" Author: w0rp " Description: Backend execution and job management " Executes linters in the background, using NeoVim or Vim 8 jobs " Remapping of linter problems. let g:ale_type_map = get(g:, 'ale_type_map', {}) let g:ale_filename_mappings = get(g:, 'ale_filename_mappings', {}) if !has_key(s:, 'executable_cache_map') let s:executable_cache_map = {} endif function! ale#engine#CleanupEveryBuffer() abort for l:key in keys(g:ale_buffer_info) " The key could be a filename or a buffer number, so try and " convert it to a number. We need a number for the other " functions. let l:buffer = str2nr(l:key) if l:buffer > 0 " Stop all jobs and clear the results for everything, and delete " all of the data we stored for the buffer. call ale#engine#Cleanup(l:buffer) endif endfor endfunction function! ale#engine#MarkLinterActive(info, linter) abort let l:found = 0 for l:other_linter in a:info.active_linter_list if l:other_linter.name is# a:linter.name let l:found = 1 break endif endfor if !l:found call add(a:info.active_linter_list, a:linter) endif endfunction function! ale#engine#MarkLinterInactive(info, linter_name) abort call filter(a:info.active_linter_list, 'v:val.name isnot# a:linter_name') endfunction function! ale#engine#ResetExecutableCache() abort let s:executable_cache_map = {} endfunction " Check if files are executable, and if they are, remember that they are " for subsequent calls. We'll keep checking until programs can be executed. function! ale#engine#IsExecutable(buffer, executable) abort if empty(a:executable) " Don't log the executable check if the executable string is empty. return 0 endif " Check for a cached executable() check. let l:result = get(s:executable_cache_map, a:executable, v:null) if l:result isnot v:null return l:result endif " Check if the file is executable, and convert -1 to 1. let l:result = executable(a:executable) isnot 0 " Cache the executable check if we found it, or if the option to cache " failing checks is on. if l:result || get(g:, 'ale_cache_executable_check_failures', 0) let s:executable_cache_map[a:executable] = l:result endif if g:ale_history_enabled call ale#history#Add(a:buffer, l:result, 'executable', a:executable) endif return l:result endfunction function! ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(buffer) abort if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer) " active_linter_list will hold the list of active linter names " loclist holds the loclist items after all jobs have completed. let g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer] = { \ 'active_linter_list': [], \ 'active_other_sources_list': [], \ 'loclist': [], \} return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " This function is documented and part of the public API. " " Return 1 if ALE is busy checking a given buffer function! ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(buffer) abort let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {}) return !empty(get(l:info, 'active_linter_list', [])) \ || !empty(get(l:info, 'active_other_sources_list', [])) endfunction function! ale#engine#HandleLoclist(linter_name, buffer, loclist, from_other_source) abort let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {}) if empty(l:info) return endif if !a:from_other_source " Remove this linter from the list of active linters. " This may have already been done when the job exits. call filter(l:info.active_linter_list, 'v:val.name isnot# a:linter_name') endif " Make some adjustments to the loclists to fix common problems, and also " to set default values for loclist items. let l:linter_loclist = ale#engine#FixLocList( \ a:buffer, \ a:linter_name, \ a:from_other_source, \ a:loclist, \) " Remove previous items for this linter. call filter(l:info.loclist, 'v:val.linter_name isnot# a:linter_name') " We don't need to add items or sort the list when this list is empty. if !empty(l:linter_loclist) " Add the new items. call extend(l:info.loclist, l:linter_loclist) " Sort the loclist again. " We need a sorted list so we can run a binary search against it " for efficient lookup of the messages in the cursor handler. call sort(l:info.loclist, 'ale#util#LocItemCompare') endif if ale#ShouldDoNothing(a:buffer) return endif call ale#engine#SetResults(a:buffer, l:info.loclist) endfunction function! s:HandleExit(job_info, buffer, output, data) abort let l:buffer_info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer) if empty(l:buffer_info) return endif let l:linter = a:job_info.linter let l:executable = a:job_info.executable " Remove this job from the list. call ale#engine#MarkLinterInactive(l:buffer_info, l:linter.name) " Stop here if we land in the handle for a job completing if we're in " a sandbox. if ale#util#InSandbox() return endif if has('nvim') && !empty(a:output) && empty(a:output[-1]) call remove(a:output, -1) endif try let l:loclist = ale#util#GetFunction(l:linter.callback)(a:buffer, a:output) " Handle the function being unknown, or being deleted. catch /E700/ let l:loclist = [] endtry call ale#engine#HandleLoclist(l:linter.name, a:buffer, l:loclist, 0) endfunction function! ale#engine#SetResults(buffer, loclist) abort let l:linting_is_done = !ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(a:buffer) if g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api call ale#engine#SendResultsToNeovimDiagnostics(a:buffer, a:loclist) endif " Set signs first. This could potentially fix some line numbers. " The List could be sorted again here by SetSigns. if !g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api && g:ale_set_signs call ale#sign#SetSigns(a:buffer, a:loclist) endif if g:ale_set_quickfix || g:ale_set_loclist call ale#list#SetLists(a:buffer, a:loclist) endif if exists('*ale#statusline#Update') " Don't load/run if not already loaded. call ale#statusline#Update(a:buffer, a:loclist) endif if !g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api && g:ale_set_highlights call ale#highlight#SetHighlights(a:buffer, a:loclist) endif if !g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api \&& (g:ale_virtualtext_cursor is# 'all' || g:ale_virtualtext_cursor == 2) call ale#virtualtext#SetTexts(a:buffer, a:loclist) endif if l:linting_is_done if g:ale_echo_cursor " Try and echo the warning now. " This will only do something meaningful if we're in normal mode. call ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning() endif if !g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api \&& (g:ale_virtualtext_cursor is# 'current' || g:ale_virtualtext_cursor == 1) " Try and show the warning now. " This will only do something meaningful if we're in normal mode. call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarning() endif " Reset the save event marker, used for opening windows, etc. call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_save_event_fired', 0) " Set a marker showing how many times a buffer has been checked. call setbufvar( \ a:buffer, \ 'ale_linted', \ getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_linted', 0) + 1 \) " Automatically remove all managed temporary files and directories " now that all jobs have completed. call ale#command#RemoveManagedFiles(a:buffer) " Call user autocommands. This allows users to hook into ALE's lint cycle. silent doautocmd User ALELintPost endif endfunction function! ale#engine#SendResultsToNeovimDiagnostics(buffer, loclist) abort if !has('nvim-0.6') " We will warn the user on startup as well if they try to set " g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api outside of a Neovim context. return endif " Keep the Lua surface area really small in the VimL part of ALE, " and just require the diagnostics.lua module on demand. let l:SendDiagnostics = luaeval('require("ale.diagnostics").sendAleResultsToDiagnostics') call l:SendDiagnostics(a:buffer, a:loclist) endfunction function! s:RemapItemTypes(type_map, loclist) abort for l:item in a:loclist let l:key = l:item.type \ . (get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style' ? 'S' : '') let l:new_key = get(a:type_map, l:key, '') if l:new_key is# 'E' \|| l:new_key is# 'ES' \|| l:new_key is# 'W' \|| l:new_key is# 'WS' \|| l:new_key is# 'I' let l:item.type = l:new_key[0] if l:new_key is# 'ES' || l:new_key is# 'WS' let l:item.sub_type = 'style' elseif has_key(l:item, 'sub_type') call remove(l:item, 'sub_type') endif endif endfor endfunction function! ale#engine#FixLocList(buffer, linter_name, from_other_source, loclist) abort let l:mappings = ale#GetFilenameMappings(a:buffer, a:linter_name) if !empty(l:mappings) " We need to apply reverse filename mapping here. let l:mappings = ale#filename_mapping#Invert(l:mappings) endif let l:bufnr_map = {} let l:new_loclist = [] " Some errors have line numbers beyond the end of the file, " so we need to adjust them so they set the error at the last line " of the file instead. let l:last_line_number = ale#util#GetLineCount(a:buffer) for l:old_item in a:loclist " Copy the loclist item with some default values and corrections. " " line and column numbers will be converted to numbers. " The buffer will default to the buffer being checked. " The vcol setting will default to 0, a byte index. " The error type will default to 'E' for errors. " The error number will default to -1. " " The line number and text are the only required keys. " " The linter_name will be set on the errors so it can be used in " output, filtering, etc.. let l:item = { \ 'bufnr': a:buffer, \ 'text': l:old_item.text, \ 'lnum': str2nr(l:old_item.lnum), \ 'col': str2nr(get(l:old_item, 'col', 0)), \ 'vcol': 0, \ 'type': get(l:old_item, 'type', 'E'), \ 'nr': get(l:old_item, 'nr', -1), \ 'linter_name': a:linter_name, \} if a:from_other_source let l:item.from_other_source = 1 endif if has_key(l:old_item, 'code') let l:item.code = l:old_item.code endif let l:old_name = get(l:old_item, 'filename', '') " Map parsed from output to local filesystem files. if !empty(l:old_name) && !empty(l:mappings) let l:old_name = ale#filename_mapping#Map(l:old_name, l:mappings) endif if !empty(l:old_name) && !ale#path#IsTempName(l:old_name) " Use the filename given. " Temporary files are assumed to be for this buffer, " and the filename is not included then, because it looks bad " in the loclist window. let l:filename = l:old_name let l:item.filename = l:filename if has_key(l:old_item, 'bufnr') " If a buffer number is also given, include that too. " If Vim detects that he buffer number is valid, it will " be used instead of the filename. let l:item.bufnr = l:old_item.bufnr elseif has_key(l:bufnr_map, l:filename) " Get the buffer number from the map, which can be faster. let l:item.bufnr = l:bufnr_map[l:filename] else " Look up the buffer number. let l:item.bufnr = bufnr(l:filename) let l:bufnr_map[l:filename] = l:item.bufnr endif elseif has_key(l:old_item, 'bufnr') let l:item.bufnr = l:old_item.bufnr endif if has_key(l:old_item, 'detail') let l:item.detail = l:old_item.detail endif " Pass on a end_col key if set, used for highlights. if has_key(l:old_item, 'end_col') let l:item.end_col = str2nr(l:old_item.end_col) endif if has_key(l:old_item, 'end_lnum') let l:item.end_lnum = str2nr(l:old_item.end_lnum) " When the error ends after the end of the file, put it at the " end. This is only done for the current buffer. if l:item.bufnr == a:buffer && l:item.end_lnum > l:last_line_number let l:item.end_lnum = l:last_line_number endif endif if has_key(l:old_item, 'sub_type') let l:item.sub_type = l:old_item.sub_type endif if l:item.lnum < 1 " When errors appear before line 1, put them at line 1. let l:item.lnum = 1 elseif l:item.bufnr == a:buffer && l:item.lnum > l:last_line_number " When errors go beyond the end of the file, put them at the end. " This is only done for the current buffer. let l:item.lnum = l:last_line_number elseif get(l:old_item, 'vcol', 0) " Convert virtual column positions to byte positions. " The positions will be off if the buffer has changed recently. let l:line = getbufline(a:buffer, l:item.lnum)[0] let l:item.col = ale#util#Col(l:line, l:item.col) if has_key(l:item, 'end_col') let l:end_line = get(l:item, 'end_lnum', l:line) != l:line \ ? getbufline(a:buffer, l:item.end_lnum)[0] \ : l:line let l:item.end_col = ale#util#Col(l:end_line, l:item.end_col) endif endif call add(l:new_loclist, l:item) endfor let l:type_map = get(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'type_map'), a:linter_name, {}) if !empty(l:type_map) call s:RemapItemTypes(l:type_map, l:new_loclist) endif return l:new_loclist endfunction " Given part of a command, replace any % with %%, so that no characters in " the string will be replaced with filenames, etc. function! ale#engine#EscapeCommandPart(command_part) abort " TODO: Emit deprecation warning here later. return ale#command#EscapeCommandPart(a:command_part) endfunction " Run a job. " " Returns 1 when a job was started successfully. function! s:RunJob(command, options) abort if ale#command#IsDeferred(a:command) let a:command.result_callback = { \ command -> s:RunJob(command, a:options) \} return 1 endif let l:command = a:command if empty(l:command) return 0 endif let l:cwd = a:options.cwd let l:executable = a:options.executable let l:buffer = a:options.buffer let l:linter = a:options.linter let l:output_stream = a:options.output_stream let l:read_buffer = a:options.read_buffer && !a:options.lint_file let l:info = g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer] let l:Callback = function('s:HandleExit', [{ \ 'linter': l:linter, \ 'executable': l:executable, \}]) let l:result = ale#command#Run(l:buffer, l:command, l:Callback, { \ 'cwd': l:cwd, \ 'output_stream': l:output_stream, \ 'executable': l:executable, \ 'read_buffer': l:read_buffer, \ 'log_output': 1, \ 'filename_mappings': ale#GetFilenameMappings(l:buffer, l:linter.name), \}) " Only proceed if the job is being run. if empty(l:result) return 0 endif call ale#engine#MarkLinterActive(l:info, l:linter) silent doautocmd User ALEJobStarted return 1 endfunction function! s:StopCurrentJobs(buffer, clear_lint_file_jobs, linter_slots) abort let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {}) call ale#command#StopJobs(a:buffer, 'linter') " Update the active linter list, clearing out anything not running. if a:clear_lint_file_jobs call ale#command#StopJobs(a:buffer, 'file_linter') let l:info.active_linter_list = [] else let l:lint_file_map = {} " Use a previously computed map of `lint_file` values to find " linters that are used for linting files. for [l:lint_file, l:linter] in a:linter_slots if l:lint_file is 1 let l:lint_file_map[l:linter.name] = 1 endif endfor " Keep jobs for linting files when we're only linting buffers. call filter(l:info.active_linter_list, 'get(l:lint_file_map, v:val.name)') endif endfunction function! ale#engine#Stop(buffer) abort call s:StopCurrentJobs(a:buffer, 1, []) endfunction function! s:RemoveProblemsForDisabledLinters(buffer, linters) abort " Figure out which linters are still enabled, and remove " problems for linters which are no longer enabled. " Problems from other sources will be kept. let l:name_map = {} for l:linter in a:linters let l:name_map[l:linter.name] = 1 endfor call filter( \ get(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer], 'loclist', []), \ 'get(v:val, ''from_other_source'') || get(l:name_map, get(v:val, ''linter_name''))', \) endfunction function! s:AddProblemsFromOtherBuffers(buffer, linters) abort let l:filename = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p') let l:loclist = [] let l:name_map = {} " Build a map of the active linters. for l:linter in a:linters let l:name_map[l:linter.name] = 1 endfor " Find the items from other buffers, for the linters that are enabled. for l:info in values(g:ale_buffer_info) for l:item in l:info.loclist if has_key(l:item, 'filename') \&& l:item.filename is# l:filename \&& has_key(l:name_map, l:item.linter_name) " Copy the items and set the buffer numbers to this one. let l:new_item = copy(l:item) let l:new_item.bufnr = a:buffer call add(l:loclist, l:new_item) endif endfor endfor if !empty(l:loclist) call sort(l:loclist, function('ale#util#LocItemCompareWithText')) call uniq(l:loclist, function('ale#util#LocItemCompareWithText')) " Set the loclist variable, used by some parts of ALE. let g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist = l:loclist call ale#engine#SetResults(a:buffer, l:loclist) endif endfunction function! s:RunIfExecutable(buffer, linter, lint_file, executable) abort if ale#command#IsDeferred(a:executable) let a:executable.result_callback = { \ executable -> s:RunIfExecutable( \ a:buffer, \ a:linter, \ a:lint_file, \ executable \ ) \} return 1 endif if ale#engine#IsExecutable(a:buffer, a:executable) " Use different job types for file or linter jobs. let l:job_type = a:lint_file ? 'file_linter' : 'linter' call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_job_type', l:job_type) " Get the cwd for the linter and set it before we call GetCommand. " This will ensure that ale#command#Run uses it by default. let l:cwd = ale#linter#GetCwd(a:buffer, a:linter) if l:cwd isnot v:null call ale#command#SetCwd(a:buffer, l:cwd) endif let l:command = ale#linter#GetCommand(a:buffer, a:linter) if l:cwd isnot v:null call ale#command#ResetCwd(a:buffer) endif let l:options = { \ 'cwd': l:cwd, \ 'executable': a:executable, \ 'buffer': a:buffer, \ 'linter': a:linter, \ 'output_stream': get(a:linter, 'output_stream', 'stdout'), \ 'read_buffer': a:linter.read_buffer, \ 'lint_file': a:lint_file, \} return s:RunJob(l:command, l:options) endif return 0 endfunction " Run a linter for a buffer. " " Returns 1 if the linter was successfully run. function! s:RunLinter(buffer, linter, lint_file) abort if !empty(a:linter.lsp) return ale#lsp_linter#CheckWithLSP(a:buffer, a:linter) else let l:executable = ale#linter#GetExecutable(a:buffer, a:linter) return s:RunIfExecutable(a:buffer, a:linter, a:lint_file, l:executable) endif return 0 endfunction function! s:GetLintFileSlots(buffer, linters) abort let l:linter_slots = [] for l:linter in a:linters let l:LintFile = l:linter.lint_file if type(l:LintFile) is v:t_func let l:LintFile = l:LintFile(a:buffer) endif call add(l:linter_slots, [l:LintFile, l:linter]) endfor return l:linter_slots endfunction function! s:GetLintFileValues(slots, Callback) abort let l:deferred_list = [] let l:new_slots = [] for [l:lint_file, l:linter] in a:slots while ale#command#IsDeferred(l:lint_file) && has_key(l:lint_file, 'value') " If we've already computed the return value, use it. let l:lint_file = l:lint_file.value endwhile if ale#command#IsDeferred(l:lint_file) " If we are going to return the result later, wait for it. call add(l:deferred_list, l:lint_file) else " If we have the value now, coerce it to 0 or 1. let l:lint_file = l:lint_file is 1 endif call add(l:new_slots, [l:lint_file, l:linter]) endfor if !empty(l:deferred_list) for l:deferred in l:deferred_list let l:deferred.result_callback = \ {-> s:GetLintFileValues(l:new_slots, a:Callback)} endfor else call a:Callback(l:new_slots) endif endfunction function! s:RunLinters( \ buffer, \ linters, \ slots, \ should_lint_file, \ new_buffer, \) abort call s:StopCurrentJobs(a:buffer, a:should_lint_file, a:slots) call s:RemoveProblemsForDisabledLinters(a:buffer, a:linters) " We can only clear the results if we aren't checking the buffer. let l:can_clear_results = !ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(a:buffer) silent doautocmd User ALELintPre for [l:lint_file, l:linter] in a:slots " Only run lint_file linters if we should. if !l:lint_file || a:should_lint_file if s:RunLinter(a:buffer, l:linter, l:lint_file) " If a single linter ran, we shouldn't clear everything. let l:can_clear_results = 0 endif else " If we skipped running a lint_file linter still in the list, " we shouldn't clear everything. let l:can_clear_results = 0 endif endfor " Clear the results if we can. This needs to be done when linters are " disabled, or ALE itself is disabled. if l:can_clear_results call ale#engine#SetResults(a:buffer, []) elseif a:new_buffer call s:AddProblemsFromOtherBuffers( \ a:buffer, \ map(copy(a:slots), 'v:val[1]') \) endif endfunction function! ale#engine#RunLinters(buffer, linters, should_lint_file) abort " Initialise the buffer information if needed. let l:new_buffer = ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(a:buffer) call s:GetLintFileValues( \ s:GetLintFileSlots(a:buffer, a:linters), \ { \ slots -> s:RunLinters( \ a:buffer, \ a:linters, \ slots, \ a:should_lint_file, \ l:new_buffer, \ ) \ } \) endfunction " Clean up a buffer. " " This function will stop all current jobs for the buffer, " clear the state of everything, and remove the Dictionary for managing " the buffer. function! ale#engine#Cleanup(buffer) abort " Don't bother with cleanup code when newer NeoVim versions are exiting. if get(v:, 'exiting', v:null) isnot v:null return endif if exists('*ale#lsp#CloseDocument') call ale#lsp#CloseDocument(a:buffer) endif if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer) return endif call ale#engine#RunLinters(a:buffer, [], 1) call remove(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer) endfunction " Given a buffer number, return the warnings and errors for a given buffer. function! ale#engine#GetLoclist(buffer) abort if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer) return [] endif return g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist endfunction