolveFiletype(l:original_filetype) let l:linter_names = s:GetLinterNames(l:original_filetype) let l:all_linters = ale#linter#GetAll(l:filetype) let l:filetype_linters = [] if type(l:linter_names) is v:t_string && l:linter_names is# 'all' let l:filetype_linters = l:all_linters elseif type(l:linter_names) is v:t_list " Select only the linters we or the user has specified. for l:linter in l:all_linters let l:name_list = [l:linter.name] + l:linter.aliases for l:name in l:name_list if index(l:linter_names, l:name) >= 0 call add(l:filetype_linters, l:linter) break endif endfor endfor endif call extend(l:possibly_duplicated_linters, l:filetype_linters) endfor let l:name_list = [] let l:combined_linters = [] " Make sure we override linters so we don't get two with the same name, " like 'eslint' for both 'javascript' and 'typescript' " " Note that the reverse calls here modify the List variables. for l:linter in reverse(l:possibly_duplicated_linters) if index(l:name_list, l:linter.name) < 0 call add(l:name_list, l:linter.name) call add(l:combined_linters, l:linter) endif endfor return reverse(l:combined_linters) endfunction function! ale#linter#RemoveIgnored(buffer, filetype, linters) abort " Apply ignore lists for linters only if needed. let l:ignore_config = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'linters_ignore') let l:disable_lsp = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'disable_lsp') return !empty(l:ignore_config) || l:disable_lsp \ ? ale#engine#ignore#Exclude(a:filetype, a:linters, l:ignore_config, l:disable_lsp) \ : a:linters endfunction " Given a buffer and linter, get the executable String for the linter. function! ale#linter#GetExecutable(buffer, linter) abort let l:Executable = a:linter.executable return type(l:Executable) is v:t_func \ ? l:Executable(a:buffer) \ : l:Executable endfunction function! ale#linter#GetCwd(buffer, linter) abort let l:Cwd = get(a:linter, 'cwd', v:null) return type(l:Cwd) is v:t_func ? l:Cwd(a:buffer) : l:Cwd endfunction " Given a buffer and linter, get the command String for the linter. function! ale#linter#GetCommand(buffer, linter) abort let l:Command = a:linter.command return type(l:Command) is v:t_func ? l:Command(a:buffer) : l:Command endfunction " Given a buffer and linter, get the address for connecting to the server. function! ale#linter#GetAddress(buffer, linter) abort let l:Address = a:linter.address return type(l:Address) is v:t_func ? l:Address(a:buffer) : l:Address endfunction function! ale#linter#GetLanguage(buffer, linter) abort let l:Language = a:linter.language return type(l:Language) is v:t_func ? l:Language(a:buffer) : l:Language endfunction